Dulia Dulea
DULIA (du-le-a)
BASIC R.C. BELIEF Veneration, homage, adoration and worship are divided into several categories. The lowest is called dulia, and is the veneration given to saints. The highest is latria, worship or adoration, given to God (and to the consecrated Host). Between these is hyper-dulia, the veneration reserved for the Blessed Virgin Mary.
POST VATICAN II Some modern theologians have suggested that below hyper-dulia, but above dulia, should be placed proto-dulia, veneration to Mary’s husband, Joseph.
CHRISTIAN COMMENT When a Roman Catholic prays before a manger scene, he must employ latria to Jesus, dulia to Joseph and hyper-dulia to Mary. These technical differences in qualities of veneration are not understood by the Catholic when he is praying.