Hymns named P...Part 1 of 2
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poznan(Anonymous, 1881)
Power(Joseph Barnby (1838-1896) )
Power for Service(Elisha Albright Hoffman, 1904)
The Power of God(Frederick Arthur Graves, 1899)
The Power of the Holy Ghost(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1918)
Power to Save(William Augustine Ogden)
Posen(Georg Christoph Strattner, 1691)
Podbrdo(Mrs. H. A. Fansworth, 1909)
Podgorica(Henry Lake Gilmour (1836-1920))
Behold Me Standing at the Door(Phoebe Palmer Knapp)
Port Lavaca(J. S. Boyd, 1881)
Portugal(Thorley, 1810)
Port Harcourt(Robert Lowry, 1886)
Port-au-Prince(Judson, 1881)
Little Friends of Jesus(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915))
Portsea(William Boyce, 1775)
Port of Spain(Mark M. Jones, 1896)
Portland(J. Howard Entwisle, 1898)
Pontmain(Hubert Platt Main, 1898)
Pontevedra(James Henry Fillmore, Sr., 1887)
Potenza(Ira Allan Sankey, 1902)
Potsdam(Adapted from Johann Sebastian Bach, 1750)
Pottsville(Philip Paul Bliss, 1871)
The Polar Star(Theodore Edson Perkins)
Pixham(Horatio William Parker (1863-1919))
Picardy(French carol melody)
Pisgah(J. C. Lowry, 1817, harmony by Austin C Lovelace)
Pitcairn(Thomas Cairns, before 120)
Pittsburgh(E. Manford Clark, ca. 1901)
Pitt(E. B. Smith)
Pitcairn (Kinsey)(John Franklin Kinsey, 1888)
Piety(Joseph Funk's Harmonia Sacra, 5th edition, 1851)
pieta(William Howard Doane, 1875)
Piemonte(C. E. Leslie, 1890)
Pietas(Anonymous, 1898)
Pierson(James McGranahan, 1877)
Pilgrim Brothers(Arr. from F. Bridges by C. H. H. Parry, 1904)
The Pilgrim Host(William Wallace Gilchrist, 1895)
Pilgrims(Henry Thomas Smart, 1868)
Pilgrimage(George Job Elvey (1816-1893))
PIlesgrove(Nahum Mitchell, 1812)
Pilgrimage (Wesley)(Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876))
Pilgrim(Albert Lister Peace (1844-1912))
The Piliot of Galilee(Leila Naylor Morris, 1912)
Pilot Me(Lelia Naylor Morris)
Pilgrim(Theodore Edson Perkins)
Jesus, Savior(John Edgar Gould)
Phoenix(Leonard N. Fowles, 1918)
Phinehas(John Robson Sweney, 1891)
Phillips(Sylvester Main, 1865)
Phillips(Sylvester Main, 1865)
Philadelphia(Ernest Orlando Sellers, 1903)
Phares(John Robson Sweney, 1890)
Phuket(George Coles Stebbins, 1891)
Progress(Sabbath School Melodist, 1850)
Foundation(Early American melody, pre-1870)
The Prodigal Child(W. Howard Doane (1832-1915))
Promise(Bentley DeForest Ackley, 1920)
Proch(Heinrich Proch (1809-1878))
The Promise Made to Mother(John Sylvester Fearis)
Prompto Gentes Animo(Rouen Church Melody)
Processional(William Marion Runyan, 1920)
The Prodigal(R. B. Mahaffey)
Pro Patria(J. Armistead)
Praise the Rock of Our Salvation(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915))
Proclaim the Tidings(James Henry Fillmore)
Propior Deo(Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1872)
Providence (Leach)(Leach)
God Sees the Little Sparrow Fall(Solomon W. Straub)
The Promised Land (Gill)(William James Kirkpatrick)
The Promise Way(William James Kirkpatrick)
Promoted to Glory(Anonymous)
The Prospect(H. W. Lanning)
The Prophet's Call(Fanny Birdsall)
The Prodigal Son(Thomas Obediah Chisholm, 1914)
Prince of Peace(John Bacchus Dykes, 1874)
priere_desprit(W. C. Foster)
Princess Eugenie(Norwegian Folk Tune)
