Hymns named S...Part 4 of 5
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Stroudwater(Wilkens' Psalmody, ca. 1730)
Strike the Harp of Zion(William Batchelder Bradbury)
Strait Gate(Anonymous, 19th Century)
The Stream of Life(W. C. Cates)
Strive for Eternal Day(William Fiske Sherwin)
Straub(Arranged from Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826))
Straf Mich Nicht(Hundert Arien (Dresden, Germany: 1694))
St. Rotolf(John Henry Gower, 1890)
Stracathro(Charles Hutcheson (1792-1860))
The Stranger(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1915)
The Stranger of Galilee(Leila Naylor Morris (1862-1929))
St. Nicholas(Clement Cotterill Scholefield, 1870)
St. Nicholas (Greene)(Maurice Greene (1696-1755))
St. Nathaniel(Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874)
St. Ninian(John Bacchus Dykes, 1866)
St. Nicholas (Hoyte)(W. S. Hoyte)
St. Theresa(Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874)
St. Theodulph(Melchior Teschner, 1615)
Stand by Me(Charles Albert Tindley (1851-1933))
St. Timothy(Henry Williams Baker (1821-1877))
St. Thomas (Webbe)(Samuel Webbe, 1792)
St. Thomas(Aaron Williams, 1770)
St. John's College(George Mursell Garrett, 1872)
St. John(W. Gregory, before 1890)
St. John's, Westminster(James Turle (1802-1882))
St. James(Raph Courteville, 1696)
St. John Damascene(Arthur Henry Brown (1830-1926))
St. John (Cecil)(Richard Cecil (1748-1810))
St. Jude(Charles John Vincent, Jr. (1852-1934))
St. Jerome(Francis Henry Champneys, 1889)
St. Jerome (Horsley)(Charles Edward Horsley (1822-1876))
St. John (Parish)(Parish Choir, 1851)
St. John(John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876))
St. John's Highlands(Anonymous)
St. Joseph(H. Heathcote Statham, before 1906)
St. Francis Xavier(John Stainer (1840-1901))
St. Frances(TBD)
St. Frideswide(Charles Harford Lloyd, 1889)
St. Francis(Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900))
St. Fulbert(Henry John Gaunlett (1805-1876))
St. Flavian(TBD)
St. Fabian(Joseph Barnby (1838-1896))
St. Faith(George Clement Martin, 1889)
St. Francis(H. Elliott Button, 1912)
St. Ambrose (Cecil)(Richard Cecil (1748-1810))
Stamford(A. J. Foxwell)
St. Ambrose(TBD)
St. Aidan(F. N. Grey, before 1890)
Staincliffe(Robert William Dixon, 1875)
Stainforth(J. Conder Nattrass, before 1913)
Stair(Joseph Perry Holbrook, 1880)
Stabat Mater (Knight)(H. Knight)
Stabat Mater(John Bacchus Dykes, 1875)
Stabat Mater (Mechlin)(Proper Mechlin Melody)
Stacy(Ira David Sankey, 1881)
St. Agnes(John Bacchus Dykes, 1866)
St. Agatha(Thomas Bishop Southgate (1814-1868))
St. Agnes' School(J. Albert Jeffrey (1851-?))
