We Love God!

God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)

God loves each one of us as if there were only one of us to love.

Prayer Meeting Effectiveness – Part 1 (
1-5): 1. Show Up! It goes without saying that we need people in order to make a group prayer meeting effective. The more that come out to pray, the more prayer we can offer to the Lord. The more that come out to pray, the more others will be inspired to make the same bold commitment to corporate prayer as well. Yet it also goes without saying that coming out can oftentimes be a challenge. Usually by 5:00 on Wednesday nights, we’ve conceived every excuse under the sun to justify our absence. Any personal application there? Think of it this way. If corporate prayer is one of our most effective weapons for spiritual success, don’t you think Satan and your flesh will do everything within their power to keep you away? Don’t give in! Discipline yourself to attend. If your feelings are not right, attend and pray that the Lord changes your heart. Erroll Hulse once said, “It is customary to mark engagements in our diary. If meeting the King with our fellow believers is important it will surely be reserved in our diary. Invitations to dinner or to recreational events will have to be fitted in elsewhere. Jesus says that we have not because we fail to ask (James 4:2). Is the audience with our Monarch esteemed by you as a priority? Does your diary reflect that fact?” Show up! There is strength in numbers! 2. Come Prepared! Arguably, our prayer meeting is the most important gathering of the church. Yet because we meet at the same time each week it is possible to fall into a mindless routine that just goes through the motions. Because we meet late in the evenings it is possible to come with minds clouded and numbed from the day’s activities. As a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, a prayer meeting is only as effective as its weakest member. Be prepared to make your contribution by being sure to have prepared yourself spiritually before you arrive. For example, ask God to remind you of the awesome privilege you have to come into His holy presence with your requests. Ask God to put specific prayer requests on your heart. Ask God for a delight in His name so that He may grant you the desires of your heart (Psm. 37:4). Ask God to give you a love for Him and others. As the great evangelist, D.L. Moody, said over a hundred years ago, “The members should come to the meeting in the spirit of prayer. It ought to be on their hearts from week to week.' 3. Be Genuine! Many do not attend the prayer meeting simply because they are embarrassed to pray in the presence of others. That’s not good! Others go in the opposite direction and attend for the purpose of attempting to impress others with their prayers. That’s even worse! I’m sure we’ve all witnessed those who all of a sudden change their accent (perhaps a little Scottish flair) or pray in “King James Version” or use big theological words that they barely understand themselves or employ many words all for the sake of appearance. God is not impressed! Our Lord condemned this spirit (Mt. 6:5, 7). God looks not at the outward appearance, but the heart” (1 Sam. 16:7). The heart that honors Him is the heart that seeks to gain His attention. All Christians can achieve this! Humble, childlike faith is esteemed in the ears of the Lord and should likewise be esteemed in the ears of His children who are present. 4. Pray Specifically! Effective prayer is specific prayer. Oftentimes we do not have because we do not ask (Jas. 4:2). For example, it’s easy to ask the Lord to bless our missionaries, but specifically how do we wish for them to be blessed? Is it God’s will to heal every sick person? Of course we pray for their relief, but what about their witness to the caregivers both in words and behavior, the sufficient grace to be upheld spiritually, the spiritual growth as a result of their trial and their understanding of God’s love and faithfulness despite the misery? Are you praying for people in particular? Use their names (see Romans 16)! Avoid the vague generalities and hone in on the particular circumstances with a creative, thoughtful and deliberate Spirit-led precision. 5. Don’t Pray About Everything! In large prayer meetings it’s customary to be broken down into a number of small groups. Commonly the leader assigned will then review the prayer agenda and/or take specific prayer requests from the people assembled. The needs are noted and internalized by those present, but then too often the first person to speak prays for everything before the next person even has an opportunity to open his or her mouth! Not only is domination like this in the prayer meeting selfish; it is also potentially frustrating for the others that are gathered. Effective groups will witness each person taking a topic or two until all the given topics have been covered. This not only guarantees the participation of everybody, but also enhances the mental and spiritual engagement of each participant to be sure that all the issues are prayed over before the group concludes their time together.

Bible – danish – Efeserne Chapter 1:1-23.

Index: Danish Bible


Efeserne 1


1:1 Paulus, Kristi Jesu Apostel ved Guds Villie, til de hellige, som ere i Efesus og ere troende i Kristus Jesus:

1:2 Nåde være med eder og Fred fra Gud vor Fader og den Herre Jesus Kristus!

1:3 Lovet være Gud og vor Herres Jesu Kristi Fader, som har velsignet os med al åndelig Velsignelse i det himmelske i Kristus,

1:4 ligesom han har udvalgt os i ham før Verdens Grundlæggelse til at være hellige og ulastelige for hans Åsyn,

1:5 idet han i Kærlighed forudbestemte os til Sønneudkårelse hos sig ved Jesus Kristus, efter sin Villies Velbehag,

1:6 til Pris for sin Nådes Herlighed, som han benådede os med i den elskede,

1:7 i hvem vi have Forløsningen ved hans Blod, Syndernes Forladelse, efter hans Nådes Rigdom,

1:8 som han rigelig tildelte os i al Visdom og Forstand,

1:9 idet han kundgjorde os sin Villies Hemmelighed, efter sin velbehagelige Beslutning, som han havde fattet hos sig selv,

1:10 for at oprette en Husholdning i Tidernes Fylde, nemlig at sammenfatte sig alt i Kristus, det, som er i Himlene, og det, som er på Jorden, i ham,

1:11 i hvem vi også have fået Arvelodden, forud bestemte efter hans Forsæt, der virker alt efter sin Villies Råd,

1:12 for at vi skulde være til Pris for hans Herlighed, vi, som forud havde håbet på Kristus,

1:13 i hvem også I, da I hørte Sandhedens Ord, Evangeliet om eders Frelse, i hvem I også, da I bleve troende, bleve beseglede med Forjættelsens hellige Ånd,

1:14 som er Pant på vor Arv, til Ejendommens Forløsning, til Pris for hans Herlighed.

1:15 derfor har også jeg, efter at have hørt om eders Tro på den Herre Jesus og om eders Kærlighed til alle de hellige,

1:16 ikke ophørt at takke for eder, idet jeg ihukommer eder i mine Bønner om,

1:17 at vor Herres Jesu Kristi Gud, Herlighedens Fader, må give eder Visdoms og Åbenbarelses Ånd i Erkendelse af ham,

1:18 gøre eders Hjertes Øjne oplyste til at kende, hvilket det Håb er, som han kaldte eder til, hvilken hans Arvs Herligheds Rigdom er iblandt de hellige,

1:19 og hvilken hans Krafts overvættes Storhed er over for os, som tro, alt efter hans Styrkes vældige Virkekraft,

1:20 som han udviste på Kristus, da han oprejste ham fra de døde og satte ham ved sin højre Hånd i det himmelske,

1:21 langt over al Magt og Myndighed og Kraft og Herredom og hvert Navn, som nævnes,ikke alene i denne Verden, men også i den kommende,

1:22 og lagde alt under hans Fødder, og ham gav han som Hoved over alting til Menigheden,

1:23 der er hans Legeme, fyldt af ham, som fylder alt i alle.