America In Prophecy Part 4

America In Prophecy – Jack Van-Impe


This chapter continues our discussion of America in Bible prophecy. The question and answer method will be used to recapitulate the startling truths mentioned in the past three chapters.

Q: Do you think that America’s present and future are predicted in the Bible?

  1. My answer must be affirmative. After delving into this subject intensely, I cannot come to any other conclusion.
  2. What are these prophecies and where are they located?
  3. They are mentioned in the writings of Isaiah, Jeremiah and John. Let’s begin with Isaiah. In chapter 18:1-2, the prophet depicts a latter-day nation that amazingly resembles modern America. He says: “Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia: That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!” From this we deduce the following:
    1. America’s emblem, a bald eagle, with outstretched wings, fulfills the prophet’s description of a land shadowed with wings.
    2. The nation is beyond the sea from Israel.
    3. This nation is scattered and peeled, meaning spread out and cultured.
    4. She is measured or staked out as well.
    5. She has spoiled or polluted waterways that affect the land.
  4. Is there more? What about the description of Babylon itself? Where is she mentioned in God’s Word?
  5. Political Babylon is mentioned in the writings of Jeremiah and John. However, may I unequivocally state at this point that it was God Almighty Who gave the prophecies through His servants. God spoke and man wrote. That is why God says in Jeremiah 30:2: “. . .Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book.” This is important to know. Why? It makes one realize that the predictions are not the ramblings of men, but statements from Jehovah God Himself.
  6. What does Jeremiah state?
  7. In chapters 50 and 51 of the book bearing his name, Jeremiah presents conclusive evidence that a “latter-day” Babylon shall spring into existence far different from, and superior to, ancient Babylon. As one studies his remarks it is amazing to see that modern America seems to be the fulfillment of these predictions because:
    1. She is a nation of mingled people (Jeremiah 50:37). America and Russia both have intermingled and interracial inhabitants, but Russia is not in mind as we will prove.
    2. She is a nation whose “. . .mother shall be sore confounded. . ” (Jeremiah 50:12), coexisting with “mother” at the hour of her decline. Ancient Babylon does not fit the bill since she was founded by a father–Nimrod. However, America’s mother is England who presently is confounded, confused and near collapse, financially. She no longer is considered a superpower and soon mother and daughter shall both be challenged.
    3. She “. . .dwellest upon many waters. . .” (Jeremiah 51:13). This typifies America, bordered on each side by the world’s two largest oceans and possessing the longest river on the globe–the mighty 4,200-mile-long Mississippi. Surely ancient Babylon composed of barren deserts was not in view when Jeremiah penned such prophecies.
    4. Her wealth plagues the nations of earth to the point of insane jealousy, for Jeremiah 51:7 declares: “Babylon hath been a golden cup in the Lord’s hand. . .therefore the nations are mad.”
    5. Her space exploits are so utterly fantastic that she tries to “. . .mount up to heaven. . .” (Jeremiah 51:53). America’s space program is significant in the light of Jeremiah’s declarations.
    6. Babylon exists when Israel is back in her land. America is only 200 years old, and the newborn babe–Israel–a child. The new land of Israel was established in 1948, meaning that the prophecies could only coexist since that hour. Who but America can fulfill the requirements mentioned to this point and coexist with Israel? The answer is obvious!
  8. It is all so convincing! Can the Apostle John add anything to this discussion?
  9. Yes! John, in the book of Revelation, pictures two Babylons. One is portrayed as a world religion, geographically located on seven hills–undoubtedly the seven hills of Rome (Revelation 17:9). The other Babylon is an internationally respected nation (Revelation 18). John describes the nation by saying:
    1. “. . .the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies” (Revelation 18:3).
    2. She is laden with sins (Revelation 18:5).
    3. “. . .she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously . . .” (Revelation 18:7). Sadly, her superabundance of material goods produced idleness and sin.
  10. The Apostle John mentions her overabundance of wickedness. What is presently happening in America relating to this “latter-day” prophecy?
  11. America has never been in such a state of degradation and hopelessness. Truly America is laden or loaded with iniquity. The pollution inundating our land centers around:
    1. Drunkenness, or culturally identified: “alcoholism”. Ten million inebriates drink themselves into insensibility on a continual basis while millions more spend billions on booze annually.
    2. Drug addiction which mars and scars another ten million in our nation.
    3. Tobacco which pollutes both lungs and land to the tune of ten billion dollars per year.
    4. Gambling, which robs needy millions through governmental controlled lotteries and mafia-dominated casinos to the amount of 60 billion dollars each year.
    5. Prostitution and pimping which spreads disease and shame to nine million Americans every twelve months and costs 25 to 100 dollars per orgasm.
    6. Homosexuality which seeks to arrogantly, egotistically, blatantly and publicly boast about its perverted members. In anger they desire to come out of the closet. Well, the closet is a good place to practice sex. If it is good enough for the married in the privacy of the closet, why should homos receive special privileges to proclaim their perversity. God says, “. . .it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret” (Ephesians 5:12).
    7. Smut peddlers, spreading sexual filth via magazine racks also cover the nation. Their satanically inspired garbage is found everywhere including the corner grocery store. Christians should rise up in arms, boycott the Devil’s hangouts loaded with soul-destroying adulterous materials, and patronize the shops of decent Americans. Since Jesus said that lust through the eyegate amounted to adultery (Matthew 5:28), then why fraternize such soul-damning dealers who bait the young into a life of lustful slavery and eternal Hell. Make a decision, then fulfill it!
    8. Immoral lepers also plague the nation. As a result, millions are carrying illegitimate babies. Thousands of the victims are 11 to 13 years of age. It appears that high school sex education courses have stimulated rather then educated the young. Sex sin, however, is reaping its reward. Presently nine million persons with venereal disease have reaped the reward of running sores from eyes, ears, mouth, genitals and other moisture producing areas of the body. That is why the kiss of the V.D. carried is even obnoxiously unclean. Do not get “tricked” or “trapped.” The shame is not worth the brief encounter. Beware, young man and young lady! Beware, Mother and Father! Your fling may sting for “. . .they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same” (Job 4:8).
    9. Abortion, the murder of “unwanted babies,” produced by immoral lepers is also affecting one million women annually. These so-called cultured but barbaric sinners think nothing of having their little bundles from God hacked to pieces and flushed.

