

Almost every Sunday School class will at one time or another play a little game to show the dangers of gossip. ÿThey will get ÿthe members in a circle and then tell one person a certain fact, then that ÿperson tells the one next to him, ÿand so forth on it ÿgoes around the circle. ÿOf course by the time the fact or story gets “back ÿaround” ÿÿto the originator it usually is quite ÿdifferent than what was originally stated. ÿOf course that is the inherent danger ÿin ÿgossip, ÿbut it also could illustrate the ÿdanger ÿof traditions.

Tradition ÿis ÿdefined as the passing down of elements ÿfrom ÿone generation to another, especially by oral communication. ÿIn the Church, traditions are a body of unwritten religious precepts. I would ÿadd ÿthat ÿmost ÿof ÿthe ÿtraditions ÿof ÿthe ÿChurch ÿare unwritten, ÿÿat least at first, ÿbut given enough time ÿthey ÿare often ÿadopted ÿand written into the Church Constitution and ÿByLaws.

Traditions ÿcan ÿbe ÿeither ÿgood or bad for ÿthe ÿChurch. ÿÿFor example, the traditional Church picnic is good for the fellowship of the saints. ÿThe traditional “caroling” of Christmas songs in the community is another welcomed tradition. But there are times when ÿtraditions can be destructive to the mission of the Church. This was true for God’s people of the Old Testament, who by their traditions had “nullified the Word of God.” (Mark 7:13). Satan’s number ÿone ÿtarget is the Church because it ÿis ÿGod’s ÿselected vehicle ÿfor the reaching of the lost. ÿHe is always ÿtrying ÿto “nullify” God’s Word. For example, in the Garden of Eden, man is given his first command from God, ÿ”do not eat from the tree. ÿÿ. .or ÿyou will surely die.” ÿSoon after God spoke the command ÿwe find ÿthe serpent with his lie that sought to negate God’s ÿWord, “Did God say. . .you will not surely die. . ÿyou will become like God.” (Genesis 3:1-5).

God’s people have always come under attack by the evil spirits to rob them of the power of God in their lives and ministries. ÿThe Church has continued to be affected by the neutralizing effect of man’s false traditions. ÿAs one travels across this nation there is ÿan ÿalarming ÿfact discovered in most ÿevangelical ÿChurches, which ÿis that the majority of them seem to be without power ÿand influence ÿin their communities. ÿMany fundamental churches ÿare having ÿproblems ÿwith ÿunity, ÿÿfinances, ÿÿattendance ÿand ÿthe “winning” of the lost. The Church presented in the New Testament started ÿout ÿvery ÿpowerful ÿwith a ÿtremendous ÿimpact ÿon ÿthe surrounding ÿpeoples. ÿÿBut ÿin ÿtime ÿthe ÿprocess ÿbegins ÿÿof nullifying God’s Word through man’s traditions.

I did not “grow up” ÿin the fundamental church, rather I was in a false ÿreligion for the first 34 ÿyears of my life. ÿÿTherefore, after my salvation I had only the Bible to refer to as the source for ÿthe doctrines and practices of the Church. ÿI ÿbegan to see some ÿconflicts between what the Bible declared and some ÿof ÿthe accepted church practices, ÿbut decided that my “newness” ÿto the faith ÿmight have caused a lack of understanding. ÿAbout a ÿyear after ÿsalvation, ÿI ÿfound myself in a theological seminary ÿand again faced with some church practices that seemed to ÿcontradict the ÿWord ÿof God. ÿThis time I had the opportunity to ÿstudy ÿin detail the problem areas. ÿIt was obvious that in many areas the Scriptures ÿdeclared ÿone ÿthing and many ÿchurches ÿwere ÿsaying something else that nullified the intent of Scripture. ÿNote the following observations:


GOD’S ÿTRUTH – If someone is sick, ÿhe should call the Elders ÿof the ÿChurch to pray over them and anoint with oil in the Name ÿof the Lord. (James 5:14).

GOD’S INTENT – To increase the faith of the Church, to heal some of the sick people, and to ultimately bring Glory upon Himself.

MAN’S TRADITION – Do not anoint with oil, nor bring the Elders to him, ÿÿrather ÿhave the Church pray for the ÿsick ÿperson ÿduring “prayer meetings.”

MAN’S INTENT – To avoid any semblance of rituals. ÿTo keep ÿfrom having “little bottles” of oil that might be considered “holy.”

RESULT – Faith is not increased, for man does not do it God’s way and therefore many are sick who could have been healed if it ÿwas done in the manner God prescribed. ÿElders do not go to the sick and ÿhave the opportunity to discover what may be the reason ÿGod has allowed the illness, ÿ(i.e., sin problem, ÿmeans of “bringing the person home,” ÿto reveal the Glory of God when He heals them, etc).


