America In Prophecy Part 2

America In Prophecy – Jack Van-Impe


Is America in prophecy? If so, what prophetical predictions allude to the United States of America? Is the destruction of the USA portrayed in Holy Writ? These and other vital questions are discussed in this chapter.

America’s Deception

The present discussion among the superpowers concerning harmony and peace is but superficial window dressing. Communism still plans the eventual overthrow of America and its Western allies. The plans perpetrated over sixty years ago are still moving according to schedule. At that time Lenin, who imported Communism into Russia by murder, said: “First, we will take eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia, then we will encircle the United States, the last bastion of capitalism. We will not have to attack. She will fall into our hands like overripe fruit.” The plan is presently in its final stages. In spite of it, Americans are so duped and deceived that tomorrow’s concentration camps are never discussed. The information could ruin one’s pleasurable pursuits! It could affect one’s golf score, batting average or amusement schedule! The rotted, overripe fruit–a symbol of leisure-mad Americans–is beginning to fall and the end may be imminent.

The British historian, Arnold Toynbee, stated that of the 21 civilizations throughout world history, nineteen fell through atheism, alcoholism, materialism, and socialism. The handwriting is on the wall, America. Our decline along these same lines may bring sudden destruction if there is not a movement toward God within our nation – soon!

America’s Decline

Is decline already visible in America? Definitely! We, like other civilizations, have allowed atheists, agnostics, skeptics and weirdos to set our standards. PhD’s told our college students that there was no creation by an Almighty God. Instead, a lot of “monkey business” took place. These irresponsible, irreligious, God-deniers never found the “missing link” of their evolutionary hypothesis and never scientifically proved their allegations–nevertheless, an entire generation of “brainwashed” graduates listened, and accepted their unverified theories. From this beginning the schools eventually banned the “creation story,” the Bible and then God Himself. What nonsensical pagans some mortals be. This degenerative process led to immorality, impropriety and immobility as they experimented and died from drinks and drugs. Today every conceivable act of vice and violence is the practice of the hour–the result of atheistic, yea communistic, influence through the educational system and entertainment media.

America’s Defilement

The result? Our nation has been defiled morally. Today Americans spend approximately 31 billion dollars per year for alcoholic beverages. This amounts to 3-1/2 million dollars per hour! The disease has reached epidemic proportions, and child alcoholism is part of the menace. The Federal Government’s National Institute on Alcoholic Abuse and Alcoholism states: “By the time students reach the twelfth grade, 50% drink regularly and 25% have been drunk.” Millions more are drug addicts. Both sins destroy a nation and send unrepentant addicts and drunkards to Hell. I Corinthians 6:9-10 state: “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor DRUNKARDS, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God” (emphasis mine). Galatians 5:19-21 list seventeen sins. Number sixteen is DRUNKENNESS. After naming these practiced abominations including drunkenness, the Bible says, “. . .they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” Concerning drugs the Bible declares in Revelation 21:8 that “. . .the fearful and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” The term “sorcerer” is the English transliteration from the Greek “Pharmakeia” and means “pharmacy” or “drug store.” The original idea is to use drugs for a “high”, a “lift”, or a “kick”–not a medication! God plainly states that those who use drugs promiscuously are in the “lake of fire”.

The defilement extends into the sexual area as well. Dr. Murray Kappleman states: “The sex revolution is over and sex has won.” Sexual experimentation is now occurring at 13 and 14 years of age. “The pressure from the peer group and the media to be sexually active is enormous. Today if a girl is a virgin at 17 she is made to feel she is in need of therapy–just the opposite of 20 years ago.” Dr. Kappleman indicts the media for much of this immorality. Is there any validity to his claim? Let’s see.

Television “specials” such as “Rich Man, Poor Man,” “Best Sellers” and “Captains and the Kings” are loaded with sex, violence, cursing, situation ethics and anti-Christian morality. Adultery, fornication, homosexuality, orgies, incest and nudity are all a major part of these shows. Even the so-called “situation comedies” are tragically filthy. “Rhoda” is divorced. “Maude” had illicit affairs and an abortion. In “One Day At a Time” both mother and daughter ran off with boyfriends. In “Welcome Back, Kotter” Barbarino claims to get saved and then chucks it all overboard for sex. This filthy “brainwashing” is having its effect. It contributes to sexual intercourse on the part of 35 percent of the girls in the nation who are 15-19 years of age, according to Patricia McCormack in a United Press International release. Surely this makes 1,300,000 sinners who shack up without a marriage license in our nation feel comfortable in their adulterous condition. After all, if the heroes of the silver screen can do it and make it look decent–why not try it! The problem is that God, yea the God of holiness, is still against any act of sex that takes place outside the bonds of holy matrimony. If one does not have a marriage license and plays sex games, he will end up in a Devil’s Hell. God’s Holy Commandment in Exodus 20:14 is: “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” What makes one think he can flaunt God’s rules and end up in eternal bliss? Just who do we think we are? God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11) and one day “. . .God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ . . .” (Romans 2:16). Then our brazen disregard of God’s Laws will be judged. God’s Law declares: “Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled {in marriage}: but whoremongers and adulterers {the swingers and the one-night flingers}, God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4). Revelation 22:15 declares: “For without {of heaven} are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers {women-chasers and men-seducers}, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.”

