Praying In Tongues unscriptura

Praying in Tongues?

Does the Bible teach that the gift of tongues was to be used in prayer? Those within the charismatic movement believe it does. They believe tongues was a devotional gift used to speak to God through languages unknown to man. As a basis for these ecstatic utterances or heavenly languages, they cite the Apostle Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 14:2, “For he that speaketh in a tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries”. They also refer to part of verse 4, “He that speaketh in a tongue edifieth himself”.


Charismatics interpret these verses to mean: (1) tongues were used to speak to God not to man; (2) no person could understand the tongues spoken; (3) tongues was a devotional gift to edify the believer.

An examination of this 14th Chapter of 1 Corinthians, reveals that these claims are not substantiated by the context. For instance, if tongues were directed to God not man, why does the apostle quote Isaiah’s prophecy, “…with men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people.” (vs. 21)? Notice, this gift was intended to speak to people, not God. Next, if no man could understand the languages spoken, why does Paul mention the need of an interpreter? Obviously the interpreter understood what was being said as did the men from various nations in the second chapter of the Book of Acts. Lastly, if the purpose of tongues was to edify the believer, why does Paul say, “Tongues are for a sign not to them that believe, but to them that believe not.” (vs. 22). Let’s face the facts……it cannot be both ways, either tongues were for devotional purposes or as a sign to unbelieveing man.

The One and Only

God promised and gave only one gift of tongues, not two or more. When the Bible speaks of “kinds of tongues” or “diversities of tongues”, it is speaking of a variety of different languages that were spoken. We never read of the gifts (plural) of tongues. This miraculous gift prophesied in the Old Testament became a historical event on the Day of Pentecost. On that day, people asked, “How hear we everyman in our own tongue wherein we were born?” The answer is that the Holy Spirit had suddenly given the apostles ability to speak in foreign languages previously unknown to them. This is the one and only meaning of the gift of tongues in the Bible.

Here’s the Point

The point in 1 Corinthians 14:2,4 is that it was foolish to speak to a congregation in a foreign language that it could not understand. He is saying that when any one did so, unless there was no interpreter, he was merely edifying himself and not the congregation; that while God would understand the mysteries spoken, the people could not. This is what he means when he says “speaketh not unto men but unto God”. He further reveals that it was their spiritual immaturity that caused them to use the gift in such an unscrpitural way. They were being childish by showing off.

This is why Paul says, “Brethren, be not children in understanding” (vs. 20). He goes on to show that the gift of tongues was used as a sign to unbelieving Israel (vs. 21-22) not self-gratification.

What Then?

We are aware that some charismatics do pray in the manner they claim. They practice speaking in utterances unknown to man. We are also aware that communication with the spirit world through ecstatic utterances has long been claimed by various religions. It was practiced centuries before Christ came and is still in effect among certain Hindu groups, Mormons, spiritualists and others. The fact is, however, this practice has no biblical basis and is not a gift of the Holy Spirit of God. Since the Spirit of God is not the giver of devotional tongues, there remains two alternatives: the human spirit and the demonic spirit. What then is being exercised by charismatics?

Frank W. Bumpus, D.D