In chapter 17 Jesus gives instructions in
forgiveness and service. It should be read very carefully
and applied to our daily living. In verse 3 Jesus says,
“…If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and
if he repent, forgive him.” Verse 4 tells us that our
forgiveness should be unlimited. It is often hard for us to
forgive, because we have been deeply hurt in some way. We
should remember that Christ is not only our Saviour, but
our Example. His instructions to us, and His life before
us, proved to be one of love and forgiveness. If we are to
be like Him, we must forgive those who trespass against us.

In chapter 18 Jesus is again telling us that men
ought always to pray. Throughout the Word of God we are
urged to pray continuously and earnestly. Prayer is the
power line for the Christian life. When we do not pray, our
power line to the Lord is broken and the strength of our
testimony is weakened. Let me challenge you to spend a
great deal of time in prayer. The result will be a more
joyous Christian life and more power with God. While you
ladies are doing your household chores, or going about your
other duties, while we men are on our jobs or even driving
to and from our jobs, or while you teenagers and young
people are in school or going about your daily activities,
remember, we can always talk with the Lord and ask His
guidance for our daily lives.

Man now can be:
Acts 13:39
And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye
could not be justified by the law of Moses.