I Chose Not To Be A Baptist r




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Phil Scovell

This article is in response to one written by Raymond J. Storms entitled “I Chose Not To Be A Charismatic.” The reason for my article is to show how remarkably similar my situation was, as an independent Baptist, and to expose the error in his Scriptural interpretation and application. If you have not read his story, please do so before reading this article. I will, however, summarize his story briefly if the reader has not secured a copy of his article. In fairness, I am asking those who are posting this file on computer bulletin boards to please allow the two articles to appear together and let the reader judge.



Raymond Storms, by his own admission, was raised by Godly parents. His father was a hard working man of God who gave his life to winning the lost to Jesus Christ and the teaching of Christians for the glory of God. Reading Brother Storms’ article clearly demonstrates his father’s love for the Lord and for those without Jesus Christ. He, and his family, suffered poverty, persecution, rejection, and ridicule for the sake of Christ as they labored in the ministry of church building. He likewise, however, admits to consistent answers to prayer, miraculous provisions when in great need, changed lives, healings, and miracles all in connection with the ministry of his faithful father as he sought to build God’s house.

The bitterness that began to germinate in Brother Storms heart from the rejection and persecution he experienced as the son of a preacher is quite evident from his article. His brother likewise confessed his dissatisfaction and wanted nothing to do with the ministry when he left home; choosing rather to make money. This, of course, is certainly not uncommon among the children of ministers. Eventually, however, it would appear that his father’s faithfulness to God brought them financial security, a nice home in which to live, and a life void of the earlier persecution and rejection.


Brother Storms’ own experience of the baptism of the Holy Spirit was clouded, at least to a certain extent, with doubt and misgiving. He admits that the “prayer language” of his parents and church members did not sound much different than that spoken by the Italians of his neighborhood. He very much desired the baptism of the Spirit, however, and sought for it until one night he was rewarded. Apparently his doubts were reinforced because of an experience he had later in his pastoral ministry with a man he identified as Milt. This man, too, doubted the reality of his experience with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues.

He also details a visit he had with several fellow Pentecostal ministers in a restaurant where they discussed different techniques employed by charismatics in order to help those seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit obtain the gift of tongues. These included: Breathing in deeply several times in order to “breath in” the Holy Spirit, mumbling baby talk – la, la, la, la – over and over until a language formed, and cackling like a hen until the “heavenly language” manifested itself.

Eventually Brother Storms’ doubts crystalize during a meeting of the Assemblies of God pastors conference where they debated the denomination’s involvement with ecumenicalism. At this meeting two messages in tongues were offered which, in Brother Storms’ own words, were translated with converse interpretations.


Closely connected with his concerns about the baptism of the spirit was the ecumenicalism the Assemblies of God were beginning to manifest. The lack of a separatist stand among the charismatics, likewise greatly concerned him as well, and He spends a great deal of time in his article Scripturally documenting the clear Biblical position he holds on this subject.


He finally admits that his own personal attitude toward those who did not speak in tongues was one of spiritual superiority. He illustrated his feelings by telling a story of a man aboard a ship who was invited to eat at the captain’s table. This is likened to those who speak in tongues and those who do not. He even confesses that those who claimed to be born again but do not believe in speaking in tongues were “second rate Christians.”


Finally Brother Storms relates his discontentment with the lack of separatist stand in the Assemblies of God and after being invited to a Jack Hyles pastors school, he relates the story of a message by Brother Hyles on being Spirit filled in order to win the lost to Christ. He, unable to get to the front of the church, prayed with a pastor by the name of Ed Nelson. He then reports that he returned home and experienced the greatest church attendance in his own church for the next three months since he had been pastoring at that location. He likewise reported that he won more people to Christ in the six months following his experience than since he himself had been born again.


Finally, after becoming discouraged over a problem he faced with his assistant pastor, and because of his bitterness toward his denomination, as well as misunderstandings experienced in his own family, he chose to leave the Assemblies of God church and apparently became a Baptist; though he never says this.


At least twice Brother Storms confesses he now feels that to be filled with the Spirit means one will become a witness (I.E.), a soul winner.


His booklet concludes with eight statements concerning why he no longer can be a Charismatic.



I was raised in a Baptist home with a Baptist preacher for a father. I must confess, however, I did not personally experience the poverty, persecution, rejection, and ridicule of this man. I, on the other hand, cannot recall my father ever testifying of how God had answered prayer. I never had the privilege of watching the Lord provide a meal when we sat down to eat. As far as I knew, my dad had purchased the food himself since he had a good paying job. Although I was never beaten by neighborhood kids for being the son of a preacher, I likewise never witnessed the healing of the sick or a single miracle until I left the Baptist church. Since Brother Storms mentioned how they eventually moved to a lovely home with two bathrooms and a nice fenced yard, not to mention the substantial salary his father was given, I don’t see how one could say that God had forsaken His Word to bless a faithful man which his father certainly had been. In fact, it almost looks like God honored His Word to me.

