72 CAN YOU BE TRUSTED F O O T ================================

  • H O L D



PRAY Help me to understand more about you and your ways, dear God.

READ Joshua 2:1-24.

THINK A foreign prostitute plays a part in the story of God’s people. What does this tell us about God’s ways? —————————————————————- FOCUS Every day our lives are based on trust. We trust that other drivers will keep to their side of the road, that the packet we buy in the supermarket contains what the label says, that people we have arranged to meet will actually arrive. But trust is a two-way matter, and while we are trusting others they, in turn, are depending on us. So it was with Rahab and the spies. THE SPIES were in a strange, possibly hostile country. Clearly they needed somewhere safe to stay, where no questions would be asked and they would not be distrubed. They find help from a religious prostitute attached to the local sanctuary. God’s ways are cetainly unusual! She did a very brave thing, because if she had been found out, she would have been killed. But the spies felt they could trust her. Maybe it was becasue she seemed trustworthy, and because of their confidence that God was with them. RAHAB kept her part of the bargain and helped the spies to escape. She trusted that they would keep their word because she knew they served a God she had learned to respect (9-11,21). God’s people should always be trustworthy and dependable – in little things as well as big ones. If we are always forgetting the things we are supposed to be doing, people will not only be unimpressed with God, whom we say we serve. In what situations and in what ways might you be called upon to be trustworthy today? —————————————————————- PRAY Ask God to grow mutual trust and reliability within your church fellowship.