The Chemistry Of The Blood

The Chemistry of the Blood

by M.R. DeHaan, M.D.

Jews were forbidden to drink blood (Leviticus 7:26-27)

Life is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11,14)

Blood atones for sin (Leviticus 17:11)


-Fluid, mobile – unlike fixed tissues -Not limited to one part of the body -Supplies the fixed cells with nourishment -Carries off the waste products of the cell -Continuously supplies and cleans all cells (keeps constant communication) -Made of many various compounds and elements


-All members related by His blood -The life of each member depends solely on His blood We are blood relatives to Adam, who sinned. Christ gives us new life (blood).

STRUCTURE OF BLOOD -Red Cells: Carry fuel to the tissues -White Cells: Defends the body, combats infection -Other Elements: Blood clotting Antibodies – stop disease spread

THE RED CELLS Contains hemoglobin – an iron compound a fuel for the body

Unites loosely with oxygen, making oxy-hemogoblin carries food to the tissues and carries away “cell garbage”

  • Jesus is our only source for food and cleansing “Wash our robes in the blood of the Lamb”

THE WHITE CELLS Larger than the red cells, fewer in number.

In an emergency, these cells increase in number very rapidly (“Conscription of the White Army”), then they rush to the place of attack. They kill germs and surround them.

  • We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb


Prevent infection The white cells fight infection when it occurs, these prevent it from getting a foothold. The build-up of these occur when you first contract a disease.

Some are effective for a short time Some are effective for life

  • After victory over sin, Jesus makes us “immune” from it.

The child’s blood comes from its father Its mother’s blood is not transferred The mother provides only the flesh, not the blood.

Hebrews 2:14 – “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood He also Himself likewise took part of the same…””partakers” – koynoneho – “to share fully” “took part” – metecho – “to take part, but not all,” “taking part in something outside one’s self”

Jesus took part in the flesh, but not the blood.

So then, since the blood of Jesus came from the Father (making Him innocent), Jesus was PHYSICALLY (as well as spiritually) the Son of God.

Note Jeremiah 22:30 (speaking of Jeconiah): “Thus saith the Lord, Write this man childless, a man that shall not prosper in his days; for no man of his seed shall prosper, sitting upon the throne of David, and ruling any more in Judah.

“Scofield’s Notes: This declaration does not mean that Coniah (or Jeconiah) would have no children, for in 1 Chronicles 3:17-18 some are named (cp. Matthew 1:12). By divine judgment this king was to be written childless, i.e. no physical descendant would occupy a place in the list of Israel’s kings.

Consequently, if our Lord Jesus, who is to occupy David’s throne (Luke 1:32-33), had been begotten by Mary’s husband Joseph, who was of the line of Jeconiah (Matthew 1:12,16), it would have contradicted this divine prediction. Christ’s dynastic right to the throne came, through his foster father Joseph, from Jeconiah, but the physical descent of Jesus from David came through Mary, whose genealogy is traced to David through Nathan rather than through Solomon (cp. Luke 3:31 with Matthew 1:17).


You will remember in the Last Supper, and in our communion, Jesus took the wine, gave thanks, and told us that “This is my blood”. Drinking the wine (symbolically being the blood of Jesus), we take part in His blood. This is interesting since wine is often used to imply joy (Judges 9:13, Isaiah 55:1). Walter Lewis Wilson, in his book on Bible Types cites many passages where wine is a symbol of joy and prosperity. Since the Last Supper, we find our joy and prosperity in the “life” (or blood) of Jesus.

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