Never mind that God says, “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13). Sinners have taken the matter into their own hands, but remember God holds the final trump card–the Judgment (Revelation 20:15).

10) “Mercy killers” are also on the ascendency in America. They are progressive abortionists who have become hardened to killing and now wish to include the “mommies and daddies” along with the “babies.” The “honor thy father and mother” in God’s commandments (Exodus 20:12), interferes with their fun. The responsibility is too great. So, the old folks must go. These sick birds must be related to Hitler. Am I proclaiming fairy tales or does such thinking and planning exist? You be the judge: Drs. Watson and Crick, the famous Nobel prize winning discoverers of the DNA molecule, have both recommended such a course. Dr. Crick advocates compulsory death for all at age 80. Presently, proabortionists, killing one million babies annually, are involved in brainwashing programs for “euthanasia” or “mercy killing.” They cry: “Why let your poor mother or grandfather die in misery? Surely your compassionate nature should make `Death with Dignity’ a consideration.” This is the ultimate of a depraved society, created by humans who have decided to play God!

11) Murderers, beyond abortionists and `Death with Dignity’ advocates, stalk the country. Fifty thousand are savagely slaughtered within the nation annually. The human animals who stalk, torture, brutalize and then slaughter their victims, use hatchets, knives and guns. They then decapitate and dismember the victims and finally burn and bury the remains. My files are flooded with such atrocities.