My Baptist heritage is something I greatly appreciate. Baptists believe the Scriptures and dogmatically live by them. They often, as I will discuss later, believe that the winning of souls is the evidence of a Spirit filled life. Brother Storms apparently came to this same unscriptural conclusion after attending the Jack Hyles Pastor’s School. My father, however was a wonderful soul winner and led many people to Christ. I, although well acquainted with Jack Hyles’ “Let’s Go Soul winning” recording; having listened to it many times, learned how to win souls by simply watching my father. We likewise rarely held family devotions but after coming downstairs many times early in the morning before sunrise and finding my father seated at the kitchen table studying the Scriptures, I somehow got the impression the Bible was the most important thing a man could believe. I have often said, if it wasn’t for my Baptist heritage, I doubt I ever would have been filled with the Holy Spirit in 1982.


I certainly sympathize with this Brother and his trepidation when considering the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues. As a Baptist, we were taught that tongues were of the devil and if anyone spoke in tongues, he was probably demon possessed. In later years, however, many of us backed down slightly from this stand because we didn’t want to be guilty of attributing the works of the Holy Spirit to that of the works of the devil – See Matthew. 12:22-32.

Brother Storms’ childhood experience of being filled with the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues is quite common among Pentecostals and Charismatics of today. In his day, and somewhat yet now, many Spirit filled people teach experience almost over doctrine. We, as Baptist, had the doctrine and no experience. In fact, I was taught as a Baptist that experience was probably unscriptural. At any rate, many Charismatics even today are guilty of not backing up what they teach with Scripture. We shouldn’t rebuke the old time Pentecostalists too much, however, because their faith in God makes most of us of today look pretty puny.

I had a good belly laugh when I read about his encounter with the other Pentecostal ministers in the restaurant. I, too, have heard Charismatics suggest people breath in deeply and thus breath in the Holy Spirit. Of course, many Charismatics now understand that one who is born again already has the Holy Spirit dwelling within him (Eph. 1:13). I, too, have heard Charismatics suggest one mimic baby gibberish and eventually the gift of tongues would occur. In fact, a lady, whom I had known in business for a long time, laid hands on me one day in my office in order that I might receive the gift of tongues. She suggested the same thing. I explained that such sounded artificial and that I was afraid of an artificial experience. I woke up later that night speaking in tongues. One should keep in mind, however, that these are people who are so thrilled with their walk with God in the Holy Spirit that they simply wish to assist others any way they can in order that they, too, might be Holy Spirit filled. As in any Christians walk, the flesh can easily get in the way.

The kicker, however, was the story about the Pentecostal lady moving among those seeking the baptism of the Spirit who suggested that people cackle like a hen to receive. Although this sounds extremely superficial and artificial, not to mention unscriptural, it’s actually not a bad idea. I’m kidding, of course, but it brings a smile to my face. No one has ever denied the weirdness of Charismatics. This lady was merely helping people locked, in serious spiritual concentration, to lighten up. The moment they did, joy filled their hearts and released them from fleshly inhibitions. I personally instruct Christians in the Scriptures and pray with them and refrain from any such suggestions. They aren’t needed by the Holy Spirit.

The zenith of my Brother’s spiritual doubts occurred at a pastors meeting when he relates how two separate messages in tongues were interpreted differently. For those who are not Charismatic and unfamiliar with this practice, let me first explain to what he is referring.

I’m not going to address in detail the doctrine of the gift of tongues but let me outline what the apostle Paul was teaching in I Corinthians 14; the famous tongues chapter. There are actually two forms of tongue utterances. One is where one is speaking to God (I Cor. 14:2). The other is when one, in a church meeting of other brothers and sisters in Christ, speaks in tongues (I Cor. 14:27). In the case of the latter, Paul instructed that such a public utterance of tongues must be interpreted. Why? Because those who heard it, would not otherwise be edified. The interpretation would be offered by someone in the membership. How would that one know the interpretation? In the same way the one speaking in tongues; by faith. If you do not believe in speaking in tongues as a viable gift for today’s church, you will, of course, strongly disagree with what I just said but frankly that’s how it works whether one believes the Scriptures or not. Again, I’m not attempting to address the entire tongues issue; I’m simply offering proper representation. What if no one interprets? Paul said the one who offered the message in tongues should pray that he interpret his own utterance (I Cor. 14:13). How long should this be allowed to continue? Paul said by two or three and no more (I Cor. 14:27. After that point, everybody is to remain quiet. You see, the problem the Corinthian church had was they were all leaping to their feet and speaking in tongues and no one was interpreting. Although the passage seems to imply they were probably doing so to show off their spiritual gift, Paul simply told them that they were being disruptive. In short, Paul said that no one was able to understand what they were saying and as the passage is read carefully, it is absolutely clear that Paul is teaching that the purpose of a church service is for the edification of the Believer. In another words, if it doesn’t edify; it’s out of order…not wrong; just out of order. I will speak more directly concerning doctrinal matters when I comment on Brother Storms’ Biblical interpretations.

