A Christ Who Is The Wrong Chris


The word “Christ” is from the Greek “Xristos.” In Hebrew you will find the transliteration “Messiah” from “Mashiach.” In either case, the word means “anointed” or “anointed one.” This “anointing” is found in the Old Testament to refer to an act of anointing a prophet or ruler with a vial of Olive Oil as a symbol that he is the chosen one of God for a specific task (see Lev. 4:3, a priest; 1Chr. 16:22, a prophet; Lev. 6:20, a high priest; 2Sam. 22:51, a king; and Hab. 3:13, Jesus Christ). What someone has failed to observe is the fact that a wicked man or a demoniac being can also be “the Lord’s anointed” in the sense that such a one has received permissive power from God for purposes of destruction. A vivid case in the Old Testament is the demon-possessed murderer, Saul (see 1Sam. 24:6,10).

Saul (as it will be brought out) is one of the most perfect TYPES of the antichrist to be found in scripture. (A study of types, incidentally, is the place where all amillennial and postmillennial theologies fall short. The Old Testament is a dead book without a knowledge of the types in it which deal with future events, and as it has been pointed out before, the Old Testament contains 18 types of the man called “the Beast.” It also contains 21 types of the Lord Jesus Christ.)

The fact that David is afraid to kill Saul because he is “the Lord’s anointed” (and he was–1Sam. 9:16) is a fact that needs prayerful meditation and study. The infidel will alibi around it a number of ways. The quickest way is to say that David, as all ancient Hebrews, was religiously superstitious and had that unnameable dread of the “unknown” (Mana) which made him attribute divine dealings to human beings, etc., etc. This type of thing only reveals the ignorance of the infidel, and the fact that he has been reading trash written by men as stupid as himself.

Another way to explain David’s fear is to say that he had a complex about rebelling against authority because of the etc., etc. A third way is to say that the anointing symbolized something, and although Saul was anointed, the anointing wasn’t real because Saul didn’t live up to it; therefore David’s fears were groundless, etc., etc.

A much more faithful method of handling the problem would be to search the scriptures that deal with the protection and permission which God often grants or delegates to Satanic personages. In so doing, the investigator will stumble upon one of the greatest extant truths of epistemology, and a truth, incidentally, that is always overlooks (100%) by psychiatrists who are supposed to major in this field. This epistemology deals with methods by which a man can obtain truth and the method by which he is sidetracked or deceived in his efforts to obtain it. It hinges on the passages in 1Samuel 24:6,10, Romans 13:1-3, and the first two chapters of the most ancient book known to man–the Book of Job. (Job is written 1500 B.C., and Job will be found to be a contemporary of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The writer writes in the first person, showing that he is handling the stylus before Moses is born. Check Job 1:1 with Genesis 46:13, Job 6:19 with Genesis 25:3, Job 2:11 with Genesis 25:2, and Job 4:1. The author of Job is found in Job 32:2-9, 15-17.)

Now Saul is the Lord’s ANOINTED. He is the Lord’s anointed by PERMISSION (see 1Sam. 8), that is, he is the people’s choice (1Sam. 8:5,20), and as such, he holds the Old Testament pew that Caesar occupies in the New Testament, being chosen by the religious leaders of Israel. (See the election results in John 19:15.) Neither Saul nor Caesar were God’s choice for a leader of Israel. Both were manmade choices made with an eye to world-conformity and a desire to “avoid trouble” (John 12:48). Neither Saul nor Caesar were God’s choice in the matter. Where the people chose Saul for his height (1Sam. 10:23,24), God chose David for his bravery. When the test came, Saul (who measured over 7 feet in stature) sat down and watched David, a young lad, go out and tackle a Hamite monster that outweighed him 200 pounds and had the “reach” on him by at least 18 inches.

The Pharisees chose Caesar in order to retain their good standing in the political world, but God chose His Son, Jesus. When the test came, Jesus saved His people from their sins (Matt. 1:21, Luke 1:69-77), while Caesar (Titus) burned their city and crucified 500 Jews outside the city walls. The lesson in both cases is clear to an open-minded man. God may give you what you want and allow you to believe what you want to believe, but that does not mean that it is the truth or that it is even worth the powder and shot it would take to blow it into Hell.

