The Disease That Afflicted My Body Had Nothing To Do With the Disease of Sin That Troubled My Soul The Disease That Afflicted My Body Had Nothing To DoWith the Disease of Sin That Troubled My Soul

I’m Noel Meadowcroft, and this is my story.


The crippling disease of Polio struck me at the age offive. It left me hopelessly unable to do those recreationalthings that other children did on a daily basis. As I grew older, itwas extremely hard to deal with my limitations. Obvious “why”questions frequently loomed in my mind. Whose fault was myimpairment? Mine? My parents? Or should I blame God?

My folks drove us to church and Sunday school occasionally. My recollection of church could be described as dry,lifeless, and certainly impersonal. My teenage years werespent without goals and without purpose. Like my peers, rebellion andself-centeredness were my short-range goals.

After high school, I landed a job as a mechanic at a largeautomobile agency. I discovered that I believed in “conservative”values. Still, after a number of years, my life lacked structure andpurpose. In 1967, in the tenth year of my employment with thisChevrolet agency, I became acquainted with a newly hired mechanic bythe name of Fred Dilworth. Fred was “different”. He was friendly,kind-spirited, had strong principles and was very religious. Myrespect for Fred grew. Our discussions ultimately ended with hisinterest in God and the Bible. These discussions prompted me to askmany questions. As Fred would gently answer my questions with hisBible in hand, I grew increasingly uncomfortable with the way my lifewas going.

Knowing in my heart that the things Fred was showing me in theBible made sense, I invited Fred to visit me at my apartment. As Fredshowed me passage after passage of Scripture, I realized that God hadfar more to offer than mere “conservative value”. I began to realizehow little I actually knew of the things that really mattered. I hadmany unanswered questions. Where would I spend eternityafter I died? Was God going to feel sorry for me because ofthe Polio I contracted as a child? I came to the conclusion that theanswer was a big “NO!” The disease that inflicted my body hadnothing to do with the disease of sin that troubled my soul.

Fred pointed me to the risen Savior, Jesus Christ, who wasable to heal my spiritual needs. Trusting in His finishedwork on Calvary and repenting of the sin that I knew was within me, Ireceived His free pardon of that sin. Excitement, peace, joy andcomfort flooded my soul.

After struggling with what the Bible had to tell me, I wasgloriously saved in November of 1968. (Note: “Saved” is abiblical term referring to the forgivenes of sins by God and therescue of the person from the power and penalty of that sin. This isGod’s requirement for everlasting life.) According to theScriptures, it was my own sinful nature that was keeping me from theGates of Heaven. My life was changed, my life after death iseternally secure, my purpose in life is serving Christ.

As there is a Polio vaccine, the sin vaccine isin the name of Jesus Christ, if you listen carefully and honestly tothe cure.

There is none righteous, no, not one. Romans 3:10

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.Romans 3:23

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternallife through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we wereyet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justifiedwith his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. Romans5:8-9

I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewiseperish. Luke 13:3

My fervent prayer is that you believe you are a sinner; that youbelieve Christ died and rose again for you; and that you ask the LordJesus Christ to forgive your sins and to save your soul…Today!

Listen to His promise. As many as received Him, to them gaveHe power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on Hisname. John 1:12

If you would like to know more about the Savior that changedNoel’s life, you are welcome to attend the

Lehigh Valley Baptist Church
4702 Colebrook Avenue
Emmaus, PA 18049

Or call us at (610) 965 4700 or 1-800-893-9586.