Now, what can be said about these two different interpretations which were given at this Assemblies Of God pastors meeting? First, let me quote what Brother Storm’s said the interpretations were:

  1. “Thou hast deliberated long enough it is time to vote. God will show His will in the ballot.”
  2. “Thou are not ready to vote; Thou shouldst go to prayer to find the mind of God.”

Tell me God doesn’t have a sense of humor. I would have loved to been in this meeting. First, let me say that I would have agreed fully with Brother Storms, without question, on his position on the ecumenicalism he saw creeping into the AG denomination. I commend him for his courageous stand. Most Charismatics have a problem along the lines of ecumenicalism and seem to think that anyone who speaks in tongues must be born again. This, of course, isn’t the issue since the AG position on ecumenicalism doesn’t seemed to have improved over the years. The problem is, why did God allow two men, I assume they were men but in the AG it could have been women ministers, to offer two messages in tongues to be interpreted differently. The answer is simple. He, God, has a sense of humor. How so? The two that offered the messages in tongues, not the mention the two that interpreted the messages, were out of order. This was not a church meeting for the edification of the saints. This was, at best, a meeting of leaders to discuss a denominational position, and at worst, a spiritual debate competition. Tongues was never meant to be used in such a service. If the apostle Paul had been there, he would have immediately asked the tongues speakers to take their seats. Besides, no message in tongues was needed to determine the course of action the Assemblies of God should have taken. As Brother Storms pointed out so well in his article, and as I’m sure he did likewise for the forty-five minutes he spoke at this pastor’s meeting, the Scriptures are clear on what God thinks about His people working with those professing Christians who do not hold to the Scriptures. It is humorous because God allowed two different messages to be uttered which canceled each other. Were they messages from the Lord? The tongues themselves probably were but the interpretations were not. How could God allow such a thing? He didn’t; men did. It really makes little difference since the messages in tongues were completely out of order in such a meeting. I think it should be obvious that the flesh is pretty tricky and even if Spirit filled Christians aren’t careful, they will step outside the leading of the Holy Spirit.

I can hear someone saying, “Now wait just a cotton pickin’ minute. If it’s the Holy Spirit, how can this happen?” Let me give at least two examples; both Scriptural.

In the book of Acts, Paul and Barnabas were traveling together and they, out of the clear blue sky, had a knock-down-drag-out. You see, Barnabas, bless his heart, wanted to drag along little John Mark to their next revival. Paul, on the other hand, said, “nothing doin'” because, as Brother Hyles would say, “he didn’t want a thumb sucker tagging along and slowing them down.” [Acts 15:37-40] Paul took Silas and went his way; Barnabas took Mark and went his. Does that sound like a couple of Spirit filled preachers to you? Now, I know this wasn’t over doctrine but these were Spirit filled men, nonetheless, who differed.

There is, of course, one definite doctrinal battle fought between Paul and Peter on the subject of circumcision. Peter was wrong and Paul told him so. It isn’t any different than this pastor’s meeting where Brother Storms attempted to get his brethren to see their error. Believe me, when people don’t want to see the truth of God’s Word, not even the resurrection of the dead will change their minds. At least that’s what our Lord said when He taught on the subject of Lazarus and the rich man in Hell. [See Luke 16:19- 31.]


Here is an area where Brother Storms and I have no differences. I was a separatist before I received the gift of tongues and I still am. I believe just as my Brother does on both separation from the world and from ecumenicalism. One thing that probably kept me away from the Charismatics more than anything, besides the issue of tongues, is their lack of a separatist stand. It’s strange, however, because the early Pentecostalists were separatists, especially from the world, as were, and are, the independent Baptists of today. The early Assembly Of God Christians were equally strong on their preaching against sin and Christians who lived worldly. I am still concerned, as I am sure is Brother Storms, that the Charismatics take such a nonchalant attitude towards worldly living. Baptists will be glad to hear, however, that many Charismatics of today are beginning both to preach and teach Bible doctrine and separation. Many are even beginning to realize the mistakes made concerning ecumenicalism. This shift in position may be somewhat due to the large number of Baptists who have been filled with the Spirit and begun pastoring independent Charismatic churches.


Here is another area where my Brother and I harmonize. As a Baptist, we, too, believed ourselves to be spiritually advanced; especially when compared to the Pentecostalists. Since they were either demon possessed or psychologically insecure, we had no problem considering ourselves above them. Brother Storms said he felt those who didn’t speak in tongues were second rate Christians. Our claim to fame, as Baptists, was soul winning. We believed those who won the lost in great numbers were the spiritual in our midst. Those who did not were, in affect, second rate and not quite as spiritual as those of us who did. Frankly this is an attitude problem among all religious groups. How do you think denominations are born?


