Six literal days of Creation

Six Literal Days Of Creation

The concept of theistic evolution does violence to the Scriptures since its acceptance casts doubt on the reliability of the Bible to relate honestly.

Genesis says ALL life was created after its own kind. This conflicts with evolution, which says some kinds changed to other kinds. If the six days of creation are not six literal days then how did the plants created on the third day survive until the sun was created on the fourth day and the insects were created on the sixth day? Plants can not survive without sun light or insects to help them pollinate and reproduce themselves.

We cannot be dealing with long eras here but six literal, 24 hour days. Twenty-four hours is qualified by the repeated use of the phrase “and the evening and the morning were the _____ day.” Everywhere in the Pentateuch the word ‘day’ (yom) when used (as here in Genesis 1, 2) with a definite article or numerical adjective means a solar day, or a normal 24 hour day.