Fulton J Sheen
SHEEN, FULTON J. The late Roman Catholic archbishop of Rochester who was most used in ecumenical ventures into new evangelical circles. He was thought by some to be a true evangelical believer. In his book, TREASURES IN CLAY, he gives what he calls his spiritual secret. It is this: “On the day of my ordination, I made two resolutions: (1) I would offer the Holy Eucharist every Saturday in honor of the Blessed Mother to solicit her protection of my priesthood; (2) I would spend a continuous Holy Hour every day in the presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament” (Ed: this means a consecrated Host).
CATHOLIC JOURNALS From CATHOLIC DIGEST, May 1979. “WHY I AM A CATHOLIC by Sheen. All who are `in Christ’ form one body or Church or people of God because they are vivified by…the Holy Spirit…and presided over by a visible head on earth, who is the successor of Peter…in the Mass the sacrifice of Christ is prolonged.”
RELIGIOUS JOURNALS From RELIGIOUS NEWS SERVICE, 12/11/79. “Evangelist Billy Graham said the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen `broke down many walls of prejudice between Catholics and Protestants’ during a long colorful career…`I count it a privilege to have known him as a friend for over 35 years’, said Mr. Graham. ‘I mourn his death and look forward to our reunion in Heaven.'”