Unfortunately, Brother Storms fell for the Baptist interpretation of the Spirit filled life rather than the Scriptural. As already mentioned, since we didn’t believe in speaking in tongues, we, as Baptist, had to substitute the Spirit filled life with something else. Our substitute was soul winning (I.E.), the winning of the lost to Christ. This was largely an independent Baptist position and it was widely preached. We added to the doctrine, however, in order not to leave out those incapable of winning hundreds to Christ so we secured the Spirit filled life with faithful church attendance, tithing, supporting of missions, Sunday school teaching and any other related ministry works, and faithfulness in every form. When such proved inadequate, we resorted to a list of all the things we did not do as Baptists. For example, no movies, no cable television, no cigarettes, no slacks on women, and absolutely no fellowship with those who were incorrect in their Biblical interpretation. Such were filled, or at least, walking in the Spirit.

Seated in church one evening, a friend who was a traveling Baptist evangelist, Dr. Tom Williams, came and said hello. I was just twenty-one years of age and had just been asked to serve as a deacon in the large church of which I was a member. Brother Tom congratulated me on being asked to serve. In this independent Baptist church, deacons were not elected but asked to serve by the pastor and his deacon board. Eventually they were voted upon by the membership. No one, however, was ever turned down by the membership if recommended. When I thanked him, he said, “That means brother Phil that you are filled with the Spirit because they asked you to serve.” I smiled broadly but I knew I was not filled with the Spirit.

Lest the reader be concerned of my feelings toward my Baptist brethren, let me assure you that in fact, Dr. Jack Hyles is still one of my favorite preachers. As I wrote this article, I lent a Jack Hyles tape to a Charismatic friend. To this day i still consider Brother Hyles one of my favorite preachers. I have dozens of Jack Hyles tapes in my cassette library which is comprised of more than 1,200 cassettes. I wish I had every message Jack Hyles ever preached in my library. Jack Hyles is probably one of the world’s greatest personal soul winners and I strongly recommend everyone reading this article to plan to attend Jack Hyles annual pastor’s school. You will never be the same. However, soul winning, nor the number of souls you win to Christ, isn’t proof you are Spirit filled.

Brother Storms mentioned that following being filled with the Spirit at the Jack Hyles pastor’s school, he immediately began winning souls. His first experience was even miraculous to say the least. Furthermore, his church attendance increased and he confesses to winning more people to Christ in the following six months than he ever had in his entire life.

Let me share briefly my experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit. If you wish greater detail, I have written my testimony in booklet form and entitled it “When Baptists Speak In Tongues.” In 1975 I left my job and went full time into Baptist evangelism. I traveled as a full time evangelist holding revival meetings in Baptist churches. In early 1978 I also moved to a small western Colorado town and served as an assistant pastor while holding revivals on the side. Eventually I felt called to the pastorate and was ordained as an independent Baptist preacher.

In early 1980 I sat in a hotel room in Illinois during a week a meetings discouraged and disappointed and wondering, when the pastor came to pick me up, if I’d be able to preach that night. I needed to be filled with God’s power; filled with the Holy Spirit; I needed the Holy Spirit to manifest Himself to me in a very real way. As I sat in my despondency, I asked myself what it was I had always done in the past to maintain my Christian walk. I named the items: I won souls, I preached and taught God’s Holy Word, I served in my local church, I prayed forty-five minutes daily, I memorized literally hundreds of Bible verses, I gave, at one time, twenty-five percent of my income to the church, and I read the Bible through once each month until I had past the one hundred mark. As I sat and contemplated my life, I determined to return home following my meetings and double everything I had done for God. In short, I determined to be a spiritual man. Even as I confirmed my decision, I knew in my heart that such would never make me spiritual.

Without going into any further detail, in 1982 I was filled with the Holy Spirit in the basement of my rented home but I did not speak in tongues for three more years. Why? I was a Baptist; Baptists don’t believe in speaking in tongues. If you get nothing else from this booklet, remember that God will never give us anything unless we first believe. It makes no difference whether we call ourselves Baptist or Charismatic; God acts upon what we believe.

After being filled with the Holy Spirit, an unusual thing began to happen. I, for the first time in my Baptist life, became keenly aware of God’s presence. I had an insatiable desire to pray and pray I did.

Shortly before I was filled with the Holy Spirit, I had begun studying the Scriptures for answers to two major questions. First, what does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit, though I myself never considered the possibility of being filled, and second; how does one get prayers answered. Nearly two years later, though I knew I had been filled with the Holy Spirit, I still wasn’t getting prayers answered as I should. Yes, many were being answered, but I was unable to understand how it worked. I went back to God’s Word for the answers just as I had done concerning the baptism of the Spirit. On my knees, therefore, over several months I prayed over God’s Word and asked God to teach me how to get my prayers answered. In my search, somehow God began leading me to consider the subject of tongues. I must admit I was extremely skeptical and fearful to even tamper with this subject. I knew Baptists who had been sucked up by the Charismatics and I didn’t want that to happen. To shorten the story, however, I was given the gift of tongues and woke up one night speaking a language unfamiliar to me personally. Keep in mind I hadn’t been in a hyped Charismatic service, I hadn’t been reciting “la, la, la, la” over and over until my tongue got tangled, I hadn’t been taking deep breaths until I hyperventilated into the baptism of the Spirit, and I hadn’t been cackling like a hen. I was asleep! What happened thereafter? Like my Brother Storms, something did happen. God answered my prayer. If you read Brother Storms article carefully, you will indeed discovered that God gave him the desire of his heart; he became a soul winner. God likewise gave me the desire of my heart; I began to get my prayers answered. I laughed with joy when I read that my Brother said he won more people to Christ in the six months following his Spirit filled experience because something similar happened to me. When my Baptist brethren ask me what happened following receiving the gift of tongues, I have always reported the following: “In six months I received more answers to my prayers than I had since being born again at the age of five.” Such, however, is still not the sign of a Spirit filled life.