St. Asaph (Giornivichi)(From Giovanni Mane Giornivichi (1745-1804))
St. Asaph(Wiliam Samuel Bambridge, 1872)
Star of the Morning(Robert Lowry)
The Star of Joy(English Carol)
Stars of Evening Softly Gleaming(Mary Bradford Whiting, 1902)
Star of Day(Harmonia Sacra)
Starlight(Carl F. Crusius, 1921)
Star of the East(Joseph Lincoln Hall)
Star(Rossiter Worthington Raymond, 1875)
Star in the East(William Augustine Ogden)
The Star of Bethlehem(Joseph Funk, 1847)
Stars of December(Ira Bishop Wilson)
Star of Beauty (Belden)(Franklin Edson Belden)
Star of Peace(Lowell Mason (1792-1872))
Starlight (Beatson)(C. S. Beatson, arr. by G. B. Bramley, ca. 1902)
Star of Morn and Even(Francis T. Palgrave, 1862)
The Starry Crown(William Oscar Perkins)
Stars All Bright(Richard Robert Chope, 1875)
Star of Beauty(Daniel Brink Towner)
Star of Bethlehem(Edna R. Worrell, 1914)
Star in the East(Harmonia Sacra, 1753)
Stars(German melody)
Stark(Edward Josef Stark (1863-1918))
The Star Spangled Banner(John S. Smith, harm. Arthur E. Johnstone, 1918)
St. Anatolius (Brown)(Arthur Henry Brown (1830-1926))
Stand by the Right(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868)
St. Anatolius(John Bacchus Dykes)
Standing on the Battlements(John Robson Sweney)
Stand Like the Brave(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915))
St. Andrew (Thorne)(Edward Henry Thorne, 1875)
Stand Up(Joseph Barnby (1838-1896))
St. Andrew of Crete(John Bacchus Dykes, 1868)
St. Andrew(Joseph Barnby (1838-1896))
Stand on the Rock(William Howard Doane)
Stand Alone for Jesus(John McPherson)
Standing on the Promises(Russell Kelso Carter, 1886)
Stand Firm(Clarence B. Strouse)
St. Anselm(Joseph Barnby, 1869)
Stand by the Bible(Franklin Edson Belden (1858-1945))
St. Anne(William Croft, 1708)
Stand Like Caleb(Edwin Barnes)
Standing on the Hilltop(D. Y. Stephens, 1909)
Stanford(Hubert Platt Main, 1871)
St. Andrew (Tans'ur)(William Tans'ur, 1735)
Stand for God and Right(Thoro Harris)
Stanley(Joseph Barnby (1838-1896))
Standin' in the Need of Prayer(Afircan-American Spiritual)
Stand Up for Jesus(Adam Geibel (1855-1933))
St. Athanasius(Edward john Hopkins, 1872)
State Street(Jonathan Call Woodman, 1844)
Staffordshire(Ira David Sakey, 1900)
The Staff of Faith(Traditional Swiss melody)
St. Aelred(John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876))
St. Austell(Arthur Henry Brown, 1876)
St. Austin(Gregorian chant, Bristol Tune Book, 1876)
St. Augustine(Chorale Songs for Four Voices, 1769)
St. Alphege(Henry John Gauntlett, 1852)
St. Alkmund(Early Music for Church Choirs, 1853)
St. Alban (Steggall)(Charles Henry Steggall (1826-1905))
St. Alban(Franz Josef Haydn, 1775)
St. Albinus(Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876))
Stephenson(J. S. Shoemaker)
Steadfast(Neu Ordentlich Gesangbuch, 1646)
Step into the Fountain(John Robson Sweney)
St. Enoch(Walter Bond Gilbert, 1883)
Stevenson(Robert Lowry, 1880)
Steer Straight to the Light-House(T. W. Dennington, 1895)
Step by Step(Albert Benjamin Simpson, 1897)
Stella (Parker)(Horatio W.Parker (1863-1919))
Step by Step(Kate Ulmer, 1922)
Steiner(Ira David Sankey, 1876)
Steady, Brother(Ida L. Reed, circa 1913)
St. Eanswyth(Joseph W. Sidebotham, 1881)
St. Ethelwald(William Henry Monk (1823-1889))
Sterling(Ralph Harrison (1748-1810))
St. Edmund (Steggall)(Charles H. Steggall (1826-1905))
Steadily Marching On(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915))
St. Edmund (Hoyte)(William Stevenson Hoyte, 1875)
Stella (Hemy)(Possibly Henry Hemy (1818-1888))
Stepping in the Light(Eliza Edmunds Stites Hewitt, circa 1890)
Steward(John Turner Layton, Sr., 1898)
St. Edith (St. Hilda)(Justin H. Knecht, 1799, & Edward Husband, 1871)
Step by Step(Josiah Carley)
Steele(Anonymous, 1893)
St. Euphrasia(Alfred Arthur Graley, 1869)
Stella (Wathall)(Alfred George Wathall, 1905)
St. Etheldreda(Thomas Turton, 1860)
