
Testimony of Mary C. Lynn

I was born into a Roman Catholic home in the early 1940’s. Myparents were devout Roman Catholics and we were instructed in theteaching of the church and were taught that this was the one true andinfallible church.

At the age of seven I made my first communion and from then onwards,in the sight of the Roman Catholic church, I was committing a sin if Ididn’t attend Mass on Sunday and Holy Days.

I was encouraged to go on pilgrimages in atonement for sin, forexample–walking on stones in my bare feet, whipping myself, fastingand silences, which was the hardest for me and which was often broken!

Having been in contact with Protestant people my one desire was towin them to the Roman Catholic faith believing that outside the RomanCatholic church people were doomed. If often wondered in what way Icould win these Protestants to the true church.

After speaking to the priests and nuns on several occasions theyencouraged me to go into a convent to become a nun of the Poor ClareOrder in Antrim Road, Belfast. Not being content to wait until I waseighteen years old, at the age of fourteen I got permission from thepriests to go and work in a Protestant factory off Donegall Road. Myparents were utterly opposed to this idea but to them what the priestsaid was law.

From the first day at work, as I look back I can see the Lord’s handin my life as He led me step by step to Himself.

The team of people over me in that factory were azll believers, bornagain of God. I was horrified at this but was still determined to winthem to the Roman Catholic faith. Often I visited the priest to ask forhis advice but all he could tell me was to pray more to the differentsaints, put more money into the church and I was always told never toread the Bible and was threatened with what the consequences would beif I did, for example–my hands would wither away or my tongue wouldfall out–this to me would be a great calamity! Never having had aBible I just thought this would never happen so I didn’t really worryabout it.

A Christian friend at work often read a book which she seemed toenjoy reading. One day, out of curiosity, I asked to see it anddiscovered it was the Bible. Having asked for it I couldn’t give itback so I pretended to read it. As I turned the pages I stopped atJohn’s gospel chapter 3 and my eye caught the words in verse 16: “ForGod so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, thatwhosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlastinglife.” I was arrested by these words and felt that I would like to readmore so I stopped again in John chapter 14 and read the first fewverses. There I read about believing in God and in Jesus Christ HisSon, who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comethunto the Father, but by me.”

Continuing to turn the pages my eye caught the words in Acts 3:19,”Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blottedout,” and then again in Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace are ye savedthrough faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: notof works, lest any man should boast.” I also read Hebrews 7:25,”Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come untoGod by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them” and 1John 1:6- 10.

In these verses I found that no priest could forgive sins and thatJesus only could take our sin away by His precious blood that was shedon Calvary.

Sadly I had to part with the Bible, my lunch bread being over. Itried to memorize the verses so that I could communicate them to thepriest. When I confronted him with them he told me I was not to acceptthem but to adhere to the teachings of the Roman Catholic church as theonly true faith. I was reminded again of what would happen if Icontinued to read the Bible.

As I left the priest, I felt very depressed for I felt that I hadbeen rebuked by him and that he had given me no help whatsoever.

Wishing to know more of the Christian faith, I asked my friend if Icould go with her to a place of worship. First I thought it was my dutyto go to Mass after which I made my way to Argylle Presbyterian Church,Shankill Road. It was Childrens Day and through the simple message andthrough Revelation 3:20, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: ifany man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, andwill sup with him, and he with me.” I realized I needed to be saved andlonged to give my all to Jesus. Being under age, I thought at the ageof twenty-one it would be time enough to become a Christian.

Longing to know more about Jesus I determined to frequent as manyplaces of worship as I could. About this time my parents found out thatI was attending different meetings and in an effort to stop me theylocked me in my bedroom. Outside my bedroom window was a drainpipewhich I managed to climb up and down and which was the means of mygetting out without my parents’ knowledge. When they found out what Iwas up to the Legion of Mary and the priest were informed and they hadme removed to another factory where the Legion of Mary prevented mehaving contact with Protestants, especially Christian people.

In January 1957 I attended Great Victoria Street Baptist Churchwhere the pastor emphasized the fact that “Today is the day ofSalvation” and then I felt that good works and church attendance didnot atone for my salvation so, that night, I gave Jesus my life, theburdens rolled away and great was the peace that filled my heart.

I was freed from my locked room the following Tuesday and my parentssaw a change in my life. For the first time I was able to take my standfor the Lord, by telling them that the change was wrought by the LordJesus who gave His life for me at Calvary, and the Lord would do thesame for them if they too would give their lives to Him.

The next Sunday I went to the same church but I can’t remember thesermon but the text stuck in my mind and even to this day I find it agreat help: “Fear though not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; forI am thy God: I will strengthen thee: yea, I will help thee; yea, Iwill uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness” (Isa. 41:10).

That Sunday night I realized my parents were very vexed with me. Iwas punished by being punched, kicked and pulled up and down the floor.My parents then wanted to know–“Was I going to be a Protestant or aRoman Catholic?” I told them–neither–that I was just a sinner savedby grace. I knew I had to leave the Roman Catholic church as all itsteachings were against the scriptures.

The priest was brought on the scene and told my people he would haveme blindfolded, kidnapped and put into a convent. This they tried to dobut I escaped and found myself running to Christian friends who were upat that late hour asking the Lord to deliver me. Praise God for theEvangelical Protestant Society who helped to get me to Dublin.

After a few happy months with the Irish Church Mission my peoplefound out my whereabouts and I had to flee to England. Still beingunder age it wasn’t easy, as there was press coverage and otherpressures, but I thank God that He undertook for me by giving meChristian friends.

At the age of eighteen I commenced training to become a nurse andafter finishing this I went back to Belfast to live. One night, whenreturning to the nurses’ home the Legion of Mary bundled me into a carysaying that I had got away before but I wouldn’t get away this time. Itold them my Lord would undertake. By some miracle I was able to breakthe window with the heel of my shoe and get hold of the ignition keyand throw it out of the broken window. Some people passing by took meto the police station in their car.

Just after this I was married and the Roman Catholic church gave meup as a bad job!

The Roman Catholic church would like people to believe it haschanged but I KNOW that Rome will never change, for even today my ownfamily practices the same teachings and superstitions in which I oncebelieved. In the words of the Psalmist I can say, “The Lord hath donegreat things for me whereof I am glad.”

–Mary C. Lynn, 1988 Women’s Protestant Union Sussex, England