Revealing The Rev

Mon, Jun 15, 1992 7:07:42 PM
I started thinking about The Revelation, and how it seems that the whole0 earthly monetary system will likely fail in an hour. That gives me an0 insecure feeling. Seeing the price of gas jump from .95 to 1.26 in 3 days0 (recently) seems to underscore the instability of earthly things.0 0
People panic-buy to be ready for hard times. They (I?) want to surround0 themselves with more than they need so they can feel secure in a potential0 crisis. In reality, there is no earthly security, and that’s the point God is 0 making to cause us to turn to him. God has always wanted that dependency from 0 us – to trust HIM to provide.0
The Revelation reveals a collapse of world order and power along with poverty0 due to economic collapse. The environment is also severely damaged – water,0 animals, plants… There are earthquakes, heavy hail, and scorching sun.0 0
How do I live with that future in my mind? How do I balance the future with0 now to properly provide for myself and my family? (How do I find security and 0 peace?)0
My security and peace rest in Jesus Christ. He holds the future of my soul,0 even if my flesh is destroyed. As long as I live, I must use my skills and0 job to provide for my needs. Work is basic to existence. God has given man0 work from the very beginning.0
It is vain to accumulate useless things that detract from what is truly0 beneficial in the Christian life. I must be the “salt of the earth”, bringing 0 a witness to an evil world. Accumulating posessions is vain, UNLESS they can0 benefit others. I can so easily become a slave to what I own, and not a0 witness to lost souls.0
I am indeed a steward of all that God has trusted me with – what I call “my”0 posessions. The purchase or aquisition of any material thing must be weighed0 against one question; “Does this further God’s kingdom on earth?” If I know0 God’s will, I know the answer. If I KNOW God, then I know his will.0