Punishment Temporal And Etern


BASIC R.C. BELIEF Roman Catholicism teaches that when we sin we steal from God. If we were to steal from a man we would not only ask his forgiveness but also pay him back, so when we tell God we’re sorry we are forgiven the eternal punishment, but we still have to pay God back. This is called the temporal punishment. The eternal punishment, absolved in Confession, is Hell. The temporal punishment may be satisfied by good works, almsgiving, saying indulgenced prayers and bearing our Cross. Temporal punishment not fully paid on earth is completed in purgatory (EXTERNALS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, Msgr. O’Sullivan, p. 376)

From PENANCE AND THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK, Catholic Enquiry Centre, London. p. 109. “The stain of sin is washed away in the sacrament of Penance and the life of Christ is fully restored. But the sinner must continue to make amends for his sins. The remnants and effects of sin still remain after it has been forgiven and the penitent must strive gradually to remove them by prayer, good works and acts of penance.”