I’m sure leaving his church was, to say the least, difficult. Brother Storms has one thing in his favor however. In Baptist churches, especially independent Baptist churches, Charismatics converting to Baptist theology are highly regarded. They are greatly admired and are given a lot of personal attention. I remember quite well hearing the testimonies of those who had left Pentecostal and Charismatic churches. The loudest amens were during those sermons preached by the Charismatics who had come to our church to inform us of the gross doctrinal error they finally recognized in the Charismatic church. When I left the Baptist church, I was gone for six months before anyone even noticed.

I had been a member of South Sheridan Baptist church in Denver, Colorado for over thirteen years. I had preached there several times both in nightly services and once in a Bible conference. Strange as it may seem, the same pastor who prayed with Brother Storms to receive the filling of the Spirit – at least I’m assuming it is the same pastor – was mine; Dr. Ed Nelson. The only Spirit filled life we were ever taught had to do with how much we could do for God; how many souls we could win; how many sins we didn’t commit. I won souls, I preached, I read and memorized the Word, and I wasn’t Spirit filled.

Six months following my experience of awaking in the night speaking in tongues, I left the Baptist church. Why? I left because if discovered, I would have been asked to renounce what had happened to me or removed from the church. Baptists are fearful of those who speak in tongues. I actually did not choose to leave the Baptist church; I had to leave. My pastor, Brother Ed Nelson, is one of the greatest men I’ve ever known. Brother Hyles is one of the greatest preachers I’ve ever heard. I could name a dozen other Baptist men I admire and respect who have influenced my life and for whom I thank God. The Baptist, however, believe to associate in a fellowship setting with Charismatics would be ecumenical and, of course, that could never be allowed. My Baptist friends, after hearing why I left the church, rarely speak to me unless they are pressed into an unavoidable situation. Baptists, if they know someone is Charismatic, will not care to do business with them and they will spend very little time conversing with them as well. When I left the Baptist church, I lost nearly every Baptist friend I had because I had become an outcast; I was spiritually unbalanced and doctrinally in error. Some thought I was demon possessed, while others said I was having a nervous break down or was mentally imbalance, and some were probably glad to see me go. To say the least, they never tried to bring me back. In fact, my own church eventually quit doing business with me – I was doing high speed cassette duplication for churches – but they assured me it had nothing to do with my new beliefs. If you believe that, I have some swamp land in Florida I’d like to sell, too.


Brother Storms makes some doctrinal statements concerning the subject of tongues in his article which he incorrectly interprets. I’m sure he knows better but in light of his “experience,” he has chosen to apply the baptism of the Spirit unscripturally.

  1. Evidence Of One Filled With The Spirit?

He first admits that he used to equate the fullness of the Spirit to speaking in tongues and unless one spoke with tongues, he was not Spirit filled. This is a common mistake nearly all Charismatics and Baptists alike have made over the years. No where in Scripture does it say that one must speak with tongues to be filled. One may, however, request the gift of tongues if he is filled with God’s Spirit. It is only one of several aspects of the Holy Spirits infilling however.

B. Power To Witness?

Quoting from Acts 1:8, Brother Storms says, “Power to witness is what He promises and that is what we should expect.” Apparently Brother Storms now equates “witnessing” with soul winning. This is not what Acts 1:8 says. Unfortunately, many Charismatics and Baptists alike make the error of appending to the Word of God by saying tongues, soul winning, prophecy, healing, the interpretation of tongues, tithing and giving, church attendance, as well as many other manifestations and practices, spiritual or fleshly, are evidence of one filled with the Spirit. Acts 1:8 says it is “power” which is the evidence of the Holy Spirit; not gifts, abilities, or talents. Look at it this way. If one has the “power of the Holy Spirit,” he will be a “witness” (Acts 1:8). I Corinthians 14:22 confirms that tongues are a sign to the unbeliever. Is that not a witness? When Paul laid hands on the man who fell from the upper window and died, was it not a witness when he was restored to life? Peter when to the house of Cornelius and preached the Gospel and the Holy Spirit fell upon them and they all spoke with tongues and magnified God. Was that not a witness? When Philip traveled around the countryside preaching, laying hands on the sick, and performing many miracles, was that not a witness? How about Stephen when he was stoned. He saw Heaven open and testified of the glory of God. Was that not a witness? Did it take “power” for Stephen to stand there and let people stone him to death? In fact, the Scriptures confirm Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit. It is unfortunate that Brother Storms is making the same mistake now as a Baptist, or like a Baptist, as he did when he was a Charismatic. He will likely, therefore, again be disappointed some day unless he realizes that it is Holy Spirit power in one’s life which demonstrates one is filled with God’s Holy Spirit.

