Hymns named T...Part 2 of 2
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There's a Great Day Coming(Will Lamartine Thompson (1847-1909))
Latakia (refrain)(Edward G. Taylor, 1860)
Theoktistus(Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825-1889))
There Is Nothing Too Good to Be True(George P. Hott, 1913)
There's a Light in the Valley(Philip Paul Bliss, 1870)
There's No Friend Like Jesus(M. J. Babbitt, circa 1917)
Thurland Castle(Henry Lake Gilmour, 1893)
trocadero(Robert C. Winthrop, 1896)
Trifle Not(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1901)
Trim Your Lamps(Anonymous, before 1937)
Triumph(Henry John Gauntlett (1805-1876))
Trinity (Stone)(A. Stone, before 1890)
Tristes Erant(William Henry Monk, 1861)
Tried and True(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1868)
Trim Your Lamps(E. F. Miller, before 1887)
Triumphant Host(H. Coward, before 1890)
Trinity(Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876))
Trisagion(Henry Thomas Smart, 1868)
Trimnell(F. T. Sutton, before 1890)
Trieste(James H. Burke, 1901)
The Triumphs of Faith(William James Kirkpatrick)
Trinity College(John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876))
Triune Adoration
Moments of Prayer(William Howard Doane (1832-1915))
Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara(Traditional Swedish Melody)
Tracy(George Lowell Tracy, 1920)
Transfiguration (Anketell)(John Anketell, 1895)
Trask(Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847))
Traveling Home(Robert Harkness, 1910)
Trafalgar(Sydney Hugo Nicholson, 1916)
Transfiguration(Peter Christian Lutkin, circa 1905)
Transylvania(Hungarian Chorale, 16th Century)
Tranquility(James Mountain, 1876)
Transformed(Mrs. F. G. Burroughs, 1920)
Tranmere(W. Hayes, ca. 1774)
Tramp Tramp Tramp(George Frederick Root (1820-1895))
Tranquility (Booth)(Josiah Booth (1852-1929))
The Tree of Life(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1875)
The Treasures of Heaven(Tullius Clinton O'Kane)
Trell(Lowell Mason, 1844)
Trewen(David Emlyn Evans (1843-1913))
Trentham(Robert Jackson, 1888)
Tread Softly(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915))
Trentino(Daniel Brink towner, 1909)
Treviso(C. A. Shaw, 1892)
Truman(Joseph Perry Holbrook (1822-1888))
Trusting Jesus(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1877)
Trust(Lewi Pethrus, trans by Thoro Harris (1874-1955))
Trusting Jesus(Edgar Page Stites, 1876)
Trusting in Jesus (Crosby)(John Robson Sweney)
Trust (Mendelssohn)(Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847))
Trusting in the Promise(Edmund Simon Lorenz)
Trust and Obey(Daniel Brink Towner)
Trust (Clark)(Arranged by William James Kirkpatrick)
Trust (Torrance)(George William Torrance (1836-1907))
Trust in the Promise(William Howard Doane)
Come(John Hart Stockton, 1869, & Ira Sankey, 1873)
Trusting Thee(James Ramsey Murray)
Trust in the Lord(Thomas Obediah Chisholm, 1937)
Trust On!(George Coles Stebbins, 1881)
Trust the Eternal(Hermann S. Hering)
Trusting Jesus(Robert Harkness, 1920)
Trusting in Thee(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1899)
Truro(Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789)
Truth from Above(English folk tune)
True-Hearted(Josiah Booth, 1897)
The True Shepherd(William James Kirkpatrick, 1888)
It Is Truly Wonderful(B. E. Warren, before 1931)
Tavoy(Composer Unknown)
Tavy Cleave(John Ferris Tozer (1857-1944))
Tamworth(Charles Lockhart, 1790)
We Shall Shine as the Stars(Judson Wheeler Van DeVenter (1855-1939))
Tampico(Anonymous, 1870)
taipei(Lizzie E. Sweney)
Tabler(E. H. Frost)
Tacoma(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1918)
Taylor(Robert Lowry, 1884)
Taylor (Proctor)(H. I. Proctor, 1879)
Tappan(George Kingsley (1811-1884))
Tahiti(Elizabeth Manford Clark, 1878)
Ta Gloire, ô Notre Dieu(Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778))
The Savior with Me(John Robson Sweney)
Tarring(Edward John Hopkins, 1886)
Tarry for the Power(Josephine H. Sweney, 1899)
Tartu(Hubert Platt Main, 1890)
Tarry with Me(F. S. Shepard, 1900)
Tarragona(Ira David Sankey, 1887)
Tantum Ergo(Samuel Webbe's Motetts or Antiphons, 1792)
