In chapter 19 we see Christ on the cross.
He was mocked (verses 1-22); He was crucified
(verses 23-30); and He was buried (verses 31-42). It is
interesting to contrast Christ’s birth and death–He was
born in poverty, and buried with the rich; He came into
the world wrapped in swaddling clothes, and left wrapped
in burial cloths; and at His birth people came to
worship Him, and at His burial they forsook Him and even
ridiculed Him.
In the Gospel of John there are three crisis
events. One is when the multitude leaves Jesus, after
wanting to make Him King. This event is found in chapter
6. The second crisis is found in chapter 12, when the
people refuse to believe in Him. The third crisis is
found in chapter 19, when they crucify Him. In the first
crisis the people wanted to make Him King–yet they left
Him. In the second crisis they hailed Him as King–yet
they rejected Him. And in the third crisis they cried
out, “We have no king but Caesar,”–and they crucified
Him. The entire Gospel of John is the conflict between
faith and unbelief. As recorded in the third chapter, it
is unbelief that causes man to be condemned; but through
belief, condemnation is taken away.
Chapter 20 records three post-resurrection
appearances of Christ. Each appearance brought about a
different result in the lives of those who were
involved. When Mary recognized the risen Saviour, she
said to Him, “Rabboni: which is to say, Master.” The
disciples saw Christ as He came through the locked doors
in His glorified body. He gave them peace–peace with
God, based on His sacrifice on the cross (verse 19), and
peace of God that comes from His presence with us (verse
21). This is the peace that passes all understanding,
and can only come to those who abide in Christ.
Next, we note the reaction of Thomas (called
Didymus) when he saw Christ. He had not been present
when Christ first appeared to the disciples, and he
doubted the fact that Christ had risen. The name Didymus
means twin. Today, Thomas has many twins. There are
those who doubt Christ’s resurrection. His testimony
thrills us as he said, “My Lord and my God.” The view of
Christ’s wounds won his heart.
As we review these three appearances of Christ,
we can see the different results. With Mary the issue
was her love for Christ. She missed Him and wanted to
take care of His body. With the disciples it was hope.
All their hope was gone. They were locked in their room,
gathered together in fear. With Thomas the issue was
faith. He would not believe unless he saw proof.
In the final chapter of this great book, we see
Christ as the Master of our service and also as a Friend
of sinners. We note exactly what happened between Peter
and the Lord, and how Christ dealt with the disobedience
of Peter. Notice that three times Jesus required Peter
to confirm his love. Peter denied Christ three times,
and we see him confirming the fact that he loves Jesus
three times also. Had Peter not met Christ here in
chapter 21, and confessed his sins, we might not have
met Peter again as we do in Acts 1. This should be a
great encouragement to those who have stumbled and
fallen while striving to serve God. Peter denied he even
knew Christ. Yet, when he came with a broken heart and
confessed his sins, Christ forgave him and blessed him
in a greater way than ever before. We will see as we
study the Book of Acts how greatly Peter’s life was
magnified for the glory of God.