JOHN PAULK: former homosexual

“Growing up, I heard it all…sissy, queer, fag.Naturally, I believed I was born gay.”

John Paulk



I always remember feeling “different” from other boys…I wasrejected a lot and the names they called me always hurt. My dadwalked away from us when I was four, and I lived with the insecuritythat everyone I really loved would walk away, too. Then, as an adult,after trying to fill my emotional needs in homosexual relationships,I created a different personality, “Candi,” and lived through her asa female impersonator…it was the only pride I had. But then I metGod and He wanted to show me my true identity as a man. I finallyfound the acceptance I’d been craving all along. I found that Hislove was completely unconditional. And while Christ was helping meheal the hurt I had buried in my other “self,” He showed me He wouldaccept and love me and never leave, ever. Today, I’m happily marriedand I hear “man, husband, and Christian.” I wonder, how many can saythe same thing about their own relationships right now?