God grants power and authority to personages and governments that He does not approve of. Hitler, Stalin, Alexander, Pope Gregory, Nero, Bloody Mary, Pharaoh, Charlemagne, Hannibal, Pope Leo, Scipio, Ghengis Khan, Frederick, Peter the Great, Hirohito, Pope Urban, Castro, Batiste, Trujillo, Kennedy, and Franco may all find their place in Romans 13:1-6, where “the powers that be are ordained of God,” but none could take the passage and prove from it that they were godly, approved of God, blessed of God, or even AWARE of God! The passage only shows, as in the case of Caesar and Saul, that God permits them “to be.” We are getting on touchy ground again–I can feel it! You see, wherever authority is the crux of the argument, there is a rebellion against it. There is within man a natural instinct to look for a higher authority, but to reject and resent authority if that authority is absolutely sinless and holy. Hence, God will give the man what he is looking for– authoritative corruption!

2Thessalonians 2 will bring the point closer to bear as this passage points out a ruler who professes to have absolute authority. Furthermore, he has given the privilege, from God, of deceiving anyone who does not love the truth, and we are told in the passage (2Thes 2:11,12) that God is the author of this delusion which damns the truth-rejector! What new doctrine is this?

It is that ancient doctrine of Job 1 and 2, wherein the lid is taken off the spirit world by the revelation of God, and we are allowed to look at the peculiar operations of the “mystery of iniquity” (2Thes. 2:7). It is called a “mystery” because none of the Greek philosophers were able to grasp it. Not one in the lot– Socrates, Zeno, Epicurus, Plato, Sophocles, Aristotle, or Democritus– ever grasped this fundamental operation of “truth and deception.” All without exception (and Hobbes, Russell, Darwin, Huxley, Spinoza, Hegel, Kant, James, Kierkegaard, Hume, Locke, and Berkley, who follow) began with the theoretical MISTAKE that there is no active, living, personal force in the universe which opposes truth, and has power to defeat it where sin is involved in the life of the truth-seeker. In plainer words, the moral issue and the absolute authority on moral issues were rejected at the start, and every one of the philosophers from Socrates to Bernard Shaw worked under the insurmountable handicap of having God Himself against them for rejecting His revelation concerning the things they professed to “think” about.

Once Satan is eliminated from the thinking process as a force to be reckoned with, then the battle is lost (Rev. 12:9,11). The Bible clearly sets him forth, sets his operations forth, and gives human examples of how these operations work–Saul and Caesar are notable. 2Thessalonians 2 brings this tremendous truth home with force: “God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” Again, it can be seen why a preliminary chapter is necessary on “The Decline of Biblical Christianity,” for the passage in 2Thessalonians 2 is too hard and brutal for the “modern mind,” as it was too hard and brutal for the philosophers of the 18th and 19th century.

The passage brings home “to roost” that terrible truth that the whole issue does not hinge on “interpretations,” “translations,” or “recent discoveries.” It hinges on the fact that men resent the Bible being an authority on settling MORAL issues. Note: “had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

Three words are found in the passage in 2Thessalonians 2 which disqualify it in the minds of modern man as being a valid explanation for obtaining accurate epistemology. The three words are not hard to find–they are “the TRUTH,” “a LIE,” and “UNRIGHTEOUSNESS.”

Now all philosophers and scientists (see Col. 2:8 and 1Tim. 6:20) profess to be seeking truth. Both groups profess to abhor a falsehood, and both groups, if put on the spot, would justify their own religion by whatever works they could produce to prove that they were not “unrighteous.” There is a conflict here. Where the Bible says, “Thy word is truth” (John 17:17), Pilate retorts, “What is truth?” To which Jesus replies, “I am the truth” (John 14:6). To which philosophy and science reply, “There is no such thing as ABSOLUTE TRUTH; all truth is RELATIVE.” To which the Bible answers, “For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should BELIEVE A LIE: That they all might BE DAMNED WHO BELIEVED NOT THE TRUTH….” The conflict gets more brutal by the minute. Somewhere in the melee, man is wanting to believe something that isn’t so, and is rejecting something that is so, and upon this reciprocal action God is giving him what he wants–A LIE!!

It is time to choose up sides and throw mud balls. On one side of the fence, we find a group of people who believe what God said, the way He said it, as He said it. And they accept a Bible which has the number of books in it that all Bible-believers have accepted. They are those Bible-believers who accepted the Bible as the final authority! On the other side of the fence, we have an army of “truth-seekers” who have already discarded the Bible as the standard by which truths are to be judged. This army is composed of scientists, philosophers, educators, priests, bishops, popes, cardinals, drunken bums, dictators, seducers, card-sharps, deacons and elders, monks, communists, nuns, atheists, pragmatists, existentialists, naturalists, realists, idealists, humanitarians, dope-addicts, and-so-forth-and-so-on. This motley array, in different uniforms, would not resemble an army were it not for the fact that they all swore allegiance to the same commander. They all hold an opinion, tradition, interpretation, or church authority ABOVE THE AUTHORITY OF THE WORD OF GOD. In a show-down (and if you ever had to draw and shoot, it will be in 2Thessalonians 2:2-12), they will always accept the anti-scriptural authority. They are not as heterogeneous as they appear.

While they profess to be “truth-seekers,” the truths they are seeking are only a-moral, objective truths in a physical realm, and the Bible deals primarily with moral, absolute truths in a religious realm. The problem is how to be “religious,” and profess to have a “faith,” while at the same time rejecting the standard by which a religion or faith is to be judged in the eyes of God. This rejection was thoroughly discussed in the first chapter of this book. Rome led the way, and the army followed (see Rev. 6:2-9).

Now what exactly does 2Thesslonians 2:10-12 mean, if it says what it means, and means what it says? For variety, let us assume that here God wrote what He intended to write, the way it was supposed to have been written, and that His purpose in doing this (as in Eph. 6:10-15) was to reveal to us the method or operations involved in obtaining truth or in losing it. Lay it out where you can let it “grab you.”

  1. God allow certain things that He does not approve of. “Thou shalt not steal,” but it goes on all the time (Luke 17:1). “Thou shalt not bear false witness,” but it goes on all the time (2Tim. 3:3).
  2. In many cases God allows powers and authorities to control people and countries although He does not approve of them. Saul and Caesar in the Bible; Nero and Hitler outside the Bible.
  3. Because He permits them, or allows them to have power or authority, does not mean that God has chosen them of His own directive will, nor is it any indication that God will bless them or even convert them. (See Jer. 51:20-25 for the judgment that God brings on a nation whom He has previously allowed to destroy another nation.)

This “delegated” authority is the bone of contention. The intellectual, trying to feel his way around in the haze of Jesuit casuistry or Thomistic sophistry, will revert immediately to “Oh yeah? Well if God is all-powerful and could have stopped it, then why did He let sin enter the world, huh? If he knew there was going to be a devil, why didn’t He…?” But the answer is so simple that no Jesuit, or Dominican, or Franciscan, or Knight of Columbus could ever hope to find it. Plato never found it. Aristotle never found it. Job found it; the book of Job deals with the subject in full force. It tackles that ancient problem: “If God could have stopped it, why didn’t He?” Job has the answer, and in the Book of Job we see the highest created being in the universe, outside of the Lord Jesus, in full operation exercising his permissive power and delegated authority to ruin an upright man.

4. If God will allow a power to control things, when this power is evil and malicious, then why would the passage in 2Thessalonians 2:10-12 cause any wonderment at all? The passage merely states that God gives what a man demands and asks for. If he wants a lie, he gets it. If he will not take light (John 11:10), then light becomes lightning (Matt. 24:27). If he will not accept the truth of God, then he is exposed to a power that God has permitted to exist for the purpose of putting across a lie (John 8:44). Nothing could be plainer. The executioner is appointed (Rom. 13:1-5); he is the “minister of God,” a revenger to execute wrath, etc. You don’t believe it? How could you read a morning newspaper and not believe it?

Why do you sit there and drivel, “God is love,” when all around you on every hand you have visible examples which prove “Our God is a consuming fire” (Heb. 12:29). Here is a dead baby in a garbage can; the mother didn’t want it. Why is it there? You say, “Well, if the mother had the proper training she….” But hold the phone; there is the baby. You say, “Well, things like that happen and we don’t understand them, but we just must have faith to believe that….” Wait a minute–There the baby is. “But accidents happen, and we must not lose our faith in man simply because one or two….” Stop your foolishness! It is not ONE OR TWO. Here are broken homes, broken hearts, broken lives, broken bones, broken nations, death, poverty, disease, starvation, killing, shelling, and bombing, as usual, with no let-up whatsoever. You say, “The trouble is that we need to get together and we are working on it, but you `prophets of doom’ have lost your faith in mankind, and you oppose our work so that….” Are you dead sure the cause of the trouble is not that you have lost your faith in the word of God, and upon rejecting His truth, have believed a lie in order that you might be damned? (2Thes. 2:10-13). Are you absolutely certain? Then until you are, go easy in saying that God does not permit Satanic forces to rule, lead, guide, and direct men where they desire to overlook God’s word.

The word reveals the operation of Satan in the moral realm.

Job discloses that this operation is the direct cause of disease, loss of property, war and death (Heb. 2:14). Once this revelation is rejected, there is no solution to the problems of life except to unite in one huge political-religious organization under the slogan, “United we stand, divided we fall”; and as the slogan is hoisted, throw the Bible out the window. For as it stands, the Bible clearly condemns the united movement (Gen. 11:1-3, Rev. 17,18), which is the coming substitute for believing the word of God.

Man, then, fails to properly analyze the source and cause of his miseries. Unwilling to accept the revelation given by God, which deals with operations and methods in the moral realm (which leads to results in the physical realm) men have abandoned all hope of an absolute moral authority in line with the Bible. Their only hope now is to turn to an authority that denies or perverts the Bible, and get their standards from this authority. Desiring this, according to His word (2Thes. 2), God is about to grant them their desire (Jer. 21:14).

The people cried, “Give us Saul.” God answers, “I’d rather have you wait until my selection, David; but if you insist….” They insisted. They got what they asked for–a king like unto the nations about them (1Sam. 8:5,7,20,22). The people cried, “Give us Caesar!” God answered, “My Son is your king; but if you insist….” They insisted (Matt. 27:23). They got what they asked for–ROMAN DOMINATION. The unregenerate seeker of truth cries, “Give me the truth.” God says, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him” (Matt. 17:5). The “seeker” shouts, “Yeah, but what about all these other religions? Do you mean to tell me that you think that you’re the only one that is right, and the rest are wrong?” God says softly, “Yea, let God be true, but EVERY MAN a liar” (Rom. 3:3,4). To which the “seeker” replies, “Well, I think there is truth in EVERY religion, and I resent you preaching against other folks’ religion; and brother, if that’s Christianity, you can have it!!” And the Lord replies, “All right, if you insist, I’ll send you somebody that will talk differently than My Son, and you can believe on him!!” (John 5:43). And here he comes! (2Thes. 2:1-12).

Enter “the Anti-Christ,” the people’s choice by popular vote!

This man, prepared of God before the foundation of the world for the purpose of taking the reins of government in his hands, is the perfection of man in his present state (going up according to Darwin, going down according to Gen. 2,3).

There is more information on him in the Bible than information on the lives of Moses, David, and Paul combined. One may truthfully say that apart from the person and work of Jesus the Messiah, the main theme of the word of God is the person and work of the Devil’s Christ, who bears the titles, “the Man of Sin,” “the Son of Perdition,” “the Beast,” and “the Anti-Christ.” Far from being presented as some out-and-out Simon Legree of religious literature, the man is presented as a military and political genius, a master politician and lover, a prodigy of learning, and above all, a religious leader who commands and obtains the respect and adoration of the world. He is truly a “CHRIST.” He is just the wrong one.

It must always be remembered that “Christ” is not a name but a title. The Holy Spirit is careful to preserve this truth in Philippians 2 where you are told “That at the NAME of Jesus every knee should bow….” “Jesus” is a NAME; “Christ” is a TITLE. This is well illustrated by the trinitarian formula of Jesus’ full title, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Notice first of all the article; Jesus is “THE” Lord, not “A” Lord (1Cor 12:3). Consequently, Judas never calls Him “Lord,” but only “Master” (Matt. 26:22,25,49, John 13:13,26). He is “THE LORD,” indicating that He is the Lord and Creator of the universe (see Col. 1:15-19). (Exit, the liberal!) He is the LORD JESUS. The name “Jesus” is literally “Jehovah saves,” and it is the equivalent of “God with us,” Immanuel (Matt. 1:23). The Lord Jesus CHRIST. Here, at last, is the title–He is the “ANOINTED MESSIAH” of God. Thus, “Christ” means “anointed” and does not necessarily have any connection with salvation or regeneration (Titus 3:5). As it has been pointed out before, Satan is a “CHRIST,” but he is not a “Jesus Christ,” for Jesus means “Jehovah saves”!

This distinction can be observed if one follows the religious movements of the day. For example, a certain Bible-believing denomination about 20 years ago put signs out in the front of their churches in the spring-time (during revival meetings). They read, “Jesus Christ is the answer.” About 5 years later, they changed the signs, and all across the nation thousands of the same churches had on their lawns at revival time, “Christ is the answer.” In the last ten years they sponsored a TV program and called it, of all things (!) “THIS is the answer.”

Here we find real evolution; you go from a Saviour to an Anointed one, to a neuter “THING.” There is room here for a strong delusion if anyone is interested in pulling it off.

Have you ever noticed in personal work how easy it is to say, “Have you made your decision for Christ?” or, “Have you received Christ?” or, “Do you believe in Christ?” and how difficult it is to say, “Have you received the Lord Jesus?” and, “Do you love the Lord Jesus?” You see, that “name that is above every name” causes you to blush. It is a powerful name. It is a beautiful name. It is the Lord’s earthly name. Hence, the Holy Spirit distinguishes between the LORD’S CHRIST (Luke 2:26, Acts 4:26) and the ANTI-CHRIST (1John 2:18;4:3). The word anti in Greek is not only used for “against” or “opposing something,” but is also used in the sense of “something over against something just like it” (Rev. 6:2). This identifies the “christ” of Satan. He is a perfect imitation of the real thing.

Taking up his attributes in detail is a study that must wait until the exact time of his appearing can be placed. All this Bible study is tremendously confusing to the average reader anyway, for in the first place, he may have been brought up on the standard antichristian teaching of Rome or the Reformation that teaches that there will be no future period of seven years in which an anti-christ will take over for 42 months (Rev. 13:1-6).

Thus the issue before men is further obscured. Not only has Rome succeeded in nullifying Revelation 17 and 18 by adding books to the Old Testament, by challenging the date and authorship of Revelation, by forbidding their people to interpret it, and by insisting that it is “figurative,” but they also have gone a step further and convinced Protestants that the pre-millennial system of interpretation is only one theoretical “possibility.” Thus the last chance of recovering the meaning and application of the passages in Revelation 6 and 13 is lost. Fortunately for the Bible-believer, the meaning can be easily picked up by reading carefully and believing what is read.

  1. It is certain that Christ is coming again. That much is certain, and even the Reformed and Catholic will buy it if they believe anything at all. One out of ten verses in the New Testament refer to this event. (See, for example, 1Cor. 11:26, Matt. 24, Mark 13, Luke 17, 1Thes. 4, 2Thes. 1, John 14:1-4, etc.) It is true that much of this material is relegated backwards to past fulfillment at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., but this entirely overlooks the fact that Revelation 11:1-4 speaks of a future destruction. (By placing Revelation’s writing under Nero’s reign, Rome effectually squelches the voice of the Holy Spirit in the passage.)
  2. At some time before Christ’s literal coming to earth (Rev. 1:7, Matt. 25:30-40) to sit on the throne of David (Luke 1:30- 33, Acts 2:30; 15:15,16), Paul says, “I show you a mystery,” and what follows (1Cor. 15:49-55, 1Thes. 4:13-18) is the Lord’s coming FOR his saints in the AIR. This coming is clearly distinguishable from His coming WITH His saints (Jude 14,15) to the GROUND (Zech. 14:1-10).

We are told to study that we may rightly divide these two aspects (2Tim. 2:15), and without proper study and proper discernment, the task of locating the anti-christ in TIME is an impossibility.

3. There is nothing remarkable about the Second Coming occurring in two installments if one remembers the circumstances of His first coming. It has truly been said, “The one thing men learn from history is that men never learn from history.” The same diplomatic and political tricks, which lead to totalitarianism, war, or revolution, are made in every generation in exactly the same way they were made in previous generations.

Now when the Lord Jesus first came, five things happened which any normal observe could have seen:

  1. John the Baptist was a herald of His coming (Luke 3).
  2. Rome was in political power at the time of His coming (Luke
  3. Israel was unconverted, but in their homeland (Luke 1).
  4. Christ appeared first to believers only, at night (Luke
  5. He appeared later publicly to His enemies at John’s baptism (Luke 3, Matt. 3).

Comparing this with what will occur, we can easily “zero in” on the target:

  1. Elijah will herald his coming (Rev. 11:3-7).
  2. Rome will be in the driver’s seat politically (Rev. 17,18).
  3. Israel will be unconverted, but in the homeland (Rev. 11:1-3).
  4. Christ will appear to believers only before the last period of Daniel’s 70th week starts (Dan. 9:25-27, Rev. 11:1-5; 13:4- 9).
  5. He will appear openly to His enemies at the end of the seven years (Joel 2, Rev. 19, Isa. 63:1-4, Matt. 24:30).

This interval between His coming FOR His saints “in the air,” and His coming WITH His saints “on the Mount of Olives,” is called “The Great Tribulation” or the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” (Jer. 30:7). There are over 500 verses in the Old Testament that refer to this time, which is also called “THE DAY OF THE LORD.”

With this system, the Old Testament becomes a living book with direct application to the future. With the amillennial and postmillennial systems (Eusebius, Augustine, Jerome, Calvin, Pope Johnny, etc.), the Old Testament is successfully silenced so that when the Anti-Christ shows up, no one will be prepared to detect him for what he is.

Now if the person and work of God’s Christ can ever be properly placed, the “Mystery of Iniquity” no longer remains a “mystery”; but if the amillennial (no thousand-year reign of Christ) and the postmillennial (man brings in a thousand years of peace before Christ comes) systems are adhered to, then the Mystery of Iniquity is free to work unhindered and unchecked, for neither of these systems make any allowance for the literal fulfillment of the promises in the Old Testament which God gave to Israel. Both systems deny the honsty and the integrity of God and spiritualize the promises, thus pilfering them for the “church.” The old woman with her leaven (Matt. 13:33) has now had 1900 years to set her house in order and finish ruining the Bread of Life. She has done an excellent job. Her job has been so thoroughly done, that even to this date, 90% of Christians do not even know what the terms amillennial, postmillennial, and premillennial represent; and what is worse, they couldn’t care less about it.

Lining up the scriptures as they stand, where they stand, written as they are, to say what they mean, you will find the Lord Jesus has three offices–Prophet, Priest, and King. These three may be matched to the Trinity. These three are found only in David in the Old Testament. The correct placing of these three offices will locate for us the time and place of the Anti-Christ.

Moses was a king (Deut. 33:5), and a prophet (Deut. 18:18), but not a priest. Aaron was the priest.

Samuel was a priest (1Sam. 7:9,10), and a prophet (1Sam. 3:20), but not a king.

Saul was a king (1Sam. 10:24), and a prophet (1Sam. 10:13), but not a priest.

David, the shepherd, born in Bethlehem and anointed in the midst of his brethren (notice all three similarities to Jesus), was a king (Matt. 1:6), and a prophet (Acts 2:28-30), and a priest (2Sam. 6:18; 24:25).

Jesus Christ exercised His office as Prophet on this earth (Matt. 21:12). He came to His own, but before His own could crown Him as King (Matt. 21:5), they crowned Him with thorns and elected Caesar. Caesar took the crown but let the inscription stand: “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” Nowhere in the Bible is He ever spoken of as King over the Christian, or King over the church, or King over the present Gentile-Catholic world system. In His present risen and glorified state, He is said to be exercising the office of Priest at the right hand of the throne (Heb. 3:1; 8:1; 10:10-14; 12:2). At His second coming, He obviously comes, as already noted, “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS” (Rev. 19).

If we can find who is usurping the priesthood in this dispensation (before Daniel’s seventieth week) we can find out where the false “king” will come from, and who will seize the throne just before the Advent of Jesus Christ (see Dan. 8:23-25).

The usurper is not difficult to find. The first step he took was to add seven books to the Bible that are not there. His next step was to violate the teaching of Christ in Matthew 23:9 on religious titles. His third step was to put himself up as the supreme religious authority on matters of faith and practice and teach “tradition” as doctrine (Mark 7:1-13). His fourth step was to put a curse on anyone who accepted the canon of the Bible that Jesus and Paul accepted; and then, in one move after another, he built a city on seven mountains, which reigns over the kings of the earth, whose colors are purple and scarlet, whose symbol is a golden cup, who has persecuted saints and martyrs, and who has carried on 1500 years of warfare against the Textus Receptus of the King James Bible. GUESS WHO?

The phony Christ that will show up is connected lock-stock-andbarrel to the original enemy of Bible-believing Christianity. The Bible is his only real threat of being detected, and the decline of Biblical Christianity is his surety of protection. The Bible reveals his life, person, work, religion, history, race, shape, size, background, motives, intentions, and purpose in appearing. No real Bible-believer could fail to spot him. No professing Bible-believer who desired to alter the A.V. could even find him. (Not even Scofield, who reached the impasse in Dan. 7:8; 8:9-12, and Gen. 6:1-3.)

In the light of scripture, therefore, let us analyze this fake “Christ” who will show up after the mystery that Paul spoke of– the catching away of the body of believers before Daniel’s 70th week.