C. No Tongues?

Brother Storms quotes I Corinthians 14:19 where Paul says he would rather speak five words in the known language in church rather than ten thousand words in an unknown language. So would I…in the church. In fact, that is exactly what Paul said: “Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.” Read it! Paul said, “in the church” he would rather speak just five words that everyone could understand rather than thousands no one understood. Why? The church service is set aside for the edification of the saints. The entire 14th chapter of I Corinthians addresses exactly this. I wonder why my Brother did not quote Paul’s definite statement in the verse just before the one he chose to quote: “I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all.” What about Paul’s dogmatic statement to these Corinthian Christians at the close of this chapter: “…and forbid not to speak with tongues.” The only way a Baptist can explain this final statement by Paul to the church is to simply dismiss it. In another words, these manifestations of the Holy Spirit died out with the last apostle. Of course we have a problem with that because no where in Scripture does it say this.

Now some of you reading what I just said will point to I Corinthians 13:8-10 where it says, “Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.” All my life I was taught, both in the Baptist church and in Baptist college, because we now have the complete Word of God, tongues past away. Really? Then “prophecies” and “knowledge” must have past away, too? Funny, no body I ever heard, even in the Baptist church, tries to make that claim. Paul furthermore says we see through a glass darkly but eventually we will see face to face. Let me simply say that when Jesus comes, we will see all things clearly; even the doctrine of the Spirit filled life.

D. Least Of All Gifts?

Brother Storms also says the following concerning tongues: “1 Corinthians 12:28 indicates that tongues is the least of the ministries in the church. Why should we elevate it to such prominence? The carnal church at Corinth exalted speaking in tongues to the point that Paul had to rebuke them because they loved to show off and “speak into the air” 1 Corinthians 14:9.”

I’ll answer these two statements individually. First, I cannot see anywhere in I Corinthians 12 where Paul “indicates” that tongues is the least of church ministry gifts. Let me quote the entire verse before a decision is made on what it really says. “And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.” If God has “set” some in the church to function in these gifts, why is Brother Storms, or anyone else for that matter, eliminating even one of them? Furthermore, does it sound like “diversity of tongues” is the “least” of all ministry gifts? Well, shoot then. Let’s just yank it out since it isn’t worth much. We, as Baptist, already pulled apostles, and prophets out and they are listed as the top two. So why not tongues? Additionally, Paul never indicated anywhere in his epistles that tongues was the least of Holy Spirit gifts. In fact, he compares the gift of tongues and interpretation to that of prophecy/preaching if done in the church. Let me quote Paul in I Corinthians 14:4-5. “He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church. I would that ye all spake with tongues but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying.” Here we discover Paul comparing the utterance of tongues in the church service, if interpreted, to that of prophesying/preaching. Again, the reason it must be interpreted in the church is for the edification of the body. Such is the nature of preaching/prophesying. If Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, places this kind of importance upon tongues and interpretation, why is Brother Storms trying to, at best, minimize, and at worst, eliminate it all together from God’s people?

In the second half of my Brother’s statement, he said that Paul had to rebuke the Corinthian Christians because they were speaking into the air; apparently implying that tongues is meaningless and worthless. I believe the passage just quoted by the apostle Paul shows otherwise, however, Paul in fact never said any such thing. Again, let’s read Paul’s words in I Corinthians 14:8-9. “For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air.” This is, of course, in the context of speaking in tongues in a church service without an interpretation. In such case, it would be like speaking into the air because those who were listening would not understand. It would be like if I were speaking in a spanish church. I can’t speak spanish. How, then, would by spanish speaking brothers and sisters in the Lord understand my message, unless of course, one would interpret? If, on the other hand, it is a tongues utterance which is interpreted, Paul says, as I have already shown, the tongues message is as valuable as a sermon preached in the language familiar to those in attendance. Even then, Paul instructed that such tongues utterances were employed and subsequently interpreted, no more than three such utterances were acceptable within a given service. If Brother Storms was suggesting that this passage indicates tongues is valueless, meaningless, or somehow worthless, his exegesis is highly questionable and less than scholarly. As a Baptist, however, or as one associating with Baptists, he cannot be expected to think otherwise. If he did, they would not touch him with a ten foot pole no matter how many souls he won.

Do Charismatic churches employ this form of tongues and interpretation today? Many Charismatic churches do and in all the Charismatic churches I have visited, I have never seen tongues thus abused. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen; I’m saying I personally haven’t witnessed it. In the church I attend, for example, there has not been a single message in tongues with the interpretation in the past nine months. It isn’t because we don’t believe in it; it’s because the Spirit has not given such a message to us. Is it possible that this reduction is due to the complete Word which we now have and hold in our hands? I believe it is very likely. I have spoken public messages in tongues and have even interpreted the message myself a number of times. It isn’t as common has some would have you believe however. It is, on the other hand, Scriptural if the guidelines which Paul gave us are followed to the letter.

