Response To Homophobia

Response to homophobia

In a recent column, the Rev. Joan Kahn Schneider, a Universalist-Unitarian minister, charged that most organized religions are guilty of reinforcing homophobia – a fear of homosexuals – because they refuse to recognize a gay person’s right to marriage, jobs and social respectability.

The Rev. Fred L. Jorden Sr., pastor of Willow Grove Baptist Church in Detroit, wrote in response:

“(I) found (the article) in the worst taste. Number one, the woman has no right to call herself pastor after condoning what God has spoken against in Genesis, the 18th chapter beginning with the first verse.

“Homosexuality is not natural, so how could it be pleasing at anytime in the sight of God? Genesis’ 18th chapter says it is an abomination unto the Lord, meaning it makes him sick. But the reason we are here is to multiply the earth. How can two men and two women be fruitful and multiply? It’s not possible and it’s not natural.”

Tom Carl Swanson of Battle Creek:

Belated boos on your Schneider article. If Schneider reads the Bible, she knows that God severely condemns homosexuality. Read Romans 1:26, 27, and 28. It can’t be any clearer. God calls it sin. It’s as simple as that.

Schneider’s also wrong on another point, “Swanson added. “Female pastors are not condoned in the Bible. It has nothing to do with sexism. God said it and that’s enough. ‘Women shall not usurp authority over the man.’ A female pastor does just that.

“Business as usual on the Religion page….”