Our Lady Of The Roses Shrine


Mailing address: P.O. Box 52, Bayside, NY 11361

Directions: LI Expwy to 108th Street. Drive North to Roosevelt Avenue. Turn right and follow signs to Queens Theater in the park. Open Air grounds just behind Queens Theater.

1982 Announcement of Vigil. “The chastening comet draws near. Words of Jesus: `Houses will blow in the wind. Skin will dry up and blow off the bones. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.'”

The name of the lady to whom the apparitions and through whom the voices come is Veronica Leuken, a middle-aged housewife. One of the unique communications is through photographs, with rays of light streaming on the statues `a supernatural scrawl,’ `Jacinta 1972,’ photo of Exterminatus, the angel of death `going forth to claim his own – all those who are not in a state of grace.’

Rose petals are used as instruments of Mary’s blessings and distributed to the faithful who come to Bayside.