Authority Of The Church


BASIC R.C. BELIEF Popes and bishops, as lawful successors of the Apostles, have power from Christ to teach, sanctify and govern the faithful. Because it is a perfect spiritual society, the Church has authority over spiritual things and over temporal things that are connected with the spiritual.

Dr. Ott, FUNDAMENTALS OF CATHOLIC DOGMA, “Theology, like faith, accepts as its source of knowledge Holy Writ and Tradition (remote rules of faith) and also the doctrinal assertions of the Church (proximate rule of faith) – this latter means the day by day teaching ministry of the Church through the magisterium . . the teaching authority of the Church in the pope and the bishops united with the pope. It is designed to take things from scripture and tradition and apply them in a living way, hence its being called the proximate rule of faith.”

POST VATICAN II In recent years, the importance of the layman is being emphasized in Catholic circles. However, authority of clergy over the laity is still exercised.

CHRISTIAN COMMENT Traditional R.C. thought paved the way for the claims of temporal power of the Pope during the Middle Ages. Although these claims are now down-graded, the Pope still exerts as much political power today as he can.