Excerpt from SHOULDER TO SHOULDER #195 —- 9/24/01
Now to what is really on my heart. Probably like you, I’m having waves of
emotions come over me . . . . from anger and a demand for justice to deep
sorrow to feelings of being overwhelmed by what has happened and what may
happen. One thing, however, really comes to mind. It happened shortly
after I wrote last week’s letter dealing with those haunting questions as to
what brought us to this state, why do people hate us so, how did they
miscalculate us, and what will we do next, particularly as the Body of
Just as I finished writing this note, it occurred to me that I am finally
grieving over this tragedy. Up to now I have been unable to. I’ve been
angry, compassionate, contemplative, and a bunch of other things . . . . .
but I’ve been unable to grieve until now. Finally, I find myself living at
the point of tears almost constantly. It is becoming a hard burden to bear.
I believe it is because, as I wrote the following to you, the Holy Spirit
graciously let me catch a small glimpse of God’s heart. I hope you will see
the same.
That’s what I wanted for you, and that’s what God has mercifully allowed me
to see as well.
I’ve thought long and hard about what should be in our hearts regarding all
of this. Interestingly, though, what concerns me more is knowing what’s in
God’s heart regarding it all. It seems to me we perhaps should give that
pretty serious consideration.
I’ve heard and read lots of varying comments regarding what God thinks about
all this that has happened. How does He feel about it? And, some of those
comments have made me feel some things that I really don’t care to divulge.
Not to imply that any of those thoughts are false, but I would just like to
dig a little deeper than man’s opinions to see if I can feel the heart of
God in this matter. I’m really tired of hearing the politicians, news
media, military strategists, and religious so called theologs speak as if
they had all the answers and had somehow slipped in on some conversation
between God and His angels about what their strategy might be.
It seems to me we’d be far better off, our emotions would be quieted, and our
zeal put to better use, if we could simply take a few minutes to try to
figure out what God really thinks about all this. This can be done fairly
simply; —- take time to get alone, quiet yourself, open His sacred Word,
and then listen for the voice of the Spirit to tell us what God thinks.
I certainly don’t claim to have any special insight into God’s attitude or
feelings, but, based on what little I do know about Him, I think He’s
probably experiencing a mixed bag, just like you and I. In trying to glean
some insight into His heart, I’ve had to consider Him in some of His various
roles. For example, . . . .
- As Creator of everything, God’s heart probably reveals an enormous pride
and purpose in what He created. Because He created mankind from a strain
and in a form totally unique from all other elements of creation, He chose
to create us in His image, after His likeness, and then gave us the
responsibility and power to administer the rest of His creation as His
stewards, possessing everything we need but owning nothing.A potter takes pride in his finished work . . . . . and loves it because He
created it. The same with a painter, a sculptor, a musician. So it is with
God.He loves us first because He created us. We are His pride and joy . . . .
the apple of His eye . . . . the pulse of His heartbeat. Whenever you
create something, you take pride in what you’ve made. There is a love
caused by ownership, carried on the wings of satisfaction with the work done
and pleasure in knowing the purpose of what you’ve made. That’s why Genesis
records that, of all His creation, we’re the only thing to which He
responded, “It’s Very Good.”2. As Observer and Overseer of all He created, His heart reveals brokenness
and heartache, watching His most prized creation deceived by the god of this
age into choosing independence from and rebellion toward Him. I’m convinced
His heart has been broken more than any other from what happened recently in
Washington and New York City. What He saw in Eden when man rebelled against
Him broke His heart then. September 11th, His heart was broken all over
again.Can you understand that? Imagine how you would feel if something special you
had made was suddenly and savagely destroyed. What a loss! Your heart
would break over its destruction, while perhaps burn in anger at the
destroyers. So it is with God. That is a love and compassion that comes
from Lordship, knowing His subjects suffer.3. As Redeemer of all He created, His heart reveals compassionate love
beyond comprehension and without measure and demonstrated in the ultimate
sacrifice of giving Himself in Christ to buy back that which He had once
owned.Can you feel His pulse race as the offer of redemption is made . . . . . the
offer of forgiveness is extended? No matter that He is all knowing; just
think of His anticipation toward all who will receive the redeeming price,
and yet His deepening grief as others refuse.As He watched the Towers, the Pentagon, and the plane go up in explosion and
flames, I know He rejoiced that some were coming home. And yet, I believe
again His heart was ripped from its place as He watched hundreds and perhaps
thousands slip into eternity without Him, never to be recovered. It’s one
thing to realize most bodies will never be recovered; it’s quite another to
know that lost souls will never be recovered . . . . ever. That is the love
and compassion of ultimate sacrifice. “Greater love has no man than this,
that he lay down his life for his friends.” That’s what Jesus did.4. As Rejected Suitor, God’s heart is broken as surely as any young man’s
might be if the one he loved turned so viciously on him as America has done
on God. If you want to get a sense of God’s grief over America, read the
books of Hosea and the Song of Solomon. He has been calling out to those He
loves, but many walked away.Several sent me the following, which I found to be profound. It really
reveals the ignorance of the secular press to spiritual realities. Billy
Graham’s daughter Anne was interviewed on the Early Show by Jane Clayson who
asked her, “how could God let something like this happen?” (That’s always
the world’s condemning question of accusation. Or, perhaps it was Ms.
