The pinnacle of evolutionary science

The pinnacle of evolutionary science It seems to me that evolutionary science can only get a start from men who discount the reality of God. An amazing structure is built upon things conjectured and assumed. It’s kind of like an ice cream cone balancing on a grain of sand. If the founding principle crumbles, the cone will fall over.

In this regard, evolutionary scientists and followers of Jesus share something in common – a belief that the foundation is trustworthy.

Rejecting God and the factual truth of scripture, evolutionary scientists form something in an order that they can admire and trust. Science is treated with awe and respect. These feelings/attitudes towards science stand in place of worship of God.

But some followers of Jesus have experienced the personal loving care of a living God. Like a scientific experiment with a “control”, Jesus’ followers can clearly experience the impact of God on daily life, and the absence of God’s care when He is rejected.

I have yet to observe evolutionary science bringing hope, peace, forgiveness, healing, fulfillment, patience, or wisdom to a man’s life. But I have observed this happening in the life of a man or woman dedicated to following Jesus.