Trust in the Lord . . . Lean Not to Your Own Understanding

by Anonymous on 2001-03-02 06:27:03

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

One of the most frustrating things in my life is my inability to change situations I am not particularly fond of. I’m a “take charge” kind of person. It somehow makes me feel good if I can be instrumental in fixing something in my own life or some else’s life. However, as the children of Israel realized in a big way, there is a Red Sea in everyone’s life from time to time. I believe that God uses the times when we face the impossible circumstances that humanly we do not have the answer for so we will learn complete trust in Him.

I was faced again today with a situation that is very uncomfortable in my life. One that I would like to walk away from, however, this is impossible because it involves close relationships. I sometimes feel caught. Not able to change the situation, but not able to leave it either. Must have been how the disciples felt when they were in the boat in the big storm, or when they were watching their Master and Teacher, Jesus, as He was put on trial, persecuted, and killed.

As I was thinking over my situation today, I was reminded again of the serenity prayer and how very true it is. Even as Christians, we sometimes lose sight of the fact that Jesus is in control of every situation. He sees all the joys and the sorrows. He knows how to handle every difficulty.

When you are going through difficult times in your life which are seemingly out of your control, remember that God is on your side if you are placing your trust and confidence in Him. He has it all worked out. Every difficulty–financial, marital, disobedient children, strained friendships, unpleasant work conditions, and a host of other things that can discourage us.

If you’re struggling with an issue today that seems overwhelming, give it to God. Trust Him, because He is the only way! “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Prov. 3:5-6.

It is my privilege to be able to serve the members and visitors of as a spiritual advisor, offering Christian advice confidentially to any who are in need. Sometimes we just need someone outside the situation in order to achieve a clear objective. I would be happy to respond. Feel free to submit your letter or question in the “Well, it’s like this, Kat” topic or you may contact me directly at

May God’s peace and blessings be abundantly yours!


Disclaimer: Kathy Redwood is not a secular, professional counselor. The nature and purpose of
her ministry is discipleship, not professional/secular counseling, and she has not been trained in
medicine or psychology, nor has she been trained in any type of secular counseling. Kathy
Redwood’s emphasis is in the direction of the Word of God, and she trains people to search the
scriptures (the Bible) for answers to life’s problems. Neither Kathy Redwood nor nor any of its owners, members, or representatives are responsible for, and
cannot be held liable for, any harm, injury, or loss occurring in the lives of participants of this
topic. Kathy Redwood cannot control decisions or events in participants’ lives or what
participants may decide to do in the future.