Clayson’s genuine craving for reassuring truth.)Anne’s answer was profound. “I believe that God is deeply saddened by this,
just as we are. But for years we’ve been telling God to get out of our
schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives; and being
the gentle Father that He is, I believe that He has calmly backed out. How
can we expect God to give us His blessing and his protection if we demand He
leave us alone?”As a rejected suitor, I believe God is heart broken over America’s sin and
grieved to the very core over America’s necessary suffering.He has also been calling out to His Bride . . . . but she has, like Hosea’s
wife, gone whoring after the world. Imagine the heartache of having your
bride caught in adultery before your very eyes. Yet, His love is
everlasting and mercy never ceasing as He calls again . . . . and again . .
. . and again. That’s a love and compassion coming from a heart broken and
betrayed by those He longs to be His own.Maybe this time His Bride will return.
5. As Healer He is extravagantly appealing and faithfully hopeful that
America will accept His anxious willingness to heal and restore. That’s
what He’s all about. That’s why He sent His Son, Jesus. Isaiah the prophet
declared it, and Jesus repeated it. Then He demonstrated it.Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have been the person who
invented a vaccine that would totally cure cancer? What excitement you
would feel. How thrilled you would be. Boldness would course through your
very being as you announced the cure . . . . and then offered it free of
charge to every person in the world who had cancer.But imagine how you might react in disbelief when you saw thousands either
ignore or reject your offer.I think that’s what God feels today for America and the other countries that
have been so adversely affected by this terrible scheme of murder.There is healing in His wings, but so few know. And, many who know will
reject the offer. Most tragically, though, is knowing that many who have
already experienced His healing touch are so wrapped up in themselves that
they haven’t even thought about telling others.How heartbreaking it must be to be a healer who is rejected by one who needs
to be healed. That is a love born in the unselfish heart that is certain of
the cure.6. As Perfect Judge I believe we can see something of God’s righteous anger,
tempered yet with sadness. He knows exactly what was done, who did it, why
they did it, and what their sentence will be. He also knows the sentence
already carried out on those who have died. He further knows the sentence
that must be carried out on all of us sometime in the future.What a mixture of emotions must go through His being as He assumes His regal
role as Perfect Judge on the one hand, and a compassionate creator and
redeemer on the other. Can you imagine what it must be like for God? Oh, I
know . . . . as God we assume He is above emotions and feelings because,
after all, He is God.But, can we be so sure? If you study Scripture at all, you know that there
are clear elements of feelings and emotions attributed to both the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is seen as being angry, as being filled
with compassion, as hating sin, as loving man unconditionally. As Perfect
Judge, consider Him to fill His role of justice while at the same time
longing to act in His role as Healer and Redeemer. This is perhaps the most
agonizing love and compassion of all —- knowing forgiveness is available,
but that judgment is inevitable on all who reject that forgiveness.7. As Coming King I sense a different mix of emotions from God’s heart.
There is a sense of joy and relief in my heart as I recognize He is one day
coming to receive His own and rule over all that is rightfully His. In that
setting, I believe His heart is resolute, purposeful, and bold as He marches
through time toward the final events of human history. All nature will
sing, all enemies will be forever vanquished, all justice will have been
served, all recompense will have been rewarded . . . . . and God will wipe
away all tears from our eyes, we shall behold Him and know Him, we will bow
before Him in homage and submission. We will rejoice and sing. We will
shout and praise. We will dance. We will celebrate.But most of all, we will worship Him around His throne.
All evil will have been conquered, all scores settled, and all the world will
acknowledge Him as Lord of all.As God views the recent tragedies, I believe this knowledge is what reveals
His patient and purposed response to the events of September 11th.And yet . . . . . at the same time I believe His heart continues to beat with
compassion, knowing that when that Day arrives, many will face it with
terror on their faces and despair in their hearts because they were not
ready.Because God is swift in His justice, He will have already served it up
appropriately to all who caused this travesty. Therefore, we don’t have to
wonder about just recompense.Because He is swift to forgive, He will have also already shown mercy on
those who repent. Therefore, we don’t have to judge the merits or motives
of those who come to Him.Because He is swift to restore, He will have already comforted those who have
mourned, bound up the broken hearted, restored those who have lost, and
declared the Good News to those who would listen. Therefore, we don’t have
to be fearful of doing whatever we can do in His Name because we know He
will have made up for our own lack.This is a love and compassion borne on the regal wings of authority, power,
and victory . . . . as the King enters His palace to receive His crown and
His kingdom.And His subjects cheer.
