

POST VATICAN II From THE LIVING FAITH IN A WORLD OF CHANGE, Carl Pfeiffer, S.J., page 26. “The doctrine (of original sin) as all the Church’s saving teachings, is an attempt by God’s people to articulate human experience, to make sense out of it in the light of faith.

“Faced with the constant human struggle between the powers of selfishness and the call to generosity, the writers of Genesis attempted, in the story of the Fall, to make sense out of the experience. They affirm the unquestionable goodness of God. He certainly could not be the cause of man’s misery . . . The world’s evil is somehow man’s doing, each wanting his own way, wanting to be `like gods.’ They taught this with the story, the penetrating story of Adam and Eve.”

Ibid., page 27. “The exact historical beginnings (of the doctrine of original sin) are hidden in the misty unknown of pre-history, millions of years before the story of Adam and Eve was written. The story of Adam and Eve is not a historical document but the attempt of God’s people in a given time and culture to explain the same mystery that we experience in the world and in our hearts today.”

SECULAR JOURNALS From TIME, 7/28/67. “In the early 20th century, the R.C. Church had its own secret police. The target of the agents was the heresy of modernism – a broad term encompassing the efforts of certain scholarly priests and laymen to bring Catholic teaching into line with the contemporary scientific and philosophical thought. In 1921, long after the leading modernists had been excommunicated, Benedict XV suppressed the ring. The memory of modernism has been kept alive, however, by a solemn oath against heresy that every Catholic priest since 1910 has had to take before receiving holy orders. Last week, Vatican sources reported that Pope Paul VI decided to abolish the oath-taking requirement.

“The most fanmous modernist was Abbe Alfred Loisy (1857-1940), a Frenchman who used the critical tools of modern scriptural scholarship to justify the dogmatic development from primitive Christianity to the complex Catholicism of his time. In doing so, he conceded that the doctrines of the 20th century were different from the simple faith of Jesus’ first disciples

  • a judgment that Rome denounced as heretical. In his 1907 encyclical PASCENDI, Pius X issued a formal condemnation of modernism; one year later, Loisy was excommunicated.

    “In England, the modernist movement found its voice in Irish-born Jesuit George Tyrrell. He proposed that the Church restate its beliefs in the light of discoveries made by science and philospophy. He was excommunicated in 1907 and died two years later.

    “Pius’ encyclical PASCENDI ordered all seminary teachers who were tainted with the heresy to be fired. Loyal Catholics suspected of involvement with the movement were forced to issue humiliating public denunciations of modernism.

    “Some church historians now contend that the repressive measures of Pius X (who was proclaimed a saint in 1954), stunted Catholic intellectual development for a generation. Not until Pius XII’s 1943 encyclical DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU, were Catholic Biblicists able to study scripture with the same freedom enjoyed by their Protestant conunterparts.

    “Today, Loisy’s argument that the Bible must be scrutinized in the light of scholarship is an acceptable premise of Scripture experts; Tyrrell’s proclamation that the Church needs to restate its faith in the language and terms of modern man is commonplace on the lips of the Popes. Whatever their specific errors – and most of their modern writings look terribly dated today – the modernists have a fair claim to be regarded as the genuine precursors of Vatican II.”