GOD’S ÿTRUTH – New Testament practice of celebrating the ÿLord’s Supper ÿon ÿa ÿregular ÿbasis, ÿat least once ÿper ÿweek. ÿÿ(Acts 2:42,46;20:7).

GOD’S INTENT – To remind His Church of the death and resurrection of ÿJesus ÿChrist on a continuing basis. ÿIt also ÿprovides ÿfor serious ÿconfession ÿof ÿsin on a regular basis ÿbecause ÿof ÿthe admonition ÿof ÿ”examination” ÿprior to taking the supper ÿin ÿan unworthy manner.

MAN’S TRADITION – Celebrate the Lord’s Supper once per month. In some churches they do it only once per quarter.

MAN’S INTENT – To keep the Lord’s Supper “special.” If it occurs as often as once per week then it will become “old hat” ÿand lose it’s “specialness.”

RESULT – The remembrance of the Lord’s death, ÿresurrection, ÿand Second ÿComing ÿare ÿnot accomplished on a regular ÿbasis. ÿÿThe calling ÿfor serious examination of heart with ÿits ÿaccompanying consequences ÿis ÿalso not available. ÿOften ÿtimes ÿpeople ÿare unable ÿto attend the monthly service (usually Sunday night) ÿÿto receive ÿthe Lord’s Supper. ÿFor example, ÿthose who are in ÿthe military, ÿÿor ÿwork ÿservice industry ÿjobs ÿ(nurses, ÿÿfireman, policemen, ÿetc) ÿare called upon to work weekends or nights on a routine ÿbasis. ÿÿIf they happen to have to work ÿon ÿ”Communion Night” ÿthen they must wait another month before celebrating ÿthe Supper.


GOD’S TRUTH – Have man “count the cost” ÿprior to accepting Jesus as their Savior and Lord. ÿIn other words, ÿpreach a “Repent and be Baptized” gospel message. (Acts 2:38;Luke 14:28).

GOD’S ÿINTENT ÿ- To insure that man makes a ÿtrue ÿprofession ÿof faith, ÿand not be deceived into believing that he is a Christian when he is not. ÿA ÿcommitment to Christ without a known cost to the ÿseeker is easily a false commitment. ÿIt also ensures ÿthat the ÿnew ÿbeliever is taken into a local church due to ÿthe ÿfact that he must be Baptized in a Church. This is especially true in a ÿwitnessing ÿsituation ÿto a person who ÿdoes ÿnot ÿattend ÿany church.

MAN’S TRADITION – Not to emphasize the “costs” of following Jesus to the perspective believer. ÿIn fact often times, ÿthere is ÿno mention of the “cost of following Jesus” ÿin the preaching of the Gospel. It appears that only the “benefits” of being a Christian is presented. ÿThe words “be Baptized” are often never spoken in the ÿsame context with the gospel, ÿeven though Peter proclaimed, “Repent and be Baptized.”

MAN’S INTENT – To keep people from thinking that the ÿrequirement for Baptism somehow saves them. Also ensures that only the truly saved are baptized, ÿin that they will not be Baptized until they have ÿdemonstrated ÿa ÿchanged life and been to ÿthe ÿ”Newcomer’s Class.”

RESULT ÿ- Allows people to make professions of faith ÿthat ÿwould have ÿnever done so if they knew that there were costs ÿinvolved. Keeps the “seeker” ÿfrom really examining his own heart. ÿAllows many to think that they are Christians when in fact they are not.


GOD’S ÿTRUTH – To have the Word of God available to all people in the language of the people. God desires that all people hear the gospel ÿin ÿtheir ÿown tongues. ÿ(Acts 2:6-11 ÿÿplus ÿan ÿobvious conclusion ÿas one realizes that throughout the Bible God ÿspeaks to man in the “common language” of the people.)

GOD’S ÿINTENT ÿ- To remove any stumbling block from the ÿpath ÿof those ÿwho are lost in their sins. ÿGod wants His ÿword ÿclearly presented to the unsaved and the saved in simple clear terms. In that ÿway ÿall can be edified and strengthened ÿas ÿthey ÿclearly delineate the commands of God.

MAN’S TRADITION – To venerate a “translation” ÿof the Bible ÿthat is ÿno ÿlonger in the language of the people. ÿÿThe ÿKing ÿJames Version ÿof the Bible was written 375 ÿyears ago in a dialect ÿof the ÿEnglish ÿlanguage ÿwhich ÿis no longer ÿspoken ÿtoday. ÿÿIn addition ÿdiscoveries of the Dead Sea Scrolls have produced ÿmore accurate ÿtranslations. ÿYet many churches claim that the KJV is somehow more holy than the newer translations, and therefore used it ÿin ÿtheir ÿworship services and teach ÿtheir ÿchildren ÿBible verses from it.