Stephanos(Henry Williams Baker, 1868)
Steer Toward the Light(William Augustine Ogden)
Stewart(James E. Stewart)
Steal Away to Jesus(African-American spiritual)
St. Edmund (Sullivan)(Arthur Seymour Sulllivan, 1872)
Stuttgart(Christian Friedrich Witt (1660-1716))
St. Ursula(F. Westlake)
Stukely(From Mendelssohn)
Studio City(Daniel Brink Towner, 1899)
St. Leonard (Smart)(Henry Smart, 1867)
St. Luke(Jeremiah Clarke, 1707)
St. Leonard (Irons)(Herbert Stephen Irons (1834-1905))
St. Luke (Heywood)(John Heywood, 1867)
St. Leonard (Hiles)(Henry Hiles, 1867)
St. Luke(Johann Friedrich Lampe, 1746)
St. Louis(Lewis H. Redner, 1868)
St. Leonards(Arthur Cyril Barham-Gould, 1925)
St. Lawrence(Leighton George Hayne, 1863)
Doers of the Word(James McGranahan)
St. Kevin(Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1872)
St. Kenelm(Charles H. Steggall, 1875)
Sfânt E(William Batchelder Bradbury)
Savannah(Foundery Collection, 1742)
Savile(Charles Harford Lloyd, 1904)
Saved(Bruno Spangenberg)
The Savior for Me(William Marion Runyan, 1918)
The Savior Calleth(Franz Schubert)
Saved by Believing(James A. Brown)
Saved Through Jesus' Blood(Judson Wheeler Van DeVenter , 1899)
Savoie(Harrison Millard, 1873)
Jesus Is Coming(J. C. Trowbridge)
The Savior Is Bending(Charles Reeves)
Saved!(Oswald Jeffrey Smith, 1918)
Savior and Regenerator(Frank Sewall (1837-1915))
Saved by the Blood of the Lamb(Eliza Edmunds Hewitt)
The Saving Power(Edyth Hillary Hay)
Save One(William James Kirkpatrick)
Savior(Edward W. Kellogg)
Saving Grace(Julia H. Johnston (1849-1919))
Saved for Service(Roy Gourley)
Saved to the Uttermost(William James Kirkpatrick, 1875)
Saved by the Blood(Daniel Brink Towner, circa 1903)
Savoy Chapel(John Baptiste Calkin, 1870)
Savannah (Robinson)(Anonymous, 1881)
Savior(Henry Grattan Guinness (1835-1910))
Saved by the Blood(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1875)
The Savior's Face(George Frederick Root)
Save, Oh(Daniel Otis Teasley)
Savannah (Pleyel)(Ignaz Josef Pleyel (1757-1831))
Save Me at the Cross(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915))
Every Day and Every Hour(William Howard Doane, circa 1899)
Rapture(Jack P. Schlfield, 1911)
Saved(H. E. Bright)
Saving Health(Etliche Christliche Lyeder, 1524)
We Come in Childhood's Joyfulness(Thomas Gray, Jr. (1803-1849))
Saxony (Hammerschmidt)(Andreas Hammerschmidt, 1658)
Saxony (Kirkpatrick)(William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921))
Saxony (Oliver)(Henry Kemble Oliver (1800-1885))
I Am Coming to the Cross(William McDonald, 1870)
Samuel (Sullivan)(Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1874)
Samuel (Monk)(William Henry Monk, 1889)
Samanthra(Southern Harmony, 1855)
Samson(From George F. Handel (1685-1759))
Samer(Walter Battison Haynes, 1892)
Samoa(Andrew J. Mann, 1917)
The Same Old Way(Mrs. W. T. Morris)
Saipan(James Holmes Rosecrans, 1917)
Keep in Touch with Jesus(C. S. Kauffman, 1900)
Sailing(Philip Paul Bliss, 1871)
Saints(Henri Abraham César Malan (1787-1864))
Sail On(R. C. Ward)
Sailing Home(Julian Henry McNiel)
Sail On!(Charles H. Gabriel & Homer A. Rodeheaver)
Sabbath Morn(Benjamin Shepard, 1910)
Sabbata(Henri Frederick Hemy (1818-1888))
Sabbath Bell(John Harrison Tenney, before 1913)
Sabbatsdag(Joel Blomqvist, 1877)
Sabbath(Lowell Mason, 1824)
Holy, Holy(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915))
The Sacred Heart(J. St. O. Dykes)
Free Grace(J. Kidd, before 1913)
Sacred Morn(William Henry Squires, 1895)
Sacramentum Unitatus(Charles H. Lloyd, 1885)
Sacred Fountain(William Howard Doane)
A Sacrifice of Praise(John Thomas Benson, Sr.)
Sachsen(William Fiske Sherwin, 1881)
Sacramento(William Walker (1809-1875))
Say(Tullius Clinton O'Kane (1830-1912))
Say! Will You Meet Me There?(William James Kirkpatrick)
Sawston(Traditional Tune)
Sawley(James Walch, 1860)
Sahara(Robert Lowry, 1884)
Sagina(Thomas Campbell, 1825)