Intelligent Design Science in Ohio public schools

The debate at the Ohio Board of Education is nearing a final vote. Your
support for teaching Intelligent Design Science in Ohio public schools would
be greatly appreciated.

The theory of evolution is only a theory, which has prompted a kind of
scientific debate. All debates require a fair presentation of both sides of
the issue, but currently, the Ohio public school system prohibits the
presentation of any and all credible, scientific evidence (of which there is
a great amount) that disagrees with evolution theory.

The basis for that ban is not scientific, but because it doesn’t conform to
evolution theory’s materialistic (atheist) philosophical belief system. It’s
through this unfair policy that evolutionists erroneously claim to have
established Darwin’s theory as a fact . . . but they’ve done so only by
selectively controlling the evidence.

The proposed academic standard will require Teaching The Controversy about
evolution theory in Ohio public schools science curriculum, by authorizing
the presentation of both sides of the issue. It will allow (but not force)
teachers to present evidence for and against the theory.

The currently method of teaching the theory is expressed by evolutionary
advocate, Mano Singham (member of the Ohio Board of Education’s advisory
group) who stated:

“We only introduce arguments and evidence that supports the currently
accepted theories and omit or gloss over any evidence to the contrary… And
I use [the students’ ] trust to effectively brainwash them … our teaching
methods are primarily those of propaganda.”

“Intelligent Design Science” is simply the presentation of
empirical, scientific evidence that refutes such bias.

Contrary to misunderstanding, thousands of competent, fully accredited
scientists disagree with evolution theory’s highly speculative conclusions,
attesting to the controversial nature of the subject. (Many of them were once
“believers” in evolution theory until examining intelligent design evidence.)
Such evidence can be taught in public school classrooms entirely without
reference to religious precepts.

Polls show a great majority of Ohioans support this educational standard.
Governor Taft is concerned about quality education in Ohio public schools,
and the opinions of the citizens of Ohio. Please call, e-mail, or write to
him, and voice your support for Teaching The Controversy about evolution
theory. The contact information is:

Governor Bob Taft


Phone 614-466-3555 or 614-644-HELP

Governor Bob Taft

30th Floor

77 South High Street

Columbus, Ohio 43215-6117

State Board of Education

Phone: (614)

President: Jennifer L. Sheets e-mail:

Department of Education Building,

25 S. Front St., 7th Floor,

Columbus, Ohio 43215-4183

Prayers are most important! Please pray for our Lord to grant victory in this
good cause.

Yours in the service of our Lord, Jesus Christ,
Gary Solomon

(419) 534-2238


website address: