America In Prophecy Part 1 Va

America In Prophecy – Jack Van-Impe

“My country tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing. . . Long may our land be bright With freedom’s holy light; Protect us by Thy might, Great God our King.”

Millions of Americans have heartily echoed this refrain and petition down through the annals of our history. In past days God was willing to grant this request because our foundations and roots were anchored in God and the Bible. For instance, the Mayflower Compact, signed November 11, 1620, began: “In the name of God, Amen . . . We, whose names are underwritten . . . have undertaken, for the glory of God, the advancement of the Christian faith.” Again the final sentence of the Declaration of Independence contains a declaration of dependence upon the Almighty God. George Washington, in his First Inaugural Address, given on April 30th, 1789, directed supplications to God for His continued blessings upon the formation of our new Government. America’s educational system used the McGuffey Reader for nearly one hundred years. The series was loaded with the Word of God. In fact, one story in every four was a biblical narration. Some of the lessons with religious instructions were: “The Hour of Prayer,” “Religion, the Only Basis of Society,” “Control Your Temper,” “The Bible and the Best of Classics,” “The Baptism,” “The Folly of Intoxication,” and “Beware of the First Drink.” Today, through the influence of one loud-mouthed atheist, the Bible has been extricated and virtually eliminated from the curriculum of the educational system in America. The result–righteousness has been replaced by debasing and debauching trash. An example appeared in the Los Angeles Times. The article stated: “Is America ready for a children’s sex education book as explicit as `The Joys of Sex?’ Some child psychologists and even publishers are not sure. But ready or not, America is going to get it this spring.” The story behind this sex book entitled, “Show Me,” is unbelievable. The models for the explicit sex photographs are children. The children progress from mutual fondling to a wide range of love-making techniques. The strongest rebuff of the book has come from Dr. Derek Burleson who said: “It’s simply too much in one shot, too diverse.” You don’t have to be a psychologist to realize that the very young models will suggest to other children that they should immediately engage in exotic and perverted sex play. Distribution of the book in America will be restricted to areas of the East and West coasts before moving into the South and Midwest. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a book one will find in a smut dealer’s store but in America’s schools! Perhaps we had better begin fighting at the grass roots level and clean up our filthy educational system. Through multitudinous illustrations, I will endeavor to prove that America, the land I love, the land of which I am a citizen, is on the decline, and may soon suffer horrendous judgment. Does the Bible predict such calamities? Is America literally found in Bible prophecy? Let’s look and see.

America Depicted

There are a number of chapters within the pages of God’s Word that certainly seem to picture the USA. I will not dogmatically say that the facts I am about to present demand this conclusion. However, I will emphatically declare that no other nation throughout the pages of history can so convincingly fulfill all of the requirements of the prophesied texts. Immediately someone mentally argues: “Well, the USA is not mentioned by name in the Bible.” True. However, it is equally true that America must be included in texts prophesying that “all nations” suffer judgment. Micah 5:15 states: “. . .I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the nations {all of them}, such as they have not heard.” Again Ezekiel 39:21 declares that “. . .all the nations shall see my judgment. . .” America is certainly included in the blitzkreig upon all nations. Though we are not specifically named, logical deduction makes us know that we too shall suffer. The main reason the name “America” is not found in the Scriptures is obviously because the nation was not in existence when the prophecies were penned. Therefore, we must move ahead to the study of characteristics and traits, involving nations, to see which country fulfills the prophetical predictions. When this is accomplished, the USA alone meets the requirements. She seems to be the political Babylon of the hour. God’s Word mentions three Babylons: a city (Genesis 11), a church (Revelation 17), and a country (Revelation 18). Don’t confuse the three by intermingling these chapters. The context of each text identifies “Who’s Who” to the careful student. Isaiah, Jeremiah and John graphically describe this nation. Who is she? Let’s begin with Isaiah, chapter 18:1-2.

Isaiah’s Depiction of America

“Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia: That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!” The nation described in this text is in dire difficulty with God because the opening word is judgmental. God says, “Woe” and the term always connotates judgment. This nation:

  1. has the insignia of wings–similar to our national emblem, the bald eagle, with extended wings.
  2. is a land that is beyond the sea. Israel is always the focal point in the Bible. So, the message of warning is directed to a far country beyond Ethiopia and across the sea from Israel. This designation eliminates Europe, Asia and Africa. Instead it is directed to a nation with outstretched wings across the sea from Israel–and America qualifies.
  3. is scattered and peeled. Scattered means widely spread out or having great land areas.
  4. is measured. This certainly describes our beloved country with its counties, cities and states. One is amazed as he traverses America by air and sees the staked out acres from the heavens–tens of thousands of miles completely measured and marked.
  5. is a land whose rivers are spoiled. Ecological experts vouch that this significant prophesy has occurred in our waterways. Isaiah simply tells us that dreadful judgment will come upon a nation with outstretched wings, beyond the seas of Israel–a nation with vast measured land areas and polluted waters.

Jeremiah’s Depiction

Jeremiah also pinpoints America’s characteristics with even greater detail. In chapter 30, verse 11, God states: “. . .I make a full end of all nations. . .” It is evident that unprecedented judgment shall sweep the world. However, the prophet singles out a specific nation for judgment. Who is this “Babylon” mentioned by the Holy Spirit in Jeremiah, chapters 50 and 51? She is a country. . .

  1. who is destroyed by an assembly of nations from the North. This certainly was not fulfilled when the Medes and Persians from the East attacked Babylon. Neither could these two small nations fulfill the latter-day prophecy concerning an assembly of great nations moving against Babylon from the North. Thus, the prophecy, presently unfulfilled, must be futuristic.
  2. whose mother is sorely confounded (Jeremiah 50, verse 12). Again we see that ancient Babylon had no mother–only a father and founder named Nimrod. Prophetical and futuristic Babylon has a mother who exists at the same time as Babylon, but in a confounded, deteriorated condition. Surely Britain is this modern-day mother if America is in view. The recent shrinking of the English pound to the lowest point in history confirms that “mama” is confounded and troubled.
  3. who is the youngest among the great world powers for she is the “hindermost of the nations” or last to become internationally prominent (Jeremiah 50:12). America celebrated its Bicentennial July 4th, 1976. However, two hundred years of age makes our country but a teenager among the nations of earth, comparatively speaking.
  4. who is an end-time nation for she exists when Israel is back in her land. Jeremiah 50:19 declares: “. . .I will bring Israel again to his habitation. . .” This began in 1948 when the Jews of the world returned to their homeland, hoisted their flag, the six pointed star of David, and named the country ISRAEL. What tremendous proof that God had an end-time Babylon in mind when Jeremiah penned the prophecies 25 centuries ago.
  5. who “hath been proud against the Lord.” This situation exists presently in America. The Supreme Court ruled Bible reading and prayer out of the educational system, and constantly votes on the side of “Hell-bent” schemes. Regular judges set criminals free more quickly than police can apprehend them. Filthiness also floods the land as pornography, obscenity and depravity hold sway. Surely haughtiness against God reigns in modern Babylon.
  6. of mingled people. Have we not been called the melting pot of the world? Millions have come from every nation and tongue to the land of milk and honey. My own Belgian parents were part of the immigration to America in 1929, and became part of the mingled multitude (Jeremiah 50:37).
  7. of wealth, for “Babylon hath been a golden cup in the Lord’s hand. . .” In fact, the nations who have tasted of her delicacies “. . .are mad” (Jeremiah 51:7). Even now the “third world” nations, whose income levels produce mass starvation, have tasted of America’s dainties via movies and television and are becoming insane in their quest to partake of its reality. Who but America could fulfill their dreams? Babylon could for she is “abundant in treasures” (Jeremiah 51:13).
  8. who “. . .dwellest upon many waters. . .” (Jeremiah 51:13). This could not be ancient Babylon, a desert country, but must be a nation similar to ours, bordered on each side by the world’s two largest oceans and having the longest river in the world–the mighty Mississippi–some 4,200 miles long.
  9. who, like ancient Babylon, tries to “. . .mount up to heaven.” (Jeremiah 51:53). We have already arrived on the moon, sent spaceships to Mars and have become the preeminent leader in space technology. Certainly the type is cast, the sign fulfilled and the future calamitous. God sent confusion of tongues to ancient Babylon because they tried to reach heaven without God and failed–so will America.

John the Revelator’s Depiction

John, in the book of Revelation, also gives us insight into modern Babylon. Chapter 17 deals with religious Babylon located upon the seven hills of Rome (verse 9), while chapter 18 deals with Political Babylon, which probably is the United States of America. What does John depict?

  1. A nation through whom “. . .the merchants of the earth {have} waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies {or luxuries}” (Revelation 18:3).
  2. A nation laden with sins (verse 5).
  3. A nation which “. . .hath glorified herself and lived deliciously. . .” (verse 7). That’s us! We spend 173 billion dollars annually for food, alcohol, tobacco, recreation and gambling. This is “living high on the hog.”

America’s Decapitation

The present enjoyment will not last forever. America’s decapitation and destruction may come in jet-speed fashion. If we do not have an old-fashioned, Holy Ghost revival, we could in all probability be the nation God has in mind. We could become the brutalized, battered and beaten Babylon of the following texts. God says: “For, lo, I will raise and cause to come against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country: and they shall set themselves in array against her. . .” (Jeremiah 50:9). Revelation 18 pictures the kings of the earth, who have lived scandalously in the arms of Babylon, weeping as her disintegrating smoke ascends heavenward. They are standing afar off and crying: “. . .Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come” (Revelation 18:10). They continue in verses 16-19: “. . .Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! And they cast dust on their heads, and cried weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.” Today a devastating atomic attack could, in one hour’s time, obliterate everything a nation took two centuries to build. If God has America in mind–and it certainly looks that way–then what? Are you prepared for the judgment that may soon hit our nation like a bolt of lightning? Have you anchored your soul to the Lord Jesus Christ? There is no other way to be saved and ready for the coming hour of woe. Should it occur before the Rapture, one can, by trusting Christ, say goodnight here and good morning up there. However, I believe that the saved will be evacuated first. Death is not a sad ending but a glorious beginning for the saved. “. . .to be absent from the body {is} to be present with the Lord” (II Corinthians 5:8). If you desire to prepare, accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour today.