God was faithful

God was faithful

I can still remember slamming the door. Once it was shut all i could do was stare in the mirror. The words were still ringing in my ears. “Oh, God,” I had said. Now, looking in the mirror, I realized that there really was a God. All the things that Mrs.Holbrook had said were rushing through my mind. There really was a God who had sent His Son to die for my sins.

Fast forward seven years. I was eighteen and after having spent my teen years searching for more of God and hitching a ride to whichever church I could, I was now totally on my own. I played life footloose and fancy free with no regard for my Savior.

Fast forward another three years. I was now a young mother with a daughter who had a heart problem. I turned to the only sympathetic person I knew, a Christian who directed me to her church. I attended for a month or two but I guess I just wasn’t ready to return yet.

God was faithful though. One day, seven years after that last foray into Christianity, God reared His beautiful head. After years of being told what the Bible said, I decided to study it myself. Truthfully, I had to dig it out of a box! I began to search for who God really was.

tami lewis