The Famous TATE family Dictat

The Famous TATE Family

Old grandpa Tate had two sons. The families those two boys raised are still in our church but they are as different as day and night.

On the one side is Mr. Dick Tate. He, wants to run everything in the church and is miffed if things don’t go his way.(1) His younger brother, Ro Tate, isn’t quite so bad, but he’s always changing everything, On the other hand, whenever new projects are suggested, cousin Hesi Tate and her sister Vege Tate pour cold water on all the proposals.(2)

Then there’s young Imi Tate, She wants the church to mimic the world and be run like a social or business club.(3) When the smartest of the family puts his nimble mind but acid tongue into a discussion, it causes anger and frustration. His name is Devas Tate.(4)

But the pair that really do the damage are the famous twins: Brother Irri Tate needles everyone about everything, and no one appreciates his style of humor.(5) His twin sister stirs up trouble constantly by gossiping and backbiting. She peddles false stories whose damage cannot be retracted and true stories which are spiteful and unloving. The old hag is aptly named Agi Tate.(6)

Fortunately the other branch of the family is a wonderful influence in the church. Whenever anything needs doing, Mr. Facili Tate and his happy family will do everything that they can.(7)

When his troublesome cousins are stirring up trouble and when sharp, heated words are exchanged, oil is poured on the troubled waters by the words of wisdom of Uncle Cogi Tate.(8)

Best of all are the Medi Tates. Grounded in the Word of God, waiting on the Lord in every situation, in worship and in work, they are a blessing to all.(9)

This family is very widespread. Likely you have some of their blood in you too. Which side of the family?

  1. III John 9:10
  2. Numbers 13:25 to 14:10
  3. Romans 12:2
  4. James 1:26
  5. Proverbs 26:28
  6. James 3:5-7
  7. Matthew 25:34-40; Philemon 5-7
  8. Proverbs 15:1,2
  9. Psalms 119:11-16; Colossians 3:23,24

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