RESULT ÿ- The letters on the printed page and the book itself ÿis venerated ÿrather ÿthan ÿthe ÿtruths that ÿwere ÿintended ÿto ÿbe presented. ÿÿMany are held back in their ÿunderstanding ÿbecause they “stumble” over words that are archaic and without meaning in our ÿsociety. ÿÿOverall ÿthe Word of God is ÿnot ÿbeing ÿclearly presented, and rather becomes a “religious language” in a society without God, ÿrather than being the “Word of Hope” ÿin their ÿown language.


GOD’S ÿTRUTH – The Church is to discipline her sinning members in order to keep herself a pure chaste virgin to Christ. Also, ÿthe discipline is to be part of the discipling process to help erring Christians to become more Christlike. (Matthew 18:15-20).

GOD’S ÿINTENT – To continually bring all His children in a ÿclose walk ÿwith Him. ÿHe is a perfect Father who disciplines a ÿchild when that child gets caught up in a pattern of disobedience. ÿHe desires ÿthat ÿthose ÿwho ÿare ÿdisciplined ÿwill ÿrespond ÿÿwith confession ÿand restoration by the Church. ÿAlso for ÿthose ÿwho have ÿbecome members of a Church but have never been truly saved, when ÿtheir ÿobvious ÿunholy lifestyle becomes known, ÿÿthen ÿthe discipline of the Church will hopefully cause the deceived person to realize that he is not a child of God.

MAN’S TRADITION – Avoid Discipline in the Church. Pray about the sinning ÿmembers ÿand ÿif ÿnecessary ÿpreach ÿsermons ÿthat ÿÿare addressed to the problems of the erring Christians in the Church. Avoid ÿany public confrontation with the persons who are in ÿneed of discipline, as it would appear unloving and judgmental.

MAN’S ÿINTENT ÿ- To avoid any direct ÿconfrontation ÿwith ÿanyone inside or out of the Church. Man does not want to correct anyone but ÿto ÿappear ÿloving ÿto all, ÿeven at the ÿexpense ÿof ÿGod’s commands. ÿMan intends not to “get involved” ÿin another’s life, rather ÿlet each one do their own thing. ÿAvoid any issues ÿthat might become controversial.

RESULT – A Church without power and impact in the community. It becomes ÿa ÿ”family” ÿÿwithout ÿdiscipline ÿwith ÿthe ÿÿresulting misbehavior. ÿIn my own home church there are some who have ÿnot spoken ÿto ÿeach others for years due to some past ÿdisagreement. The ÿpastoral ÿstaff keeps preaching sermons on ÿforgiveness ÿand love ÿbut has not taken any action against the ÿsinning ÿbrothers and sisters involved. ÿTo hold grudges is just as much a sin ÿas committing adultery, fornication or any other open sins.


GOD’S ÿTRUTH ÿ- ÿThat when a person is ÿ”saved” ÿÿhe ÿis ÿtotally forgiven with no stain of sin left. ÿAll his sins are removed to the person of Jesus Christ who lived an earthly life without sin, yet ÿbears our sins. ÿThe saved person is not charged ÿwith ÿhis sins, ÿrather Jesus is held accountable. ÿThe sins are no longer the ÿsinners ÿbut rather they have totally become ÿJesus’ ÿÿsins. (Romans 4:8, ÿ1Corinthians 6:9-11, Hebrews 8:12;9:14, ÿRevelation 1:5).

GOD’S ÿINTENT ÿ- ÿTo ÿdemonstrate His love ÿfor ÿman ÿby ÿtotally forgiving ÿhis ÿsins ÿand truly creating a ÿnew ÿperson. ÿÿGod’s forgiveness ÿserves ÿas an example for Christians in the type ÿof forgiveness ÿthey ÿare ÿto ÿhave for one ÿanother. ÿÿThis ÿtotal forgiveness ÿstands ÿas ÿan example for ÿthe ÿentire ÿunbelieving world, ÿÿin that, ÿregardless of the type or the amount of sin ÿa person has committed that they can receive total forgiveness ÿand be ÿused ÿin ÿthe ÿministry of the Church as if ÿthey ÿhad ÿnever committed one sin!

MAN’S TRADITION – To preach a Gospel of total forgiveness but ÿdo not ÿallow ÿall ÿChristians to be treated equally in ÿregards ÿto availability of Church ministry. For example, in most Churches a divorced ÿperson ÿ(prior to salvation) ÿis not allowed ÿthe ÿsame opportunities ÿto ÿminister as does a believer who had ÿnot ÿbeen divorced in their lives prior to salvation.