I. Cain. In type, the “seed of the serpent,” born “of that wicked one” (1John 3:12), who had a MARK which signified a murderer.

II. Nimrod. His name means “the rebel,” the 13th from Adam and a builder of an integrated United Nations to glorify man. He is a Hamite, whose seed had a divine curse on it, as Cain. “Nimrod” also has a root derivation of “LEOPARD” (Gen. 10,11).

III. Pharaoh. The one who persecuted Israel (cf. Rev. 12:1-17), and is called a “DRAGON” (Eze. 29:3), as Revelation 12:1-4. Plagues come on him, as Revelation 11:4-7; and his catechism is, “I know not the Lord, neither will I let the children of Israel go.”

IV. Balak. The man who tries to eliminate Israel, winds up corrupting Israel with BAAL worship (Num. 22-25). His prophet is BALAAM, thus making a trinity: Father-Baal, Son-Balak, Unclean SpiritBalaam (see Rev. 16:13). Baal is our word “bull,” or “OX.” Did you ever study words that end in “X”? Lax? Paradox?

Balak is a king, as the anti-christ. He is a half-breed of Moabite extraction, the Moabites coming from the mulattoes of Lot’s Hamitic wife (see Gen. 10:6,19; 13:12; 19:15,30-38).

V. Sisera. A Gentile King who is defeated at Megiddo (Rev. 16:16), which is the Armageddon of Revelation. “The stars in their courses” fight from Heaven against him (Jud. 5:19,20, Rev. 19), and the man who fights him is said to be a type of Jesus Christ (see. Jud. 5:12, Eph. 4:4-10). (The way the Liberal knocks out Judges 5 is by calling it “poetry,” and then insisting that all poetry is figurative! “The Charge of the Light Brigade” is not figurative. Some people never do learn how to read 6th-grade English!)

Sisera is killed by a blow on the head (Gen. 3:15, Jud. 5:26).

VI. Abimelech. The man is a rebel (Jud. 9) who is killed by a blow on the head (Rom. 16:20, Hab. 3:13).

VII. Absalom. This “father of peace” obtains the kingdom peaceably, by flatteries (see 2Sam. 15:2-6, Dan. 8:25; 11:24). He rebels against David, a type of Christ. He is perfect in beauty (2Sam. 14:25,26, Eze. 28:15), and is hairy (cf. Esau), and hangs (Gal. 3:13, Matt. 27:5), and has a memorial built to himself (2Sam. 18:18, Rev. 13:14,15).

Are you learning anything? Don’t you see what the book of Revelation does to the Old Testament if you take it at face value? It opens 39 books that otherwise are dead and gone. It unmasks the coming “Christ,” who will pose as the Lord’s Christ immediately preceding the Second Advent.

VIII. Saul. He is demon-possessed, a rebel against God, a usurper of the priest’s office, a popular idol, a hater of David (type of Christ), and a tall man (2Thes. 2:2-6, Rev. 13:3-6).

IX. Goliath. A tall man. He is killed by a wound in the head. Goliath comes from Hamitic background, exactly as Nimrod, Balak, and Pharaoh (note Gen. 10:6,14). He has SIX pieces of armour (1Sam. 17:4-7), and he is killed by David (a type of Christ).

X. Ahab. He is a wicked prince of Israel (Eze. 21:25-27), and marries a Phoenician Baal-worshipper (1Ki. 16:31). He is opposed by the herald of the Second Advent, Elijah! Ahab has priests who wear vestments and come from the apostate tribe of Dan, who called the priest, “Father”!! (See Jud. 17:1-3,5,7-13; 18:1,6,14-25,28-31, 2Ki. 10:22.) These priests hold serves at 11-12 on the day of the sun-god, “Sunday,” and worship Baal by penitential acts of selfmutilation (1 Ki. 18:17,27,28). Hello, Rome, how did YOU get in here?? Further, they honour the “Queen of Heaven” with wafers (Jer. 44:14,19,25), and as Phoenicians, they come from HAM (see Gen. 10:19–Sidon, Zidon in 1Ki. 16).

XI. Jeroboam. He is a wicked prince of Israel (Eze. 21:25- 27), who worships Baal with the golden calves which men are to KISS! (1 Ki. 12:25-33, Hos 13:2, 1 Ki. 19:18). Do you not sign “love and kisses” with XXXXX? Have you ever studied words that end in “X”? Jeroboam, as the anti-christ, had a bad arm (Zech. 11:16,17– note the “IDOL”; 1 Ki. 13:4), and Kaiser Bill, Hitler, and Napoleon seemed to have picked up the thing accidentally.