E. Endued With Power?

Brother Storms referred to the series of questions Paul posed in I Corinthians 12:29-32 and said the implied answer for each was “no.” Then my Brother said the following: “Why should we try to say that all do speak with tongues when filled with the Spirit? Why should we belittle those who don’t speak with tongues? Why don’t we seek power to win souls? Why not let the Holy Spirit be the baptizer and do it His way rather than our way; trying to tell him how it should be done. Why not be filled again and again? We receive of His Spirit at salvation or we are none of His, but He should fill or control us day by day (Acts 4:31). Let’s seek to be endued with power to win souls. Let’s not tell God how to do it or what must accompany this power. Let us ask and believe that we receive and we shall have what God has promised. Let us not accept a cheap 20th Century counterfeit of the New Testament enduement with power to witness.”

I whole hardily agree with these statements but I take exception to two remarks. “Let’s seek to be endued with power to win souls.” Why must we stop with just the winning of souls? Must we only have God’s Holy Spirit power to win the lost and then be content to remain powerless throughout the balance of our Christian life? What about those who are born again and need healing, restored marriages, children brought back from drugs and immorality, financial needs met, or just their every-day prayers answered? Are we reduced to managing our Christian walk with the flesh once saved? Since when does the Holy Spirit reserve His infilling power to just an elite group of soul winners? Show me the Scripture that reduces the Holy Spirit to impotency as soon as one is born again. Let’s be endued with power, Holy Spirit power, to win the lost but to forget the Holy Spirit and his ministry thereafter is dangerous. The Body of Christ is powered by the Holy Word of God and the Holy Spirit of God.

Finally, Brother Storms implies that what he once had was a “20th Century counterfeit of the New Testament enduement with power…” The very statement he has made concerning placing the Holy Spirit in a box and making Him perform as a circus animal is exactly what he himself has done. I resent being accused of having a “cheap 20th Century” imitation Holy Spirit simply because it doesn’t conform to my Brother’s personal experience. I do not consider what he has experienced as cheap, inferior, or in any way unscriptural. In fact, to the contrary; I believe what he experienced is holy before God. Why, since I have received the gift of tongues, does he now consider me as one who has a cheapened Holy Spirit? Am I less loved by God because I don’t win as many souls to Christ as he? Is he more spiritual? Does my Heavenly Father consider him better than anyone else because he “wins souls?” Of course not! If my Brother will not “forbid me to speak in tongues,” I will not forbid him to win souls. “Forbid not to speak with tongues” (I Cor. 14:39 – “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).


Brother Storms concluded his booklet by listing eight individual reasons why he left the Charismatics. Allow me to comment on some of his remarks.


He left the Charismatics because of their compromise in both doctrine and standards. Although I, too, share his concern, one must keep in mind that he was involved with a denomination which has consistently shown tendencies of ecumenicalism. He tried his best to warn his brethren of this without positive results. He should have gotten out, just as many independent Baptist brethren pulled out of the Southern Baptist convention for the same reasons. I, on the other hand, left the Baptist church because I would have been kicked out for what I believe the Bible to say on the subject of tongues. Many Pentecostalists have subtracted themselves from mainline denominations because of the lack of doctrinal and separatists stands. Baptists, especially independent Baptists, leave the church once they have received the gift of tongues, not because they necessarily desire to leave, but because they must or be forced.


Brother Storms gave this as his second reason for leaving the Charismatics: “I am convinced that many charismatics speak psychologicallyinduced tongues rather than Spirit empowered tongues and some may even speak in tongues by the power of the devil.”

You can see how the Baptist position on tongues has waned. When I was growing up, all Pentecostals, no one had ever heard of Charismatics then, were demon possessed. Now they are probably just psychologically or emotionally scrambled. We must leave room, however, for the difficult cases; they are probably possessed of devils. I wonder if Brother Storms thinks he spoke in tongues by the power of his own psyche or by the devil’s? What do you bet he doesn’t think it was the devil? I wonder, too, if he thinks his father, a Godly man if I ever saw one, speaks in tongues either psychologically or by the power of the devil? May I simply say that this argument has been around for a long time and it is used by those unwilling to except the power of the Holy Spirit as both Scriptural and spiritually authentic. Even Peter and the other disciples on the day of pentecost were accused of being drunkards when they spoke in tongues.


The third reason he gave for leaving the Charismatic church was: “I am sickened by the foolishness that goes on under the pretense that it is the moving of the Holy Spirit.”

So am I Brother Storms.


“I have observed that many sincere people who are hungry for God’s best are misled into accepting poor substitutes for the fullness of the Spirit.”

Me, too!


“I see a blindness that seems to prevail among charismatics about the importance of separation from worldliness.”

