How to use your body for God

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© Whole Wheat International

PO Box 26217

Minneapolis, MN 55426

How to do God’s Will with your body

As a disciple of Jesus Christ, your body is the temple or place where God lives (John 14:23; 1 Cor. 3:16; 6:19-20). One way you can serve God with your body is to take good care of it. For example, keep your hair looking nice and trimmed (1 Cor. 11:14). Put nothing but good things into your body, which will keep the building strong. Exercise to continually maintain the temple. Keep your breath smelling sweet and dress God’s temple in clothes of quality and good taste.

You are in training to be a king and a priest, so it is necessary that you know quality, wear quality and live a quality life to the degree that you can and as God has blessed you (Rev. 1:6; 5:10). Never forget, you are God’s showpiece on this earth. Let your good taste, your good actions and your good words be a 10,000 watt light on this earth (Matt. 5:16; Luke 12:35; Phil. 2:15). Set your goal high. This way, if you don’t reach it, you will have reached a higher plateau than if you had set your goal low, or worse yet, set none at all.

Live just as God lives. God is continually doing acts of kindness and charity to those in need (Acts 9:36). God is kind, loving, generous and giving (Gal. 5:22). He loves His enemies. He does good to those who hate Him. God cares about the widows, orphans, fatherless, sick, lame, blind, old and feeble (James 1:27; Luke 14:13; Psalm 138:6; Prov. 19:17).

In order to please God, we must be careful to engage in good deeds or works (Titus 3:8). This is something we must learn to do and not get weary in doing (Titus 3:14; 2 Thess. 3:13). God is glorified by good works and we are to glorify Him in everything we do, whether at home or for our employer (Col. 1:10; 3:17). We are to commit all our ways to God, not just some.

Ask yourself these questions: What am I doing daily with my eyes, ears, mind, mouth or body which does not please God and is not glorifying His name? What am I continuing to do that could be a stumbling stone to someone watching me?

God says He will pay you back for all the good you do in the name of Christ for His glory (Eph. 6:8). His blessings are distributed daily. Is your life a blessed one? What must you do to order your ways aright so God can begin to bless you (Psalm 50:22-23)?

Are you a continual doer of God’s words or a continual forgetful hearer (James 1:22)? Are you keeping Christ’s words, which is doing God’s Will (John 12:47-48; 1 John 2:17)? If not, are you ever going to start? If you start, are you going to endure until Christ’s new nature is formed in you (Gal. 4:19; 6:15; 2 Cor. 13:9, 11)? Remember, quitters never win but winners never quit.

When you put your hand to the plow, don’t look back at a life of swearing, getting drunk, living an immoral life and continuing to crave those things that are not good. Instead, crave those things that are good and show God your allegiance is to Him and not Satan.