John Havener’s Witness

I grew up assuming I was saved because I went to Church

My Name is John Havener.I go by John, JP or Johnny Paul. I was raised in Lake Arthur, New Mexicoa small farming community of 300 people. I grew up in the Methodist Church.Although I enjoyed Church I never really understood how one becomes savedthough the Church. One thing I have often noted, is that The Methodist Churchteaches one how to live a good christian life… but not often how to becomea christian in the first place.

I grew up assuming I was saved because I went to Church, sang and was attentivein sunday school. I knew a lot about Jesus, (I thought) but did not understandthat he was God… not just the Son of God, or that I needed toaskhim to become my personal saviour.

However, God had decided before my birth that I was to be among the electto gain unmerited salvation, and live with him for eternity in heaven. Ido not know why. I am no better and anyone else. I know for sure that I donot deserve it. All I deserve is eternal punishment for all my wrong doings.Because I am among the elect when I reached 15 years old the Holy Spiritwent to work to bring me to salvation. My best friend at the time was MattFoster. Matt surprised me by telling me he was going to be baptized, andinvited me to the baptism at the Baptist Church. This had a wonderful impacton me. The witness he gave that he believed in Christ, and had trusted him,and that Matt was unafraid to suffer the indignity of public baptism. ThusI began to pay much more attention to this salvation message.

Now with perfect timing to reap my soul, the Holy Spirit sent me my brotherPatrick. Pat is 2 and 1/2 years older than me and was a Freshman at New MexicoState University in Las Cruces. There Pat had joined a campus ministry called”The Navigators”. Patrick’s spiritual life had blossomed. I guess I stilldo not know exactly when Pat was saved… but I guess it was around thattime. Pat came home on a break and gave me the message of salvation in avery clear way. I recognize the message today from the campus crusade forchrist.

In the beginning Man and God had a perfect loving relationship. Then Mansinned creating a gulf of separation between God and Man. God then sent hisSon to Earth as a Man to pay the penalty of sin and bridge the gap. Now bytaking the cross as the path across the gap, you can once again have perfectunion with God.

“Johnny do you want to cross that Gap?” Pat asked. “Of Course I do!” I said.And right then and there in my room,Iaccepted Jesus.

I went to NMSU myself and studied Chemical Engineering. I met and marriedmy wife of 20 years Tamara, a christian girl from Solver City, New Mexicowho I met in bible school.

We raised three wonderful children. Pat, Tara and Roxann. Although life hadmany ups and downs, nothing ever made me doubt God’s love for me. I madesure that while growing up my children were advised of the simplePlanof Salvation and was so very happy to see each one in turn accept Jesus.One of the best pleasures of my life wasRoxann’sPraise Poems. I kid you not, Roxann’s heart for Jesus at such an earlyage and her intelligence and ability were a rare jem.

But no one ever told me that the cristian life might also be very hard. Soit was a real shock when my children met with a terrible tragedy on March16, 1995. A terriblecarwreck. My son Patrick borrowed my Samari Jeep and went on a Joy ridewith his sisters. Neither I or Tami were at home at the time. Patrick aged15 died instantly in a head on crash. My Daughter Roxann aged 13 lived butwas pronounced brain dead. They felt she would not last but one or at mosttwo nights. I prayed for her survival, and prayed that I might take her place.But it was not to be. I made a very heart tearing decision… I donated herorgans which ended her life. Seven other lives were spared from her organs.I wish I could tell you it made me feel better.

Tara my middle child survived the wreck. We stayed with her for over a weekin the hospital. I lied to her so she would not grieve and turn for the worse.I told her Pat and Rocki were fine. But finally, I had to tell her the truthabout her sister and brother. I told her that they were in Heaven.

The entire town of Liberty Hill, Texas where I now live turned out for thedouble funeral of Pat and Roxann. Over 800 were in attendance in a town of800. School was let out so all could attend. In the funeral I told all howI knew that Pat and Roxann were in heaven. They were there because of theiracceptance of Jesus free gift of salvation. That they were NOT good enoughto make it on their own. That I had no doubt about it.. and that their friendswere in Heaven. I told them Patrick would make a 3-point basketball shotin Heaven for every buddy that accepted the Lord. I told them my track stardaughter would run the mile in heaven for every friend that accepted theLord. The Preacher then gave thePlanof Salvation. Praise the Lord, 12 accepted him right then and there!

Since this tragic event, even knowing they are in heaven, I have to admitthat I had no joy in life, my hair has turned grey, and I often prayed forGod to end my life so I could join Pat and Roxann. My wife was similarlyaffected, losing a lot of her hair, suffering migraines, and having to goon anti-depressants. Among us, Tara was and is the strongest. She has joythat keeps us all going.

Now, God had more plans for me. He gave me Joshua to adopt. Josh is mynephew/son, whom we have had from birth. Josh is now 2.5 years. Josh fillsa big vacuum in this Daddy’s heart. I love him dearly.

My experience in life has led me to a clear understanding that NOTHING ismore important that the salvation status of your loved ones. Praise God heput Pat and Roxann among the elect and had them accept him. Now I know withgreat Joy that I will see them again, hug them again, and love them for eternityin a place where they can never again be harmed. A free gift to me from myloving God and saviour Jesus Christ.

I have created a simple page that explains what life is really about. Itis called Themeaning of Life I have another page for grieving parents, who have losttheir children to tragedy as I have,Deathof a Child

Believe me, you do not want to go though death of a loved one without theassurance of their eternal status. The grief is bad enough with the separationalone… you do not want to worry about their eternal status as well. I urgeyou to accept Christ, and then to be sure your children do as well.

God bless you,

John Havener