Mormonism Josephe Smith
From: Sword Of The Lord
To: All
Subject: Mormonism…
SWORD OF THE LORD – January 4, 1991 issue. NEWS of Interest to Christians – Mormonism Fails “Truth Test”
Joseph Smith’s mother said he was known for his “tall tales” (9/90 THE EVANGEL). He used alcoholic drinks and tobacco, which he declared God had forbidden. He told several conflicting stories in his weird claims to having actually seen God and Christ in the flesh. Entire chapters from the King James Bible, even the italicized words, are found in the Book of Mormon, a book supposedly written centuries earlier than the KJ Bible. There is no such thing as a “reformed Egyptian language,” it has no archaeological support. The Mormon fairy tale is riddled with salamanders, fraud, superior family-life myths, etc., and defies belief. Joseph Smith was no prophet of God, the Book or Mormon is not Scripture, and the Latter Day Saints church is a false cult.