MAN’S ÿINTENT – To maintain a very pure Church by ÿkeeping ÿthose who ÿhad ÿcommitted ÿany ÿmajor sins ÿin ÿtheir ÿlives ÿ(divorce, abortion, ÿmurder, homosexuality, drunkenness, etc) ÿfrom holding any ÿposition ÿof prominence or leadership thereby maintaining ÿa very pure example to the flock.

RESULT ÿ- ÿThe unbelieving world is confused. ÿOn one hand ÿthey hear a gospel of total forgiveness yet in actual practice certain Christians ÿare treated in a restrictive manner due to some “past sin.” ÿÿThey see God’s forgiveness being somewhat limited ÿsince the Church remembers the sins of some believers. ÿChristians are likewise confused and held back from the blessings that accompany the use of their spiritual gifts. ÿThe Church is robbed of ÿmuch Power ÿdue to a large number of Spiritual Gifts not being allowed to be used for the Body. Many Christians are made to feel second classed as they see others who have unrestricted ministry because their sins were not so public as divorce.


GOD’S ÿTRUTH ÿ- That the Church Leadership is to be ÿmade ÿup ÿof “redeemed ÿsinners,” ÿto include a variety of backgrounds ÿ(i.e., public sins and non-public ones!). (Moses, David, Paul, Stephen, Timothy, 1Timothy 5:21).

GOD’S ÿINTENT ÿ- To demonstrate His glory to all in that ÿHe ÿcan take ÿsinful man and use him for His glory. ÿHe can take a ÿmass murderer like Saul of Tarsus and sovereignly change his life ÿand use him as the Greatest Apostle of the New Testament. ÿGod ÿalso intends that the Church be a testimony of the saving power of God in ÿthat even some of it’s very leaders were once evildoers, ÿbut who have been washed by the Blood of Jesus!

MAN’S TRADITION – The leadership of the Church should not only be holy ÿand godly men in the present life but also should come from a “pure background.” Ideally they will have become Christians at an ÿearly ÿage (5yrs of age ideal!) ÿand have ÿattended ÿall ÿthe “right” ÿÿChristian schools and never have committed ÿany ÿ”gross public ÿÿsin” ÿÿ(i.e., ÿÿmurder, ÿÿabortion, ÿÿdivorce, ÿÿÿtheft, homosexuality, ÿadultery, ÿdrunkenness, ÿetc.). ÿGiven a ÿchoice between ÿtwo equally qualified applicants for Church ÿLeadership, then chose the one who has the “purer background” to include presalvation life, even if both are spiritually qualified.

MAN’S INTENT – To mandate a pure leadership, ÿeven making it more restrictive ÿthan ÿGod has declared. ÿHaving holy ÿpure ÿmen ÿin leadership ÿthat ÿcan serve as examples both to the saved and ÿto the unsaved as to what a Christian should be.

RESULT ÿ- A Church that is unable to select the man that God ÿhas “picked” ÿÿÿfor ÿÿleadership ÿpositions. ÿÿÿBy ÿÿremoving ÿÿfrom consideration ÿall those who had wicked pasts, ÿthen God ÿcan ÿno longer ÿprovide the Church a “Paul” ÿ(former mass murderer) ÿor a “Moses” ÿÿ(committed ÿmurder ÿafter ÿsalvation), ÿÿor ÿa ÿ”David” (committed adultery and murder as a believer). ÿThe ÿunbelievers see ÿa Church ruled by those who have little or no ÿunderstanding of ÿtheir sin or lifestyle. ÿThe “lost” ÿalso see a very limited Gospel message that says, ÿ”if you give your life to Jesus, ÿthen He will wash away all your sins, ÿexcept for the gross ones which will ÿbe ÿremembered ÿand ÿcause ÿdisqualification ÿto ÿChristian Service.”

My ÿdear friends, ÿthe above listing was only a brief summary ÿof the areas in the Church that need to be revamped. ÿIt was a very slow ÿprocess changing from the Truths of the Scriptures ÿto ÿthe Traditions ÿof Man. ÿSatan was there deceiving the ÿChurch ÿinto believing that God did “not go far enough” and that man could add to God’s commands by making up some of their own.

I ÿhave ÿhad ÿthe privilege of “seeing” ÿChurches that ÿwere ÿnot “steeped” ÿÿinto man’s traditions and can say that they were very powerful ÿÿchurch ÿÿbodies ÿwith ÿa ÿdynamic ÿimpact ÿÿin ÿÿtheir communities. Nothing burdens my heart more than to see Christian Churches that are weak and powerless in their communities. ÿÿThe answer to most is to return to the Power of the Word of God, ÿÿby heeding the words of Jesus Christ, ÿ”You nullify the Word of ÿGod for the sake of your tradition.”

Tony Capoccia
Bible Bulletin Board
Box 115
Galveston, IN 46932
Modem (317) 452-1535
January 8, 1987