Be On The AlertPoll Of Clerg


Sociologist Jeffrey Hadden recently took a poll among clergymen. He found the following results.

10,000 were asked if they accepted JESUS’ PHYSICAL RESURRECTION as fact: 51% of Methodists said NO 35% of United Presbyterians said NO 33% of American Baptist said NO 30% of Episcopalians said NOT 7% of Missouri Synod Lutherans said NO

When asked if they believed in the VIRGIN BIRTH OF JESUS: 60% of Methodist said NO 49% of Presbyterians said NO 44% of Episcopalians said NO 34% of Baptists said NO 19% of American Lutherans said NO 9% of Missouri Synod Lutherans said NO

When asked if they believed in EVIL DEMON POWER today: 62% of Methodists said NO 47% of Presbyterians said NO 37% of Episcopalians said NO 33% of Baptist said NO 14% of American Lutherans said NO 9% of Missouri Synod Lutherans said NO

When asked if they BELIEVED THAT THE SCRIPTURES ARE THE INSPIRED AND INERRANT WORD OF GOD IN FAITH, HISTORY AND SECULAR MATTERS: 95% of Episcopalians said NO 87% of Methodists said NO 82% of Presbyterians said NO 77% of American Lutherians said NO 24% of Missouri Synod Lutherians said NO

“Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. LEAVE THEM; they are blind guides.” -Matthew 15:13