79 GOD F O O T ================================

  • H O L D



PRAY Give me a fresh sense of your great love for me, heavenly Father.

READ Romans 3:21-31.

THINK Try to write your own description of God’s grace using some of the ideas in this reading. —————————————————————- FOCUS ‘Smallpox Eradicated’ was a bold headline in the world’s news in the 70s. How was it done? Not by building hospitals for smallpox victims or producing ointments to cover their sores: the World health Organisation went out to destroy the germs themselves and their carriers. Paul has described the root cause of the world’s deeper troubles – SIN; so now he tells us the only way it can be dealt with. 1. WHAT GOD HAS DONE (21-26). Three times in this paragraph the name of Jesus is stated – for he is God’s answer to man’s sin. Verse 24 is the good news in one sentence; instead of man’s useless attempts to put himself right by obeying religious rules and regulations, God has graciously provided another way; it is the most amazing free gift ever offered. We are put right with God through Jesus, who offered himself as a sacrifical offering for our sin. ‘Grace’ – God’s free favour – is the key word. Although this plan was revolutionary, the Old Testament shows that it was intended by God right from the beginning. 2. WHAT WE MUST DO (27-31). How can we get the benefit of what Christ has done for us? ‘Faith’ is the key word here. A starving refugee’s empty hands stretched out to receive a gift of food. This passage contains many deep thoughts. But even a child can receive a gift. Have you? Many people make the mistake of trying to EARN God’s forgiveness. A gift can seem too good to be true! —————————————————————- PRAY “Nothing in my hands I bring”; but in my heart there is gratitude and love, O God; help me to obey you.