74 THE DAY THE WALLS FELL DOW F O O T ================================

  • H O L D



PRAY There are parts of today’s reading that we all find difficult. Ask God to help you to understand the relationship between his love, power and judgement. —————————————————————- READ Joshua 6:1-25. —————————————————————- THINK What does this account teach us about faith in God? —————————————————————- FOCUS A RELIGIOUS PROCESSION. The conquest of Canaan began with the fall of Jericho. There were plenty of warriors available to fight for it (see 4:13), but this was not the moment for them to act. It had to be seen that God was with them and that he was the real power. So the Israelites marched around the walls with the ark (which was not normally taken into battle). The trumpets were not war-trumpets. They were religious instruments used as part of the worship in the tabernacle. So the solemn, religious nature of the ceremony was stressed. —————————————————————- A CONQUERED CITY. It was not the normal pattern of the conquest for cities to be destroyed, though a few were (for example, Ai). Usually the people of the cities were driven out and their property taken over by the Israelites. But Jericho was different. It was not a military offensive but a religious procession. It was the first city to be captured and was seen by Israel’s historians as an offering to God. The special nature of this event can be seen by checking Genesis 15:6 and Deuteronomy 20:10- 18. A PROTECTED FAMILY. In the midst of total ruin, Rahab and her family were kept safe. Some Israelites might have said that she had served her purpose and could be forgotten. But people are not to be used. God doesn’t work that way. Nor should we. —————————————————————- PRAY One day another trumpet will announce another judgement of God (1 Corinthians 15:51-54). Resolve that you will always trust in Jesus alone for your future and pray for help to warn and encourage others.