“He fought Christ”

    William J. Murray


    William J. Murray is the son of Americaís best known atheist and Marxist leader, Madalyn Murray OíHair. Yet at age 33 he accepted Christ and began to preach the Gospel. white


    I was born into a home of near constant rage and violence. My mother never married my father or my brotherís father. As a result of my motherís constant angry outbursts she could not hold down a job and she, my brother and I lived with her parents and an unmarried uncle.

    My grandfather had never filed an income tax return and most of what he did do during his life was either illegal or ill advised. He had no savings. My grandmother read Tarot cards and sent out demons by burning human hair. My uncle kept hoards or pornography in his room and my mother filled the home with statues of mating animals which she worshipped.

    My mother accepted the communist doctrine when I was about ten years old and from that time there were Socialist and communist study group meetings in the basement of our Baltimore home.

    I was taught that because there was no God there was no such thing as right and wrong. My mother told me it was far better to be a homosexual than to be a Christian. She taught me that the most important things in life were the physical pleasures such as drink, food, and sex.

    For many years I lived the life I was taught. I drank a quart of Vodka a day and by the time I was thirty I had been married twice. I lived only to eat, drink and have what I thought were sexual pleasures.

    But a time came when the women and the booze no longer gave me the happiness that my atheist mother told me they would bring. I was consuming so much alcohol that it no longer got me high. I started using marijuana and other drugs to supplement the alcohol which had betrayed me.

    At age thirty I began to realize how empty my life had been. There were no people in my life. My only friends were cigarettes and booze. It was that realization that led me on my search for God. I had seen every evil in the world and now I wanted to see the other side of life.

    I turned to a Twelve Step Program to stop the drinking and there found my first awareness of a loving God. Yet that God had no name.

    In a novel, I read the story of the great physician, Luke, and I yearned to have the relationship and love of God this man had, but I did not know how to reach God.

    On January 25, 1980, as I slept in my apartment in San Francisco, the Holy Spirit came upon me and directed me to seek the truth in the Holy Bible. This was the one place I had never looked for the nature of God, for it was this very book that my mother had removed from our nationís schools by her lawsuit in 1963.

    Now awakened by the call of God I drove to a downtown discount department store and there found a Bible under stacks of pornography. The gay checkout clerk laughed at me for buying a Bible.

    But it was in this Bible that I found the truth about Jesus Christ. The truth that sets every man free. That truth is that Jesus had paid the price for my sin so I could be reborn and be a new man and have the gift of eternal life. I learned that this gift was mine for the asking. All I had to do was repent of my sins and ask Christ into my life as Lord!

    My life began again when I accepted Christ into my life. Your life can begin again as did mine. Just say this simple salvation prayer:

    “My Father in heaven. I repent of my sins and ask for forgiveness. I believe Christ died as a sacrifice to pay for my sins. I want to be born again and become a new creature in Christ. I now ask Jesus into my heart as my Lord with the promise of living for Him.”

    Once you have said this prayer cast all the sinful things out of your house and your life. Call a church at once and tell the minister about your decision to follow Jesus. Attend church the very next available service.

    (Used with permission from William J. Murray)