84 WHEN LOVE GROWS COLD F O O T ================================

  • H O L D



PRAY Help me, loving God, to see myself as you see me.

READ Jeremiah 2:1-19.

THINK What does the language of this chapter say to you about God?

FOCUS Jeremiah was speaking to the Jews in Judea, 600 years before Christ. But, what he says about their relationship with God, has lessons relevant to us, too. FIRST LOVE (1-3). The nation of Israel was once like the bride of God (2). She belonged to him only; and followed where he led. Being a Christian can be described as being married to God. Being converted is like a wedding day! LOST LOVE (4-13). For ‘the descendants of Jacob’ the happiness of the wedding day had become a faded memory. In their prosperity the people had turned from God (7,8). Their hearts went after other things and God took second place. In the same way, it is possible for our love for God to fade and for Christianity to be ‘orthodox’ but ‘dead’. See Revelation 2:4. God charged his people with doing what the pagan nations never did (11). They turned from the spring of living water – a rare commodity in Palestine – and dug their own cisterns of polluted water. CONSTANT LOVE. Because of her disloyalty and rebellion free-born Israel was to become a slave. Her land would be over-run (14,15). The foreign alliances with Egypt and Assyria (18), in which she put her trust, would fail. She had brought disaster upon herself (17). And yet despite this God continued to love Israel and to plead with her to return to him. God’s love remains loyal and constant. Our love for him may falter but he is ever ready to forgive. —————————————————————- PRAY Review. What things can draw people today away from God. Pray that you will be kept loyal. Ask him to help you deal with any special temptations.