This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series 17 Evidences against evolution

17 Evidences against evolution


By Kevin Martin

  1. Moon Dust
  2. Magnetic Field
  3. Fossil Record
  4. Embryonic Recapitulation
  5. Probability
  6. Second Law of Thermodynamics
  7. Vestigial Organs
  8. Fossil and Fossil Fuel Formation
  9. Punctuated Equilibria
  10. Homology/Molecular Biology
  11. Dating Methods
  12. Dinosaurs
  13. Sun’s Diameter
  14. Nile River’s Overflow
  15. Earth’s Rotation
  16. Written Record
  17. The Bible

Meteoritic dust falls on the earth continuously, adding up to thousands, if not millions, of tons of dust per year. Realizing this, and knowing that the moon also had meteoritic dust piling up for what they thought was millions of years, N.A.S.A. scientists were worried that the first lunar ship that landed would sink into the many feet of dust which should have accumulated.

However, only about one-eight of an inch of dust was found, indicating a young moon.

Meteoritic material contributes nickel to the oceans. Taking the amount of nickel in the oceans and the supply from meteoritic dust yields an age figure for the earth of just several thousand years, not the millions (or billions) expressed by evolutionists. This, and the lack of meteoritic dust piles on the earth, lend to the belief in a young earth.


The earth’s magnetic field is decaying rapidly, at a constant (if not decreasing) rate. At this rate, 8000 years ago the earth’s magnetism would have equaled that of a magnetic star, a highly unlikely occurrence. Also, if electric currents in the earth’s core are responsible for the earth’s magnetism, the heat generated by these currents 20,000 years ago would have dissolved the earth.

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