
JESUS makes MY life worth living!

There were times in my life that the only thing that meant anything to me was having a good time. I worked hard at it! Spent lots of money partying and doing what I thought was expected for a good life. The only thing I could not figure out is “if I am having such a good time why am I feeling empty”. I was lost and lonely not knowing which way to turn, heading deeper and deeper into drugs, alcohol, and rock-and-roll to find the answers. They were not there.

Then I met Jesus, no not walking down the street or anything like that. Some people told me about him and I could just tell they were right. Something deep down inside that told me it was the right answer. I knew I had no real idea what was right for my life and I heard Jesus knew and would guide me. So I asked him to do just that. I agreed that I was a sinner and couldn’t make it on my own. I told Jesus if he could do it any better and use me I was his. He took me up on it!

I don’t have the wonderful Christian story to tell about how I changed overnight and have never made any more mistakes. That is not the way it was and I often wonder about the people who tell me that is how it has been for them. I was awakened to the reality of the living God. He gave me guidance and I seemed to know right from wrong on many issues I never dealt with before.

As time went on and I would try things my way (and fail) I would hear this small voice telling me to give up and let God. Whenever I would the thing at issue would be solved or resolved with no real effort on my part. That I always found amazing! I still do even after many, many times I have ‘been there’.

I have found hope in a hopeless world. Peace in a violent world. I find myself more able to Love the unlovable and see beyond what my senses tell me. I have the blessed assurance that no matter what I will be with the Father and he is with me through all my travels.