I agree and I preach against it every chance I get just like I did when I traveled as a Baptist evangelist.


“I find a mindless ecumenism that brings believers and unbelievers together in an unequal yoke and makes speaking in tongues the basis for fellowship.”

Right again my Brother.


“I find a reluctance of charismatics to contend for the faith once delivered unto the saints. It seems that since this is not popular, charismatics neglect such Scriptural defense of the faith and act as though doctrinal purity is of little importance.”

Since this booklet was written a number of years ago the reader will probably find this not to be as much the case today as it was in the early 1970’s and before. I find Charismatics of today becoming very doctrinally tenacious but there is still room for improvement. Probably about the same time the Baptists recognize the gifts of the Holy Spirit and begin speaking with tongues, the Charismatics will become doctrinally pure; whatever in the world that means.


“It seems that charismatics find it easy to ignore certain portions of Scripture when those portions are inconvenient to follow. For example: the complete disregard for 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 relative to taking your brother to court.”

Funny… I felt the same way about Baptists when I discovered they dismissed half the New Testament as not applicable to today (I.E.), healing, tongues, the office of apostles and prophets; to name a few. I, furthermore, was greatly concerned, about some Baptist philosophy. In a deacon’s meeting, we were instructed not to encourage blacks to join our church and, when dealing with hispanics, to always remember they are “emotional.” One Sunday morning we even had an emergency deacons meeting following the morning service to discuss what in the world we were going to do. You See, a black man and his white wife, or was it the other way around, had visited our church. Does that sound like disregard of the Scriptures to you? There are plenty of Baptist brethren who have embezzled church funds, run off with the church secretary, practiced secret sins, and disregarded God’s Word in a dozen different ways. Before any finger pointing, we should remember that flesh is flesh and God still judges and forgives sin. By the way, I personally know independent Baptists, at least one from the church where I served as a deacon and as an evangelist, who took their Baptist brethren to court. Disregard of the Scriptures in general, and of doctrine in particular, is something all Christians need guard against.


“My humble prayer is that many who are taken up with ‘charismania’ will read this booklet and rethink their position and find the teaching and practices the New Testament Christians followed.”

Does that sound like a humble prayer?


Brother Storms concludes his booklet by making sure we understand he is no longer a Charismaniac. He likewise makes it perfectly clear we know what Pentecostals and Charismatics are and believe. Additionally, he clearly points out that he no longer believes as they do and, I’m supposing, wants no more to do with them. He likewise makes sure we understand that the doctrinally impure Charismatics are Satan’s greatest weapon in establishing the ecumenical one-world church; or at least that’s what it seemed he was trying to say to me. He shows respect for his Godly father, who at the time of his writing, was still preaching salvation just like he was when Brother Storms was a young boy. You’d think, though, if his father was guilty of so much obscene heresy, that God would have done something about it. Somehow I get the impression that Brother Storms doesn’t want to have his name associated with the Charismatics any longer but I could be wrong.


It is common in both Baptist and Charismatic/Pentecostal churches to experience heart ache because of upbringing and the fallacies taught. In some cases, it is better for that person to leave and find a place where God would have them serve. This, in my opinion, is especially true if a denomination is crossing Biblical lines of separation. I personally feel uncomfortable with any denominational organization but I’m not about to say God hasn’t used them to bring millions into His kingdom. I likewise, as my Brother, will not fellowship with those who are not doctrinally sound and I have never believed that tongues proves salvation or confirms one is Spirit filled.

Finally, let me give you some advice. If you’ve never been filled with the Holy Spirit, don’t seek it. Walking by faith is difficult because you’ve always got to sense the leading of the Spirit and He often doesn’t do the same things twice the same way. I’m referring, of course, to His manifestations; not His personage. It is easier to be a Baptist because you always know where you stand with God. If you ever have any doubts, simply get out your list of things you do for God or, the list of things you don’t, and you’ll feel better. If you want power, however, you will have to be filled with the Holy Spirit. If, on the other hand, in spite of everything you’ve heard, you still want to be filled with the Holy Spirit of God, you simply ask God to fill you. Will you have to speak in tongues? No…I didn’t. Now, if you wish the gift of tongues for personal edification, that’s another matter. It is also something you request of God in faith believing. Will you have to leave your church? It depends on the church. Don’t second guessed the Holy Spirit. Stand upon the authority of God’s Word no matter what and never give up. Christ is King and Lord and he loves each one of us. Walk with God through the power of the Holy Spirit and don’t forget to do the work of an evangelist; winning souls for Christ.


One more thing. Brother Storms closed his writing with the Gospel and so shall I. If somehow you got a hold of this booklet and have never even received Christ as your Lord and Saviour, and wish to do so, simply confess Jesus Christ as Lord over your life, admit you are a sinner, and believe He was raised from the dead for you. Romans 10:9 confirms you will then be born again. It’s that simple. So is, for that matter, the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Complete In Him,

Phil Scovell

April 1991

The Ekklesia
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