Tanzania(Joseph Philbrick Webster, 1868)
Tana Mana Dhana(Indian melody adapted by Marion Jean Chute)
Taunton(Charles C. Treat, 1888)
Tallis' Canon(Thomas Tallis, circa 1567)
Talmar(Isaac Baker Woodbury, 1845)
tallis_ordinal(Thomas Tallis, circa 1567)
A Tale of the Olden Time(Gerard Moultrie (1829-1885))
tallis_evening_hymn(Thomas Tallis (1505-1585))
Tallinn(Sanford Miller Brown, 1889)
Talk It Over with Jesus(John David Brunk)
Tallahassee(H. B. Greongils, 1898)
Take Me as I Am(Eliza H. Hamilton )
Take the World for Jesus(J. Howard Entwisle, 1899)
Take Up Thy Cross(Alfred Henry Ackley, 1922)
Take Hold the Life-Line(Curtis V. Strickland)
Take Courage(John Robson Sweney)
Take a Stand(Charles H. Chandler, 1886)
Take the Life-Boat(William James Kirkpatrick)
Take Me as Thy Tool(Josiah Carley)
Take Jesus with You(Albert Fredericks, 1917)
Famous Eagle(Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, 1914)
Take the Wings of the Morning(Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby, 1872)
Take My Hand(N. A. Bouse)
Take the Home-Path(Samuel W. Beazley)
Temple Boro(F. Pinder)
Tempe(Lewis Edgar Jones (1865-1936))
Temple(James M. North, 1882)
Tempus Adest Floridum(14th Century spring carol)
Temple (Davies)(Henry Walford Davies (1869-1941))
Tempted and Tried(James McGranahan)
Temple (Hopkins)(Edward John Hopkins, 1869)
Teighmouth(Anonymous, before 1924)
Tehran(Tullius Clinton O'Kane (1830-1912))
The Testing Time(George Crawford Hugg)
Te Deum(Katholisches Gesangbuch (Vienna, Austria: 1774))
Ter Sanctus(Rostockerhandboken, 1529)
Terra Beata(Traditional English melody)
I Had a Dream of Heaven(Traditional English melody)
Ten Thousand Thanks to Jesus(Matilda C. Day)
The Ten Virgins(Mary Bridges Canedy Slade, 1876)
Tenerife(Laura F. Braunschweig, 1920)
Tendrás Que Renacer(George Coles Stebbins)
Tenderly the Savior Listened(J. W. Walton)
Tender Love of Jesus(Ruth Emswiler, 1970)
Tennent(Uzziah Christopher Burnap, 1895)
Tender Thought(Ananias Davisson, 1816)
Tetworth(George Mursell Garrett (1834-1897))
Teacher's Dedication Hymn(Frank Moore Jeffrey, 1911)
Tell the Story(Sandy Glover & Ernest Rippetoe)
Tell Mother I'll Be There(Arranged by Robert Harkness)
Tell About Jesus Today(W. O. Carroll)
Tell Me the Story(Charles Austin Miles)
Tell It Over Again(William James Kirkpatrick)
Tell Me of the King(J. Howard Entwisle)
Tell It Out with a Shout(William Augustine Ogden)
tell_the_blessed_story_gardner(John Robson Sweney)
Tell It Wherever You Go(Willilam Edie Marks)
Tell Me More About Jesus(James McGranahan, 1877)
Te Lucis(Proper Sarum Melody)
Tell the Blessed Story(Haldor Lillenas, 1920)
Tell It Out with Gladness(John Robson Sweney)
Tell the Whole Wide World(John Robson Sweney)
Tell It Out(Frances Ridley Havergal, 1872)
Tell It Out(Isaac Hickman Meredith)
Tell It All to Jesus(Keith L. Brooks)
telemanns_chant(Heinrich Christoph Zeuner, 1832)
Tell It Again(Rigdon McCoy McIntosh)
Tell the Blessed News(N. A. Hanna, 1908)
Tell Out the Wonderful Story(Daniel Brink Towner)
Tell It to Jesus(Edmund Simon Lorenz)
Te Laudant Omnia(J. F. Swift (1847-1931))
Tell It Today(James Henry Fillmore, Sr.)
Tell It Far and Wide(William A. May)
Tell Me the Story of Jesus(John Robson Sweney)
Stories of Jesus(Frederic A. Challinor, 1905)
Tell It to Jesus(William Howard Doane)
Tell Me the Story of Jesus(Nellie Whipple Fawcett)
Tell It All(Frank Marion Davis)
Tell Out the News(H. W. Porter)
Tell the Sweet Story of Love(Ada Blenkhorn, 1911)
Tucker(Frederick Booth-Tucker (1853-1929))
Tucson(Adam Geibel)
Tugwood(Nicholas Comyn Gatty (1874-1946))
Tuscany(Harry Sanders, 1887)
Tu_dejaste_Tu_trono_y_corona_por_mi(Ira David Sankey)
Tu Donnes la Grâce et la Gloire(Henri Abraham César Malan (1787-1864))
Tudor(James Pentland Jewson, 1876)
Turner(Walter Olivant Wilkinson, 1895)
Turn a New Leaf for Me(William James Kirkpatrick)
Turned Away from the Beautiful Gate(David Elijah Dortch)
Turn Not Away(George F. Root)
Lemmel(Helen Howarth Lemmel, 1922)
Turin(Felice de Giardini (1716-1796))
Tunbridge(Jeremiah Clark (1670-1707))
Tunguska(William Thomas Giffe, 1900)
Tunis(E. Roberts, 1893)
Tunisia(Robert Lowry, 1880)
Tuam(William Mason 1829-1908))
Tulsa(R. George Halls, 1879)