12) Robbers and looters also rear their ugly faces, destroying, plundering and pillaging another man’s lifetime accumulations. They call it “fair play” because of their many shortages. I like what Roy Wilkins, the famous black leader, said about the New York thieves. I quote: “Tens of thousands of blacks and Hispanics poured from their tenements and barrios in 16 areas to produce an orgy of looting. . . The cry echoed through the ghettos, `It’s Christmastime, it’s Christmastime!’ And Christmastime it was! In an attempt to arrive at a cause for the behavior of the people, many commentators cited the high rate of unemployment. Even President Carter leaned toward this view. But not all of the New York City raiders were hungry or suffered from lack of job opportunity. From their televised pictures, none appeared to be unhealthy. Besides, they got ready to loot in six minutes–too quickly. The solution is not to give these offenders a job if one wants a job honestly done. Many of us Blacks sympathize with the editorial position of the Amsterdam News Harlem’s Black weekly. It said, `Everyone convicted of looting should serve his sentence at hard labor.'” I believe that the decadent film fare in theatres and on television screens has brought about most of the rottenness described in this message. In fact, U.S. News and World Report recently reported on “Violence in the Movies.” I quote: “In the view of David E. Silber, professor of psychology at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., `There is a lot of evidence to suggest that some people model their behavior on what they observe, and this can be disastrous if the model is a violent movie.’ Silber adds: `The more violence that is shown, the more likely some people are to commit violent acts.'” It is so dangerous that a growing number of organizations contend that the danger is sufficient to warrant widespread changes in the handling of movies. Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times says: “Recent violent acts in our city have been attributed to the inspiration provided by movies.” His final lament is: “God save the kids of this generation from the dreams they are storing away.”

Q: Can a nation continue under such sinful circumstances?

  1. Not indefinitely! The Bible says, “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). Sin can only produce disaster both for individuals and nations. This is why Psalm 9:17 declares: “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Job 4:8 states: “. . .they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same.”
  2. You believe then that judgment may be imminent for our beloved nation?
  3. There is no doubt about it! Isaiah describes the judgment of the “latter days” as being administered upon all nations–including America. One does not have to agree with the interpretation of Babylon to know that America, as a nation, is part of the coming holocaust administered against all nations. She then must be included in such texts as Jeremiah 30:11: “. . .I make a full end of all nations. . .” “. . .I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the nations such as they have not heard” (Micah 5:15). “. {God} shall bring forth judgment to the nations” (Isaiah 42:1), and “. . .the destroyer of the nations is on his way. . .” (Jeremiah 4:7). No doubt about it–America is part of the “all nations” package marked for destruction.
  4. Are there any specific judgments administered against Babylon already identified as America?
  5. Most assuredly so. A sneak attack, similar to Pearl Harbor, is predicted upon Babylon in Jeremiah 50:24. God says: “I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon, and thou was not aware. . .” John, in Revelation 18, describes the effects of this surprise attack. The bankers, merchants and workmen all wail saying: “. . . Alas, alas that great city, Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour is thy judgment come” (Revelation 18:10).
  6. Who will be the ruthless villain who violently strikes without warning?
  7. None other than Russia! All her blasphemous negotiations around the detente doctrine add up to Iying rhetoric. Her communistic leaders have never known the meaning of truth or honesty–and the future will prove it! In Jeremiah 50:9, an assembly of great nations (superpowers) come up against Israel from the North. This is the same Northern bear that marches on Israel (Ezekiel 38:15). Actually, Russia is North of both America and Israel. It is interesting to note that neither the USA nor the Soviet Union wins. Both military qiants are crushed. Some biblical scholars believe that Russia starts the sneak nuclear attack against the USA, crippling her, and then moves against Israel where God Almighty smashes this godless communistic monstrosity into oblivion–leaving but onesixth of her armies (Ezekiel 39:2). Whatever the alignment of events, it is clear that both nations fall, Christ returns, and world peace begins.
  8. All these signs, then, are directly related to Christ’s return?
    1. No doubt about it. In fact, it all occurs after the Rapture and just before Christ returns to earth. The timetable is presented in Isaiah 13:10. In this text, “. . .the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light; the sun shall be darkened in its going forth, and the moon shall not cause its light to shine.” This is the exact prophecy Christ mentioned in Matthew 24:29, portraying the final scenes of the Tribulation hour prior to His return to earth. He said: “Immediately AFTER THE TRIBULATION of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” The sneak attack, then, is definitely a final Tribulation occurrence.
  9. What hope is there for the world in the light of these facts?
  10. “. . .Salvation is of the Lord” (Jonah 2:9). Trust in Christ. He died at Calvary to save sinners for time and eternity. By receiving Him and the merits of His shed blood, one can be prepared for the future, yea for eternity. Do not delay! The events mentioned in this lesson are at hand. Tomorrow may be too late!