Priodas(Henry Elliott Button, 1889)
Primavera(James McGranahan, 1899)
The Prince of Peace(Cyril Barker)
Princethorpe(William Pitts (1829-1903))
Looking This Way(Judson Wheeler Van DeVenter, 1895)
Prysgol(William Owen (1814-1898))
Prayer(William U. Butcher, circa 1860)
Praise Ye Jehovah (Taylor)(Alfred Taylor, ca. 1896)
Praise God for His Word(George Orlia Webster (1866-1942))
Praise God for What He's Done for Me(Author unkown, before 1845)
Praise Song(Felix Mendelssohn)
Praying Always(Philip P. Bliss, 1871)
Praise His Name Forever(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel)
Praha(Johann Schop (1590-1664), harm J. S. Bach)
Praises(Bertram Luard-Selby (1853-1918))
Prayer(Samuel Monroe Vansant)
Praise the Name of Christ(Adam Geibel)
Praise and Magnify Our King(John Robson Sweney)
Prayer (Babcock)(Maltbie Davenport Babcock, 1889)
Praise(Karl Pomeroy Harrington, before 1906)
Praise Our Savior!(W. C. Peckham)
Prayer (Marshall)(Leonard Marshall, 1861)
Prayer (Abbot)(Asahel Abbot)
Praise Ye Jehovah (Reitz)(Albert Simpson Reitz, 1911)
Praise Our Creator(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915))
Praise the Giver of All(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915))
Praise(John Robson Sweney (1837-1899))
Praetorius 7(Melody, 1536; ad. by Michael Praetorius, 1609)
Pray(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1912)
Praise the Name of Jesus(Helen M. Dungan, 1902)
Praise His Name Forever(John Millard Harris)
Christ Is Risen(Henry Fleetwood Sheppard)
Praise the Lord for Victory(Homer Alexander Hammontree)
Praise the Lord(Swedish tune)
Praetorius(Harmoniae Hymnorum Scholae Gorlicensis, 1599)
Praise my Soul(Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg (1832-1903))
Pray(James A. Brown)
Precious Moments(John Robson Sweney, 1909)
Precious Promise(Nathaniel Niles)
Prepare to Meeet Thy God (Chisholm)(George Coles Stebbins)
The Precious Story(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1901)
Prescott (Stewart)(Robert Prescott Stewart, 1868)
Pressly(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932))
Prescott(Peter Christian Lutkin (1858-1931))
Precious Peace(Scott Werdebaugh, 2008)
Press On, Press On(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1894)
Preston (Maclean)(Joseph maclean, 1898)
Pretoria(Henry Lake Gilmour, 1912)
Precious Jesus(Henry Godden Jackson (1838-1914))
Prepare to Meet Thy God(J. H. Stanley)
Precious Words(Ira David Sankey, 1898)
Precious Name(William Howard Doane, 1871)
Precious Lord(Thomas A. Dorsey, 1932)
Preston(Henry Lascelles Jenner (1820-1898))
Precious Blessings(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1901)
Presbyter(Walter Olivant Wilkinson, 1895)
Precious Hiding Place(Avis Marguerite Christiansen, 1928)
Preach the Gospel(James McGranahan)
Preston (Doane)(William Howard Doane (1831-1915))
Presrve Us, Lord(Medieval melody)
Pruen(Frederick Arthur Gore-Ouseley, 1872)
Pavlovic(Grace Weiser Davis)
Pax Veritatis(Horatio William Parker, 1918)
Pax(John Kinross, 1887)
Pax Dei (Holmes)(Henry James Ernest Holmes, ca. 1902)
Pax Tecum(George T. Caldbeck (1852-1918))
Paxtang(Robert Lowry (1826-1899))
Pax Dei (Dykes)(John Bacchus Dykes, 1868)
Pampanito(George F. Ferreira, 1899)
Pamplona(S. L. Howard)