The Book of Romans is probably the greatest
and most influential of all Paul’s Epistles. It is a
very profound, yet very simple, Epistle, written to and
for sinful mankind. It points out how lost and helpless
humanity really is, and how we can find deliverance in
Christ. It presents Christ’s redemption as the only hope
for humanity. The book was apparently written from
Corinth around a.d. 57.
The Book of Romans presents doctrinal truth on
justification, sanctification, adoption, judgment, and
identification with Christ. It presents dispensational
truth, showing the relationship between Israel and the
Church in the eternal plan of God. It presents practical
truth, teaching the secret of Christian victory over the
flesh, and the duties Christians have toward each other
and in relationship to government. If we, as Christians,
should try to master one book, it should be the Book of
Romans. The understanding of this precious book is a key
to unlocking the entire Word of God.
Chapter 1 contains the salutation. The writer
identifies himself, and those to whom the book is
written. They are identified as the saints at Rome, and
not the unbelievers. The theme is Christ and the Gospel
of salvation (verses 1-7). Paul tells us why he is
writing the book in verses 8-15, and what he is writing
about in verses 16 and 17. In the latter part of the
chapter, Paul explains to the Gentiles that they are
lost and engulfed by darkness and why man is condemned.
Then, in chapter 2, he turns to his own people, the
Jews, and shows them that they are equally condemned as
sinners before God. Paul deals with Israel’s unbelief
and explains that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under