There should be some non-negotiables on which you must never compromise. In particular, make certain that the church is committed to:
1. The Bible as the fully inspired, inerrant, infallible and authoritative Word of God.
2. That God is exalted as holy, sovereign and all-wise.
3. That salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
4. That there is solid, biblical, expository preaching and teaching.
5. That the church recognizes its duty to evangelize its own community and those around the world through missionary efforts.
6. That it teaches and insists upon holiness among its membership.
7. That it is characterized by a love toward both the saved and the lost.
8. That it both feeds and protects the flock.
9. That it encourages genuine fellowship among its members.
10. That it is a church that prays, recognizing its absolute dependence upon the grace of God.
11. That it is a vibrant, joyful Christian fellowship.
Curtis Thomas