Miraculous Medal


BASIC R.C. BELIEF From THE “MIRACLE” OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL by The Assn of the Miraculous Medal, Perryville, MO 63775. “The medal we call `miraculous’ came to us from heaven. Everything about the medal – both the front and the reverse side – was carefully made just as it was shown to St. Catherine one night over a hundred years ago.

“It happened in Paris, France. The place was a convent in the center of the busy city. There a young girl actually saw and talked to our Blessed Mother. Seated on a chair near the altar, the Blessed Mother told the young lady, St. Catherine Laboure, that she had been chosen for a special mission. On November 27, 1830, St. Catherine saw Our Lady standing on a globe, with dazzling rays of light streaming from her outstretched hands. Surrounding this image were the words, `O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.’ Then the vision seemed to turn. The reverse side of the medal appeared. Twelve stars encicrcled the oval-shaped apparition. In the center was a large `M’ from which arose a simple cross. Beneath the cross and the letter were the images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus crowned with thorns, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary pierced with a sword. `Have a medal struck according to this model,’ Our Lady told St. Catherine.

“Within a short time the medals were made and distribution begun. Almost immediately our Blessed Mother began to keep her promise to shower graces on those who wore the medal which soon was called `miraculous.’

“By placing the human heart of our Blessed Mother close to the Divine Heart of Jesus, the design of the medal tells us how near God has come to us and how close He wants us to be to Him. Surely this is the reason why Our Lady asked us to wear the medal near our own hearts.”

Following this is an invitation to become a member of this association. Prices range from 25 cents to $50. Perpetual members ($10) are assured of a share during life and after death in the monthly Novena of Masses offered at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in Perryville. They also share in all the other Masses which are offered for members.