98 THE ENORMOUS CROWD F O O T ================================

  • H O L D



PRAY Lord God I would praise you. Help me to see that it is only the splendour of your light which hides you from me. —————————————————————- READ Revelation 7:1-17. —————————————————————- THINK What is the future for those who stand firm through persecution (14-17)? —————————————————————- FOCUS Six of the seven seals of suffering and judgement have been opened. After the sixth, John is shown the people of God who are themselves ‘sealed’ as a final protection against the terrible sorrows and sufferings on the earth. They are finally found in heaven, worshipping and praising God (12). SOME CLUES TO THE PICTURE The following clues may help you understand this exciting passage: * four corners = everywhere * winds = unrest and war * seal on forehead = God’s ownership and protection (see 2 Timothy 2:19) * twelve = a full, complete number * 144,000 = a large crowd of faithful believers * white robes = cleansed (forgiven and renewed) by the sacrifice of Christ. THE JOY OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD. Christians do not escape the sufferings of persecution; but they do come through them to victory – just as Jesus their Lord first suffered and then rose again in triumph. Notice how the picture-language of Revelation does not attempt to be consistent – the ‘Lamb’ is also the ‘Shepherd’ (17). But this kind of thing only makes the truth more vivid. It also warns us against trying to understand these word- pictures too literally. —————————————————————- PRAY Bring down the powers of evil in our day, O Lord, and help us to be faithful in prayer as we play our part in the battle.