This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Is There Any Justification for Teaching Creation in School?

Teaching Creation Part 7

Is There Any Justification For TEaching Evolution In School?

Part 7

(Morris, Creationism 154)

Consider, as the final point in this thesis, but by no mean the last in this vast subject, the population statistics. According to the evolution model, man has been on the Earth for at least a million years. The creation model maintains that man has probably only been on the Earth for a few thousand year, corresponding to the approximately 4000-5000 years of recorded history.

The question is which model really best fits the data of the population statistics. In one million years there would have been 25,000 generations, and it is beyond reason that this could have resulted in there being just 3.5 billon people in the present generation. If the population increased at only 1/2 per cent per year, and the average family had only 2.5 children, there would be 10 to the 2100 power persons today. If that were the case, there would not be enough land or sea to contain the populous.

However, if you take the present population and divide backwards by 2.5 children per family, you will arrive at the first parents at just about the time written history started. Again, the creation model best fits the evidence!

Yes there is enough evidence to support the creation model, and it should be taught along side evolution. Once the evidence is presented to the students, they will be able to determine for themselves which model best fits. It is all simply a mater of same data to support its respective model. Thus, the bottom line is each student must chose which model to believe, and the schools do not have the right to hinder a choose between the two.

Works Cited

Asimov, Isaac. “Can Decreasing Entropy Exit in the Universe?”

Science Digest May 1973.

Cook, Melvin. “Where is the Earth’s Radiogenic Helium?” *Nature*

Jan. 1957.

Dickson, T.R.. Introduction to Chemistry. New York: John Wiley

and Sons, 1983.

Ham, Ken. The Lie Evolution. El Cajon: Master Books, 1987.

Kitts, David. “Paleontology and the Evolutionary Theory”

Evolution Sept. 1974.

Matthews, Leonard. introduction, On the Origin of the Species.

by Charles Darwin, London: J. M. Dent and Sons, 1971.

Morris, Henry. The Scientific case for Creation. San Diego:

Master Books, 1977.

Morris, Henry. Scientific Creationism. El Cajon: Master

Books, 1974.

Rohodes, F.T., Zim H.S., and Shaffer, P.R.. Fossils. New York:

Golden Press, 1962. Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language.

Cleveland: World Publishing Co., 1958.

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