I guess, then, if this is the heart of God toward the victims, their
families, America, the Church, and the terrorists, then what is yours and
mine? We certainly are neither Creator, Redeemer, Judge, or coming King and
Savior, but we do need the heart of God in these matters. I believe in full
justice and retribution for these acts. I am broken hearted over what has
happened.However, my greatest concerns are two:
- How about our hearts?
- How will the church react over the long haul.
If I were to tell you all that I have heard and read regarding the future, it
could put fear in your heart. I believe the worst is yet to come. I
believe more attacks will come to American soil. I believe we must be
prepared to forfeit some of our freedoms, because I feel they will be taken,
although perhaps temporarily. I believe dangers will increase.I believe the Church is facing a great sifting and purging where the dividing
line between the “play” church and the “real” will widen. I believe our
economy will get worse. I believe war is eminent, and could easily escalate
into another World War. No matter what course America and her allies take,
there will be severe retribution against us. We are living in a new era
with totally new technology and weapons at the fingertips of our unseen and
often undetected enemy.However! I believe Jesus will be victorious. I also believe it is possible
for the Church to rise to the occasion. The present reveals unparalleled
harvest fields already ripe for the harvest. Never in recent years has
there been such a ground swell of interest . . . . . no, Hunger! . . . . .
for spiritual reality. Opportunities of ministry will overwhelm us. Those
who are willing can easily and quickly enter into exhaustion because of open
doors.This is what happened to the churches in Croatia during that conflict. One
of my dearest friends bore witness to that reality back in January of 1995
when Jo Ann and I interviewed him in his office.Persecution and attacks will also increase, both from within the Church and
from without. Many things now important to us are going to seem trivial.The greatest thing I anticipate, however, is the openness to the Gospel as
never before. I was talking with my father last week about World War II.
He reminded me of my boyhood memories of seeing that little church in
Granite City, Illinois packed on Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, and
Wednesday nights with young and old alike. He reminded me that during those
days more than 60 young men and women went off to war, most to never return
again. He reminded me of the youth who used to sit on the floor in our home
singing choruses and praying. He reminded me of the scores who came to
Christ through the ministry and witness of that little congregation. He
reminded me of all the young people who went from that church into ministry.
It was a time of great evangelistic harvest.It can be the same again.
However, the Church is going to have to recover courage, compassion, and
care.God’s heart for the situation must again become the heart of the Church. And
right now, it isn’t. I believe the Church wants it to be, but it isn’t . .
. . at least not on a broad scale.The Church for the most part is still angry over what happened, but not
broken hearted. It is still playing the game, trying to maintain all its
programs and activities, using them as a means of appealing to people to
come . . . . . when, in matter of fact, it would be wise to consider
shutting down those programs and activities, falling on our faces before God
in repentance, crying out to Him in travailing intercession for the people,
and then expend ourselves in compassionate ministry and fervent evangelizing
while there is still time left.I recently read the account of how the Times Square Church where the famed
David Wilkerson pastors literally shut down every program of the church
several weeks before the tragedy, and went into prolonged prayer. God has
forewarned them of an impending disaster, and they went on their faces
before God, interceding for their city and their nation.They discovered God’s heart, and now they are ministering in exhausting
measure and circumstances.That’s what God wants from us all. He is calling us to Himself; He wants to
talk to us; He wants to heal us; He wants to rearrange our values and
priorities; He wants to fix us so He can use us. All across America people
have been gathering in unprecedented numbers to pray. That trend must not
diminish, but must intensify.Oh, friend! We are positioned right now to possibly experience the greatest
outpouring of God’s presence and power ever experienced on this Continent
and perhaps in the world. We cannot hinder the work of the Spirit, and we
must not neglect our duty to expedite it by coming before Him in massive,
corporate praying. That is the neglected discipline of the Church which He
is anxious to restore to us.Just as it is now a new day, filled with apprehension and uncertainty in
America, it can be a new day in the Church, filled with holiness, boldness,
power, and victorious opportunity.But we’re going to have to find God’s heart first.
We’ll do that when we come before Him with humble spirit, contrite heart, and
surrendered wills and agendas. The days of ordered services and
orchestrated programs is over. It’s time to meet with God. So, we might as
well stop playing the game. . . . . The game is over.The fires of war are burning. It’s time to leave the mansion and head to the
front line. That’s where our Captain is, and He has something to say to us.Let’s move out.
In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Glory,
Bob Tolliver — Rom 1:11-12
Copyright September, 2001