XII. Nabal. He is an enemy of David who, as was Herod, is killed by God (1Sam. 25:36-38). His answer is identical to Pharaoh’s except the word “David” is inserted for “God” (see 1Sam. 25:10, Ex. 5:2).

XIII. Sennacherib. An enemy of Israel who is struck by the angel of the Lord, as was Herod (see Acts 12:22,23, 2Ki. 19:16,35). He attacks Jerusalem, goes away and returns, exactly as Titus in 70 A.D., exactly as Saul chased David in 1Samuel 24, 26, and as the Anti-Christ will do in Matthew 24, thus giving those in Judea opportunity to “flee to the mountains” (Matt. 24:16, Ps. 11:1).

XIV. Nebuchadnezzar. He builds an image (Rev. 13, Dan. 3). The image is 60 by 6 by 6 (Dan. 3:1, Rev. 13:18). He persecutes the Jewish remnant (Dan. 3:16-18) using SEVEN as the ratio (Dan. 3:19). There are six instruments of music involved in idol worship, and it says six times that “he set it up” (Dan. 3:1,2,3,4,5,7). He is king of Babylon, and this is the last form of government on the earth at the second coming–Revelation 17, “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT.” Nebuchadnezzar, as Pharaoh, is called a “dragon” (Jer. 51:34, Rev. 12:1-4).

XV. Haman. He is called an “adversary,” which is the meaning of the word “Satan” (Est. 7:6). He persecutes the Jew, as Pharaoh and the Anti-Christ (Rev. 12:17), and hangs, as Judas and Absalom (Est. 7:10, Deut. 21:23, Gal. 3:13).

XVI. Solomon. His number is 666 (2Chr. 9:13), and six lions are on six steps on one side, and six on the other (2Chr. 9:18,19). He is a king over Israel, and a type of Christ up to the paragraph mark in 2Chronicles 9:13; but from here on, he changes exactly as the Anti-Christ changes in the middle of the tribulation to the “Son of Perdition,” and breaks his covenant with the Jews (Dan. 9:27).

XVII. Herod. He usurps God’s voice (“VOX” in Latin), and is slain for not giving God the glory (Acts 12:22,23, Rev. 19:20).

XVIII. Judas. He hangs, as Haman and Absalom. He is against the Lord Jesus. He is a devil (John 6:70,71). He goes to his own place, as Absalom (2Sam. 18:18, Acts 1:25). He comes in the name of Christ, as a Bible-believer, and follows in Christ’s steps, as Mr. Sheldon, for 42 months. His name means “Judah-A man of Kerioth.” Kerioth is in Moab (Jer. 48:2,10,15,24,41). Judas is a halfbreed, Hamitic Jew (Nimrod, Balak) from the Moabite line! (See comments under Balak, No. IV.)

The evidence mounts. What we are looking for is a man who is a murderer at heart, but who passes off as a Christian. This man has trouble with one arm and an eye. He is, by extraction, a half-breed, Syrian Jew. His number is 666, and he is associated with number 13. (Hence, Friday, the 6th day of the week, the 13th, etc.) This man is connected with the Phoenician religion of Sun-worship, which uses OXEN and long-robed priests for its propagation. This man is a “christ” who is a devil incarnate, completely demon-possessed, and he desires to be worshipped. He is an idolator. He is begotten of Satan. He has an affinity for African (Hamitic) ideas. The words “vestments,” “queen of heaven,” and “Sunday” are an essential part of his religion. He will utilize the universal language (music) to assemble his devotees. He is a Jew-baiter and hater, and he makes it a life-long practice to be Christ-like.

He enters as a peaceful king. His letter is undoubtedly “X,” and his numerology will be multiples of 13. He will demand worship. He will make covenants and break them. He dies a death where his HEAD is affected (Rev. 13:3-5), and he is undoubtedly a giant in physical stature. He is a rebel who will later be symbolized by a black cat–a panther. His long-robed priests wear black (“STYX” in Latin. Did you ever study words that end in “X”?), and they believe in doing penance for sin and addressing each other as “father.”

Ah, the unsearchable riches of the Authorized 1611 Version!

How unsearchable is its composition and is plain English past finding out!!

We have found our man. Let us now define his NUMBER, NAME, SIGN, and MARK.