Hymns named B...Part 1 of 3
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Bovina(Laura A. Tate)
Bovey(Samuel Sebastien Wesley, 1864)
The Book My Mother Read(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel)
Book Divine(Edwin Othello Excell, 1900)
Bowdler(Cyril Bowdler, 1891)
The Book of Truth(Samuel Mitchell)
Boxelder(Asa Hull, 1886)
Boise(Elisha Albright Hoffman, 1878)
Bochum(Alexander Van Alstyne, 1868)
Boca Raton(William J. Henry, 1907)
Boylston(Lowell Mason, 1832)
Boylston(Lowell Mason, 1832)
Reflect the Christ(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel)
Bowen(Franz Josef Haydn)
Bowdler(Cyril Bowdler, 1891)
Bohemia(German melody)
bogota(John Harrison Tenney, 1889)
Bognor Regis(Adapted by Richard W Adams, 2015)
Boston (Burnap)(Uzziah Christopher Burnap (1834-1900))
Boston(William Billings)
Bossiney(Gustav von Holst (1874-1934))
Bodø(Joseph Lincoln Hall, 1902)
Bor(Robert Lowry, 1884)
Borrow(W. Borrow)
Bordeaux(Robert Lowry, 1875)
Bonham(James Holmes Rosecrans, 1882)
Bonar (Calkin)(John Baptiste Calkin, 1867)
Bonner(Carey Bonner (1859-1938))
Bonar (Steggall)(Charles H. Steggall , 1849)
Bonn(From the German (before 1895))
Bonar (Brunk)(John David Brunk, before 1912)
Bona Patria(Sacred Hymns & Tunes, Bristol, England, 1876)
Bothell(John Robson Sweney (1837-1899))
Botswana(John Harrison Tenney, 1890)
Carroll of Bryngyng in the Bore's Head(Old Oxford Carol)
Boardman(Arranged from L. Devereux)
Bourbon(Freeman Lewis, 1820)
Bourgeois(Louis Bourgeois, 1551)
Bountiful Harvest(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1895)
Boundless Mercy(From Oliver Holden's Union Harmony, 1793)
Bourbon Street(William A. Stewart, 1904)
Bologna(Robert Lowry, 1884)
Bolton(Frances Eugenia Bolton, 1900)
Bolwell(Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900))
Bixby(S. M. Bixby, 1892)
The Bible(William Batchelder Bradbury, 1867)
A Bible Christian(A. M. K. Deidrick, 1914)
The Bible(A. F. Atkin, 1894)
The Bible Stands(Haldor Lillenas, 1917)
The Bible in the Cabin by the Sea(Winston Cornelius Hafley)
The Bible of Our Fathers(Clarence B. Strouse, 1911)
The Bible(Anonymous)
Bickleigh(Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864)
Bickley(William Henry Monk, 1875)
Bihar(Lyman Foster Brackett, 1909)
Big Bend(Charles Walker Ray, 1883)
Can a Boy Forget His Mother?(Joseph Hulse Weber)
Big Business in Glory(Edward C. Deas, 1921)
Big Ben(Louise Shephard, 1897)
Bis Wilkommen(Johann Christian Kittel, 1790)
Bishopgarth(Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874)
Bishopthorpe(Jeremiah Clark (1670-1707))
Bishopgarth(Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874)
Bishop(Joseph P. Holbrook, circa 1878)
Bissau(James McGranahan, 1878)
Bideford(J. Dawson Hands, before 1913)
The Birthday of Our King(A. F. Myers)
Neidlinger(William Harold Neidlinger (1863-1924))
Bird(G. W. Bird)
Birth of Christ the Lord(William Augustine Ogden)
Birdstown(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1912)
The Bird Song(J. D. Jerron)
Birkdale(Joseph Barnby, 1883)
The Birthday of Our King(Alonzo Judson Abbey)
Birmingham(Francis Cunningham, 1834)
The Bird with the Broken Wing(Hezekiah Butterworth (1839-1905))
Birkenhead(Willilam Howard Doane, 1867)
Binchester(William Croft (1678-1727))
Bits of Sunshine(Thomas O'Neill)
Bijakovici(Gesangbuch (Darmstadt, Germany: 1698))
Bilbao(George Coles Stebbins, 1895)
By Grace I Will(William James Kirkpatrick)
By Grace Are Ye Saved(Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901))
Bydgoszcz(Florence W. Williams, 1901)
By the Grace of God We'll Meet(John Robson Sweney, circa 1886)
By the Way of Redeeming Love(Albert Simpson Reitz)
By and By(John Robson Sweney)
The Prize Is Set Before Us(Horatio Richmond Palmer (1834-1907))
By and By (Crosby)(Bentley DeForest Ackley)
By and By(William Thomas Dale)
By and By (Bliss)(Philip Paul Bliss, 1871)
Byefield(Thomas Hastings, 1840)
Bhutan(William Warren Bentley, 1875)
Brocklesby(Charlotte Alington Barnard, 1868)
Broughton(Thomas Hastings (1784-1872))
Brookfield(Thomas B. Southgate, 1855)
Brown(William Batchelder Bradbury, 1867)
Brother James' Air(J. L. Macbeth Bain (1840?-1925))
Bromley (London), 77.76(London Tune Book, before 1895)
Bromley (London)(London Tune Book, before 1895)
