Immaculate Conception



In 1854, Pius IX defined this dogma as follows – “Through a special grace given by God, and anticipating the redemptive work of her Son, the Virgin Mary was preserved sinless from the moment of her conception.”

This doesn’t refer to the Virgin Birth of Christ, nor does it teach that the conception of Mary was other than natural. This dogma does teach that God intervened and, anticipating the sacrifice of Christ, preserved her free from the taint of original sin.

From WHAT IS THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, E.R. Hull, S.J., page 35. “The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception simply means that Our Lady, in view of her exalted office, was endowed with God’s grace from the first moment of her existence, instead of being conceived and born in original sin. . . We cannot infer that Mary did not owe her redemption to Christ’s death, but only that the grace of redemption was conferred beforehand.”

Through the centuries this was widely discussed in Roman Catholic circles. From about 1350, a Feast was celebrated to commemorate Mary’s conception, but the idea of an Immaculate Conception was not incorporated. Some theologians taught this, notably Franciscans under Duns Scotus. St. Thomas Aquinas rejected it, and the Dominicans who followed him (Thomists) were in violent disagreement with the Scotists.

In 1854, a Franciscan Pope, Pius IX, defined this as a dogma. He did confer with theologians about this, but the actual definition was made without a Church Council. It was a harbinger of the Infallibility that the same pope received 16 years later.

In 1858, Mary appeared to Bernadette Soubirous at Lourdes under the title, “I am the Immaculate Conception.”

The feast of the Immaculate Conception is a Holyday of Obligation.

The scripture theologians used to “prove” this dogma was Song of Solomon 4:7. They declare the whole book to be an allegory between Christ and His Mother.

CHRISTIAN COMMENT Besides proclaiming that all have sinned (Romans 3:23), the Bible explains that abundant grace is needed where there is abundant sin (Romans 5:20), and Mary herself speaks of her spiritual joy in her Saviour (Luke 1:46-47).