Can America sink any lower in the mud of depravity? The defilement of our nation has reached such lascivious stages that 30,000 Los Angeles children have been used for “Kiddie Pornography” according to The Associated Press. Wicked, satanically controlled purveyors of smut– the publishers, printers and sellers of pornography–are the guilty culprits behind this filth. However, the educational system of the United States also shares some of the blame for the deteriorated debacle in which the nation finds itself. Recently, a 13-year-old girl in Austin, Texas came home in a distraught condition because a sex education film entitled, “All About Sex,” had been shown in her Home Economics class. It showed a nude couple in the actual act! America needs an investigation into the morals of its teaching staff! Many of them bring their barnyard manners into the classroom and present them as rationally acceptable. Now, since the “intellectually elite” accept such depravity, no questions should therefore be asked. The problem is that a corrupt mind, educated or uneducated, is still rotten to the core. God says: “. . . their mind and conscience is defiled” (Titus 1:15). This deterioration of standards has led to one million abortions within the last year. Think of it! The “brainwashed” victims–monkey see, monkey do–whom instructors with evolutionary “monkey” tendencies indoctrinated, now do what monkeys would never do–kill their babies! Where will it all end? The next step, undoubtedly, is related to Nazism and Communism. Why? Because both maniacal organizations murdered millions. Hitler believed in genocide and practiced it. Babies and adults with physical blemishes were liquidated. The Communists murdered millions more than the Nazis for political reasons. Likewise, our educated “morons” are now advocating “mercy killing” as the next step in America’s defiling decline. Dr. Francis Crick, Nobel Prize winner, advocates that newborn babies should not be considered legally alive until they are two days old and have been certified as healthy by medical examiners. He also advocates compulsory death for all at age eighty. Dr. Gallop said: “If a doctor takes money for killing an innocent babe in the womb, he will kill you with a needle, when paid by your children.” “This,” he said, “is the terrible nightmare we are creating for the future.”


It is plain to see that callousness is sweeping the nation. Kill the unborn, kill the aged, kill anyone who stands in the way of one’s selfish aspirations. This callousness produces sadistic and violent murderers. In past history rare instances of torture and mutilation occurred. Today, it is the rage of the hour. Recently, in Detroit, a young man killed his father, stuffed him into the refrigerator and ate dad piece by piece. What savagery! Sam, the 44-caliber killer of New York City, blew holes through his victims’ heads to satisfy his quest for blood.

Again in Detroit, Michelle Mudie is to be married, but may not be able to walk down the aisle. Why? Some maniacs robbed the shop where she worked, tied up three victims and hacked them with hatchets. In Chatham. Ontario Monica Johnson was found. The Detroit woman’s body had been dismembered into ten pieces and thrown into a marshy area. I don’t know about you, but God and the Bible are for capital punishment and vicious killers such as these should pay with their lives! Exodus 21:12 says: “He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death.” Again: “. . .he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death” (Leviticus 24:17). Many of today’s criminals escape earthly judgment because of lenient judges. Still, eternal judgment will come because “. . .murderers . . .shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone. . .” (Revelation 21:8).

This same callousness also produces merciless robbers, looters and plunderers. A few lights go out in New York City and the “animals” stalk their victims. They cry: “We are hungry” and most of them look like stuffed sausages. Their obesity speaks louder than their lament. Many of these thieves had previously robbed, raped and plundered when the lights were on and scores more had top-paying jobs. Their “Uncle Sam owed it to me” attitude prevailed and crime reigned. Our dependency from cradle to grave on governmental funds will undoubtedly produce a socialistically controlled nation. This same situation destroyed civilization after civilization as creeping socialism grasped power. How different from God’s instructions! He states through Paul in II Thessalonians 3:10-12: “. . .if any would not work, neither should he eat. For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies {or troublemakers}. Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they WORK, and eat their own bread” (emphasis mine). Laziness and idleness produce robbers, rapers, looters, troublemakers, and murderers who have nothing to do but daydream and carry out their “fairy tale” hallucinations. God help us!

America’s Ministerial Defilement

To further aggravate the situation, we have doctrinally defiled clergymen who mock everything that is right. They know more than God. He wrote the Bible and they knock its precepts, standards and teachings. For instance, a recent London (AP) release stated: “The divinity of Jesus is being challenged by a panel of British Protestant theologians who say He should be regarded as a great teacher, not a supernatural miracle worker.” In a new book entitled. “The Myth of God Incarnate,” the seven theologians argue that Jesus was not God in human form but “a man approved by God” for a special role. The authors state that Jesus did not claim to be divine but was promoted to divinity by early Christians who were still under pagan influences. What blasphemy! This kind of dedication to the destruction of God and His Word is common. Our pulpits are full of ordained hypocrites who spouted fundamental Bible principles at their ministerial induction services and then slid back into religious anarchy as the years progressed. God, speaking about this crop of apostates, says in Jude verse 8: “. . .these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities” (including the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ). The apostle Peter states, “. . .there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them. (II Peter 2:1 emphasis mine). No doubt about the teachings of the Bible–Jesus is God: “. . .God was manifest in the flesh. . .” (I Timothy 3:16).

Every precious doctrine held by Christians throughout the centuries is being attacked by ministerial antichrists. Pollution and defilement permeate every area of America’s populace, including the ministry. Judgment is on the way: “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psalm 9:17). Though it may be too late to save America nationally, we can individually prepare to meet the Lord. How? Christ shed His precious blood for the remission of mankind’s sin. He died for you, for your sin, for your defilement. If you call on His name now, He will save you.