Bromley(Jeremiah Clark, 1700)
Brondesbury(Anonymous, 1893)
The Broken Heart(Thomas Dennis, circa 1907)
Broxburn(Lindsay Stein, 2000)
Brown(William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868))
Brotherton(From a Somerset folk song)
Bromham(Timothy Richard Matthews (1826-1910))
Brookline(Alfred Styler Houghton)
Broomsgrove(Frederick Charles Maker, 1897)
Bromsgrove(Collins, 1789)
Brooklyn(John Zundel, 1852)
Brookfield(Thomas Bishop Southgate, 1855)
Brockham(Jeremiah Clarke, 1707)
Brownwell(Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809))
Trim Thy Lamp(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1901)
Bristol (Hodges)(Edward Hodges, 1841)
Bridgwater(Adapted from an English traditional melody)
Brixen(Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864)
Bringing in the Sheaves(George A. Minor, 1880)
Bridehead(A. H. Troyte)
Bright Glory to Come(Eden Reeder Latta, 1884)
Bridegroom(Peter Cutts (1937-))
Bridgeport(Hubert Platt Main (1839-1925))
Sheffield(Tradicia Angla Melodio)
Bring Them In(William Augustine Ogden)
All Things Bright and Beautiful(William Henry Monk (1823-89))
Bristol(Melody from Ravenscroft's Psalter, 1621)
Bring Your Vessels(Leila Naylor Morris, 1912)
Bring A Torch, Jeanette(Traditional, arranged by Michael Lonneke)
Bride of Christ(Spenser Nottingham, 1864)
Brighton (Wesley)(Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864)
The Bright and Morning Star (Dunlavy)(W. Lee Dunlavy, 1885)
The Bright and Morning Star(William Augustine Ogden)
Bright Angels on the Wing(William Lesley Mason, 1899)
Brightness(Frederick Arthur Gore-Ouseley, 1889)
Bright(Mrs. T. I. Holcombe, 1871)
The Bright and Morning Star(William Augustine Ogden)
Bright Easter Skies(George W. Marston (1840-1901))
Brighton (Sabbath)(The Sabbath and Tune Book, 1859)
The Bright Forevermore(William Augustine Ogden, 1865)
The Bright and Happy Land(E. D. Beddall)
Bridgetown(Arranged from Haydn (1732-1809))
Bridgwater (Wesley)(Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864)
Bridge the Road to Heaven with a Smile(E. Margaret Parker, 1922)
The Bright Forever(Hubert Platt Main, circa 1899)
Bring Your Loving Gifts to Jesus(William J. C. Thiel)
Briggs(William A.Tarbutton, before 1928)
Help Me to Be Holy(Adoniram Judson Gordon, ca. 1894)
Bring in the Children(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915))
The Bright(M. W. McGarvey, Jr., 1890)
Brighten the Corner Where You Are(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel)
Bridegroom (Macfarren)(George Alexander Macfarren, 1872)
bringtor(Renaissance Carol)
Bring Ye All the Tithes(Henry Lake Gilmour)
Brighter Are the Sunbeams(Eliza Edmunds Hewitt, 1904)
Bryant(Walter Galpin Alcock (1861-1947))
Bryniau Cassia(Old Welsh Tune)
Bryn Calfaria(William Owen, 1852)
Bryntirion(Attributed to H. Roth)
Brynteg(John Ambrose Lloyd (1815-1874))
Bryn Calfaria(William Owen, 1852)
Brno(Alfred Holzworth, 1921)
Brasília(Robert Lowry, 1873)
Branscombe(Horatio Arthur Branscombe, before 1905)
Brazzaville(Arranged by Ella W. Macgill)
Braintree(William James Kirkpatrick, 1891)
Bradford(Arranged from G.F. Handel, 1741)
Brave Daniel(T. C. Neal)
Braunschweig(James McGranahan, 1887)
Bracondale(Josiah Booth (1852-1929))
Bradbury(William B. Bradbury, 1859)
Bradnor(Carmina Sacra, by Lowell Mason, 1841)
Brazos(James Holmes Rosecrans, 1893)
Jesus, Savior(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel)
Brattle Street(Ignaz Josef Pleyel (1757-1831))
Brantford(Benjamin Carl Unseld, 1894)
Brasted(Georg P. Weimar, 1780)
Braun(Johann G. Braun, 1675)
Bratislava(John Robson Sweney, 1891)
Break Forth(John Robson Sweney, 1881)
With Joy the Morn is Waking(Joseph Lincoln Hall)
Breslau(As Hymnodus Sacer, Leipzig, Germany, 1625)
Brent Tor(Edward John Hopkins (1818-1901))
Bread of Life(William Fiske Sherwin,1877)
Brentford(English melody, arranged by Lowell Mason, 1835)
The Breath of the Spirit(Civilla Durfee Martin, 1906)
Brecknock(Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876))
Brest(Lowell Mason, 1841)
Breslau(As Hymnodus Sacer, 1625)
Brewer (Wyeth)(John Wyeth, 1813)
Brecon(Nicholas Heins (1839-1910))
Bread of Heaven(William Daylrymple MacLagan (1826-1910))
Bremen(George Neumark, 1657)
Brentwood(William Smallwood, 1889)